Seminar in Strategic Management and Administrative Policy
BADM 693
Dr. Jeff Trailer
Office: Tehama 305
Telephone: (530) 898-5663
Office hours: by appointment.
Course Web Page for course e-material:
Course Description:
Prerequisites: Consent of Graduate Coordinator.
An interdisciplinary capstone seminar. Emphasis is on the analysis of complex business problems via the integration of the subject matter of all previous program courses. Linking the firm's internal and external environments from the total-enterprise perspective of the general manager, this course undertakes a systematic inquiry into the strategic management and administrative business policy issues pertaining to the organization's performance and effectiveness. Capstone students will participate in project teams and undertake a comprehensive consulting experience with a client organization as an integral component of the course.
BADM 693 Reading: Articles
(The following articles are available for purchase from Harvard Business Online:)
------Week 2 ------
What IsStrategy?
By: Porter, Michael E.. Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec96, Vol. 74 Issue 6, p61-78, 18p.
The Real Reasons Enron Failed -- Lessons for Directors.
Stewart, Bennett1. Directorship; Mar2006, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p26-29,.
Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System
by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton; Harvard Business Review, July August, 2007.
------Week 3 ------
Five Forces that Shape Strategy
By: Porter, Michael E.. Harvard Business Review, Jan, 2008.
Why Satisfied Customers Defect.
By: Jones, Thomas O.; Sasser Jr., W. Earl. Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec95, Vol. 73 Issue 6, p88-91, 14p.
The House of Quality.
By: Hauser, John R.; Clausing, Don. Harvard Business Review, May/Jun88, Vol. 66 Issue 3, p63-73, 11p,
------Week 4 ------
From competitive advantage to corporate strategy.
By: Porter, Michael E.. Harvard Business Review, May/Jun87, Vol. 65 Issue 3, p43-59.
Clustersand the new economics of competition.
By: Porter, Michael E.. Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec98, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p77-90, 14p,
The Competitive Advantage of Nations.
By: Porter, Michael E.. Harvard Business Review, Mar/Apr90, Vol. 68 Issue 2, p73-93, 17p,
------Week 5 ------
The Myth of Unbounded Growth
Jim Mackey, Liisa Valikangas.MIT Sloan Management Review.Cambridge: Winter 2004. Vol. 45, Iss. 2; p. 89
When Growth Stalls
By Matt Olsen. Harvard Business Review, March, 2008.
How Fast Can Your Company Afford to Grow?
By: Churchill, Neil C.; Mullins, John W.. Harvard Business Review, May2001, Vol. 79 Issue 5, p135-142, 8p.
------Week 6 ------
Navigating a path to smart growth
By Sebastian Raisch and Georg von Krogh, MIT Sloan Management Review, Spring, 2007.
The Hidden Costs of Organizational Dishonesty
Robert B Cialdini, Petia K Petrova, Noah J Goldstein.MIT Sloan Management Review.Cambridge: Spring 2004. Vol. 45, Iss. 3; p. 67
How to Design a Winning Business Model
ByRamon Casadesus-Masanelland Joan E. Ricart. Harvard Business Review, Jan 2011.
- Mystrategysoftware for strategic planning: The student version ($25.00) is acceptable to meet the needs of this course (a complete program, but it expires after 3 months), however the standard program is recommended ($150.00).
- FSA Financial Strategic Assessment A Business Diagnosis & Planning System (Excel 2000)
- Access to the internet: SEC EDGAR database, Form 10k Annual Reports
- English Simplified, 11th Ed. By Blanche Ellsworth and John Higgins, New York: Pearson Longman Publ.
Evaluation and Grading
This is a performance-based seminar in which the student is evaluated on his or her ability to unequivocally demonstrate the skills, understanding, and competence expected and required of someone soon to graduate with an M.B.A.
- Plan & Analysis 25%
- Assignments25%
- Quizzes25%
- Final Examination25%
As defined in the University catalog, letter grades reflect the following levels of achievement:
- A =superior work; achievement so outstanding that it is normally attained by relatively few students.
- B = very good work; achievement clearly better than adequate competence in the subject matter/skill, but not as good as the superior achievement of students earning A's.
- C = adequate work; achievement indicating adequate competence in the subject matter/skill. This level will usually be met by a majority of the students.
- D =minimally acceptable work; achievement which meets the minimum requirements of the course.
- F = unacceptable work; achievement that fails to meet the minimum requirements of the course.
When it is possible to obtain quantitative evaluations of various elements of the course (e.g., midterm and final examinations, briefs), the following grading scale applies (note: pluses and minuses will be assigned, as appropriate):
90% - 100%=A
80% - 89%=B
70% - 79%=C
60% - 69%=D
below 60%=F
Strategic Plan & Analysis: Responsible Consultants
We will have the opportunity to apply the concepts studied in the course to actual business situations. The cases discussed in this course will introduce you to a variety of industries, companies, and managerial styles, and they will broaden your experience of business strategy and policy. As part of a group effort, each student will assume the role of Responsible Consultant one time during the semester. Depending upon the size of the class, the responsible Consultants are charged with presenting a brief (i.e., approximately 30-40 minutes) oral case presentation to the seminar.
Plan and Analyses, Written
During the course of the semester, each student will be required to submit written (i.e., typewritten or word processed only--no handwritten papers) responses to specific assignments that will be provided prior to each case discussion. These assignments will focus on particular questions, issues, or problems raised in the case.
The quizzes will be multiple-choice format, and will cover subject matter and materials included in the required readings, lectures, and discussions.
Assignments: Strategic Management System Dynamics Simulation
This course allows graduating seniors to demonstrate how well they have mastered the art and science of business administration by providing them with an opportunity to administer a business in a simulated competitive environment. The business simulation experience is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to integrate the concepts and skills learned within our M.B.A. program.
What is System Dynamics
System dynamics is a methodology for studying and managing complex feedback systems, such as one finds in business and other social systems. While the word system has been applied to all sorts of situations, feedback is the differentiating descriptor here. Feedback refers to the situation of X affecting Y and Y in turn affecting X perhaps through a chain of causes and effects. One cannot study the link between X and Y and, independently, the link between Y and X and predict how the system will behave. Only the study of the whole system as a feedback system will lead to correct results.
Final Examination
The final examination will be similar in format to the quizzes, and it will cover subject matter and materials included in the readings, lectures, and discussions. The final examination is comprehensive.
The schedule and number of assignments is subject to modification, sometimes the flow of the semester is different than I anticipated.