COURSE OBJECTIVE: The Senior year catechetical instruction consists of two parts: Sacraments at the Service of Communion and Catholic Social Teaching. The Sacraments course is an in-depth exploration of marriage, the call to orders, religious life and the single lifestyle. Topics include Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, the universal call to holiness and how one can determine one’s fundamental vocation. The Catholic Social Teaching course covers the seven aspects of Catholic Social Teaching and encourages the students to understand that care and concern for the weakest among us is not an option but a moral obligation. The CST semester includes an overview of the major world religions.


• Notebook, Vocations by St. Mary’s Press, Catholic Social Teaching by Midwest Theological Forum

• Students will be expected to complete reading assignments prior to class to facilitate profitable discussion. Class participation is required. This includes attendance at class Masses with the Felician Sisters. Lack of participation will negatively affect a student’s grade.

• Homework is due the BEGINNING of the class period for which it is assigned. It will be accepted as late later that day or the next day for half credit after which it will be worth 0 points. If a student is absent the assignment is due the next class meeting period after he/she returns unless other arrangements are made.

• Each student will choose one article per month of classes from and type a full page summary and response to the article. These are worth five points each.

• A research project on different religious communities will be assigned.

• Students will spend twenty minutes per week in the chapel before the Blessed Sacrament with various readings for meditation.

Students will read one book per semester on a topic that will further their spiritual lives.

A 3 - 4 page summary and reflection paper will be due in December and May.

Each student will be required to do a personal video project to be included in the Senior Project.

GRADING POLICY: Grading is on a point system. Extra credit is available at the discretion of the teacher.