RESEARCH PROJECT: Enhancing Productivity, Market Access and Incomes of Small Farming Businesses in Tanzania: Potentials and Limitations of Contract Farming (POLICOFA)


Mzumbe University, Tanzania, in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, has received a research grant from the Danish Government, through the Danish Fellowship Centre, in support of a research project on “Enhancing Productivity, Market Access and Incomes of Small Farming Businesses in Tanzania: Potentials and Limitations of Contract Farming”. The three year research (2014/15 – 2016/17), studies four crops grown under contract farming in Tanzania, including sunflower in Dodoma and Singida Regions, Cotton in Mwanza and Musoma Regions, Tobacco in Tabora region and sugarcane in Mtibwa, Morogoro.

Part of this research grant is earmarked to provide three (3) full Ph.D. scholarships tenable at Mzumbe University. The scholarship will cover a modest stipend, cost of selected specialized courses in Denmark, field work, data analysis and production of thesesand joint scientific papers in Tanzania.

The grant will also sponsor up to three months of field work and supervision of four (4) masters researches within the research project.

The Project

The project has three sub-projects

Project I

Improving coordination in the value chain for sunflower seed: the potential of upstreamand downstream upgrading

This sub-project has two parts. The first aims at assessing and quantifying the effects of the intervention into the obstacles to increasing productivity of sunflower farming in the central part of Tanzania. The second aims at examining possible linkages between large scale refining companies and the SMEs and also examining possibilities of product upgrading in the value chain. This part will be based on a comprehensive mapping and analysis of the existing small and medium enterprises involved in the sunflower value chain in the Singida and Dodoma regions.

Project II

Obscure factors in out-grower schemes: land and labour in the sugar value chain

This research project will examine pertinent issues on land and labour with a focus on the dynamics in the Kilombero scheme and the affected communities where land is acquired by out-growers and others from the sugar catchment area. In particular it will explore social and economic impacts of contract farming in the sugarcane out-grower scheme.

Project III

Global market dynamics and impact on local economic development: a comparative study of the tobacco and cotton value chains

The project will examine the factors determining the price differentials on the world market between tobacco and cotton from Tanzania and from other African countries and the extent to which the contractual systems may improve the quality and productivity. It will also examine whether this improvement may transform into higher producer prices. Furthermore, the criteria for selection of farmers – either within communities (cotton) or between communities (tobacco) – will be examined and the impact on the selected groups and communities will be assessed.

How to Apply

PhD Scholarships

Applicants for the PhD scholarship must Tanzania citizens and holders of good master’s degree in the fields of geography, economics, business administration, economic development, sociology, and related field from recognized universities. They must also meet the Ph.D. admission requirement of Mzumbe University.Applicants interested on the sunflower project must have very good background in quantitative analysis, preferably with quantitative economics and econometrics at master’s levels.

Potential applicants for PhD scholarship will have to apply simultaneously for admission into the PhD programme at Mzumbe and for the scholarship. Applicants are required to also prepare and submit a brief motivational statement indicating what they wish to research amongst the three sub-projects and a brief on the approach (methodology) they this is appropriate to handle the study.

Application must be accompanied with copies of relevant certificates and transcripts and CV.

Masters Research Sponsorship

Candidates applying for support in master’s research must have been enrolled in a relevant master’s programme at Mzumbe University and plan to finish their course work by August 2014.

Applicants for must submit a brief motivational (concept) note in any of the above sub-projects.The application must be accompanied by a copy of transcript for the master’s coursework.

Deadline for Application: The application must reach the undersigned by April 31, 2014.

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.

Application can be submitted in hard copy;

Prof. Joseph A. Kuzilwa,

Main Applicant and Project Coordinator,


Mzumbe University,

P.O. Box 1,

Mzumbe, Tanzania

Or electronically to: .

Any queries and questions should be addressed to the above address.

This call can also be found in the Mzumbe University website as well as POLICOFA website.