Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday13th September 2004 at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Cllr. Mr. K. Gamble. Cllr. Mr. I. Cartlidge. Cllr. Mr. P. Jones. Cllr. Mr. R. Smith.
Apologies had been received from David Jennings County Councillor, and from Mr. M. Thompson, Parish Councillor. The Parish Clerk and one member of the electorate were present. In the absence of the parish correspondence certain items had to be deferred for consideration at the next meeting.
Min No. Agenda No.
755. 1. Declarations. There were none.
756. 2. Minutes of the last meeting. These were AGREED as an accurate record of the
Meeting. It was NOTED that a copy had been given to all councillors before the
Meeting, a copy placed on the Parish Web Site and a resume placed in the Village
757. 3. Matters arising.
(a) AMOS- AGREED the provision of a car park by the CTSU of Leics. County Council in principle, subject to receipt of a revised quotation
based on the inclusion of bollards to prevent unauthorised access.
NOTED and AGREED the offer by the International Tree Foundation to plant further trees on AMOS on the 25th November 2004 and the invitation to join the ITF.
(b) Request for additional post box in Gilmorton Road. NOTED that this
matter would need to be referred to the post office in writing for full consideration.
(c) Dog Fouling. NOTED that the HDC Warden will visit and assess need for
Signs and if appropriate install them.
(d) Unpaid Election Charges at £69.47. NOTED that payment had need made
following receipt of an explanation from HDC Returning Officer.
Cheque no: 000477.
(e) Traffic in Ashby Magna. NOTED letter of the 14/11/02 from the then
Harborough Partnership. AGREED Clerk to write to the Harborough Forum re the issues.
758. 4. Matters raised by Parishioners.
NOTED District Councillor Peter Fuch's report that land infill at Holt Farm
had been stopped pending clarification of the parameters.
NOTED that adjacent landowner no longer required the hay crop from the most
western field of AMOS and that it would be necessary to secure the services of
another to do this (estimated cost c£400-00).
759. 5. Correspondence.
HDC consultation paper on Licensing Act-Councillor Ian Cartlidge to read and
consider any implications for the Parish Council or other Village based
Crimestoppers-NOTED request for £30.00. AGREED that the next edition of the
Village newsletter should inform parishioners of the Crimestopper Service (0800
555 111) whereby crime could be reported anonymously. Any donations to be
made by individual parishioners if they so wished.
Age Concern -AGREED to nominate Mr. H. Wood if he wished to serve.
Dunton Bassett Parish Council- shared Handyman-AGREED to this in principle.
760. 6. Payment of Street Lighting energy/maintenance invoices.
NOTED that Powergen had not been paid for electricity supply for the third
Quarter 2003 and that payment had been made on a copy invoice. Cheque No
000476 £94.52.
AGREED payment of invoices received from ABB for repairs.
Invoice 947341 dated 02/09/04 Cheque No. 000480
Invoice 947511 dated 07/09/04 Cheque No. 000481
761. 7. Planning
NOTED that the following Planing Applications had been approved by HDC.
04/00688/OUT -Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three dwellings-The Chase, Willoughby Road.
04/00640/VAC- Variation of Condition to allow use of premises as a livery yard. Land rear of Hubbards Farm, Old Forge Road. NOTED grooms quarters not for residential use.
04/00015/OUT- Erection of agricultural dwelling, Grange Farm, Peatling Road, Ashby Magna.
04/00586/FUL- erection of hay loft and formation of field pond -Land OS 4712 &4325 Gilmorton Road.
04/01008/FUL-Erection of detached garage with storage over, Holt Farm.
04/01002/FUL- Erection of two-storey side extension, 4 Gilmorton Road.
04/00994/FUL-Provison of grooms' facilities within existing stables (retrospective), Clay fields, Old Forge Road. NOTED that permission excludes residential use.
NOTED that the Parish Council had responded to the following applications as detailed.
04/01249/FUL- Erection of a polytunnel and repositioning of polytunnel already granted planning permission. Parish Council concerns at intensification of use on this site.
04/01086/FUL-Erection of wall, Peveril House, 1 Peveril Road. No objections.
04/01083/OUT- Erection of two dwellings (demolition of existing). 43 Peveril Road, Ashby Magna. No objections.
04/01248/REM- Erection of 7 dwellings Waterman Homes, land to the rear of 34 Peveril Road. Concerns regarding the impact of additional vehicular traffic on the adjacent road.
762. 8. Clerk's Wages for the period ending 3oth September 2004.AGREED £62.50
Cheque No. 000479
763. 9. To note the date and time of the next meeting as Monday 15th November 2004
at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.