Pharmacology: Basic Cardiovascular Pharmacology (McCauley)


·  Basic Pharmacological Effects: all diuretics increase the loss of sodium into the forming urine, which results in increased urine flow and loss of water

·  Drugs in this Class:

-  Loop Diuretics:

o  Furosemide

Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics:

o  Hydrochlorothiazide

o  Metolazone

o  Chlorthalidone

Potassium Sparing Diuretics:

o  Amiloride

o  Spirinolactone

·  Mechanism Based on Sites of Action:

Proximal Tubule:

Normal Physiology:

§  Basically all filtered organic metabolites are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule

§  Water is passively reabsorbed and tubular fluid maintains a constant osmolarity

§  Na Reabsorption:

Ø  Na in the lumen exchanged for intracellular H+ using the Na/H+ exchanger

Ø  Once in the cell, Na pumped into interstitium/blood using the Na/K ATPase

§  Bicarbonate Reabsorption:

Ø  Excreted H+ combines with bicarbonate in the lumen to form carbonic acid

Ø  Carbonic acid is hydrolyzed by carbonic anhydrase found in the luminal membrane, resulting in the formation of water and CO2

Ø  CO2 diffuses back into the cell where it combines again with water (using a different CA enzyme) to form carbonic acid

Ø  Intracellular carbonic acid dissociates into H+ (pumped back into lumen in exchange for Na) and bicarbonate (reabsorbed into the blood)

§  Cl/Base Exchanger:

Ø  Bicarbonate is reabsorbed faster/more extensively than Na, and as a result, H+ being pumped into the lumen in exchange for Na no longer buffered

Ø  Tubule fluid becomes acidic and activates this exchanger, which promotes the reabsorption of Cl- in exchange for base being pumped into lumen

§  Water Reabsorption:

Ø  Volume of water that is reabsorbed exceeds the permeability of the cell membrane

Ø  Water also passes through specialized water channels (aquaporin I)

Drugs that Work Here:

§  Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors: reduce the activity of the Na/H exchanger, leading to loss of NaHCO3 and water; not often used in CV diseases

Ø  Dorzolamide: topical CA inhibitor used locally (ie. in the eye to reduce intraocular pressure)

§  Osmotic Diuretics: do not permeate luminal membrane, increasing the osmolality of the forming urine and reducing the reabsorption of water; similar to glucose in diabetics

Ø  Mannitol: osmotic diuretic given by IV to avoid osmotic diarrhea

-  Loop of Henle:

Normal Physiology:

§  Thin Loop: more water passively reabsorbed into the hypertonic interstitium

§  Thick Ascending Loop: impermeable to water

Ø  NaK2Cl Symporter: transports Na, K and 2 Cl into the cell from the lumen

o  Na pumped into interstitium/blood using Na/K ATPase

o  Intracellular K+ increases (coming in from lumen AND interstitium)

o  K+ diffuses back into lumen as a result (back diffusion of K+), resulting in a more positive luminal potential

Ø  Positive Luminal Potential: driving force for NaK2Cl symporter, as well as the reabsorption of Ca++ and Mg++ from the tubular fluid

o  Drugs that Work Here:

§  Loop (High Ceiling) Diuretics: direct inhibitors of the NaK2Cl transporter; diuretic effect can be severe and is primarily due to sodium loss (35% if filtered Na usually reabsorbed here)

Ø  Furosemide

Ø  Ethacrynic acid

-  Juxtaglomerular Apparatus:

o  Normal Physiology:

§  Juxtaglomerular Apparatus: microscopic structure in kidney located between the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle and the distal convoluted tubule of the same nephron

Ø  Juxtaglomerular Cells: located in the afferent arterioles of the glomerulus; act as intra-renal pressure sensory and secrete renin*

Ø  Macula Densa: cells lining the distal convoluted tubule who sense changes in concentration of sodium chloride

Ø  Extraglomerular Mesangial Cells: communicate via gap junctions with structural mesangial cells that surround glomerular capillaries

§  Renin Secretion: inversely proportional to NaCl load delivered to macula densa (ie. if NaCl load is low, renin secretion increases)

o  Importance in Diuretic Use:

§  Detection of NaCl load depends on action of NaK2Cl transporter: if using a loop diuretic (and to a lesser extent, a thiazide diuretic), the NaCl will not be able to be transported into the cells of the macula densa due to the blockage of this receptor

Ø  Macula densa will perceive it as low NaCl load and stimulate renin release

Ø  As a result, these drugs are typically given along with an ACE inhibitor, to prevent the downstream effects of renin

-  Distal Convoluted Tubule:

o  Normal Physiology:

§  DCT is impermeable to water

§  NaCC (Na/Cl- Symporter): electrically neutral pump that reabsorbs Na and Cl

Ø  Na+ pumped back into interstitium/blood using Na/K ATPase

Ø  Unlike in the TAL, there is no back diffusion of K+ and therefore lumen is not positively charged (no driving force for reabsorption of cations)

§  Ca++ Reabsorption:

Ø  Ca++ channel AND a Ca/Na exchanger

Ø  Both of these under the control of PTH (receptors for it located on membrane of tubular cells)

o  Drugs that Work Here:

§  Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics: inhibit the Na+/Cl- symporter (NaCC) of the distal convoluted tubule; diuresis not as profound as that cause by loop diuretics, and will have additive effects if used with one (can be used in combination)

Ø  Hydrochlorothiazide

Ø  Metolazone

Ø  Chlothalidone

-  Late Distal Tubule/Collecting Duct:

o  Normal Physiology:

§  Na+ Reabsorption by Principal Cells: controlled by aldosterone*

Ø  Contain an epithelial Na channel (ENaC) that allows Na to enter the cell (driven by continuous expulsion of Na by Na/K ATPase on the basolateral side of the cell)

§  K+ Loss via Prinicipal Cells: controlled by aldosterone (Na+ reabsorption)*

Ø  Na reabsorption creates a negative lumen potential that promotes the reabsorption of Cl- and the secretion of K+

Ø  Therefore, the more Na+ that reaches the distal tubule, the more K+ lost (ie. loop and thiazide diuretics can cause hypokalemia)

Ø  K+ loss worsened if bicarbonate also present (ie. due to CA inhibitors) because it increases negative lumen potential but cannot be reabsorbed

§  H+ Loss via Intercalated Cells: negative lumen potential contributes to expulsion of protons using ATP-dependent proton pump

§  Water Reabsorption: ADH stimulates the expression AQP2 on apical membrane to increase water reabsorption (Lithium dramatically reduces this effect à polyruria, polydipsia)

o  Drugs that Work Here: potassium sparing diuretics (all may cause HYPERkalemia)

§  Amiloride: specific inhibitor of ENaC with mild diuretic action; used more commonly to blunt hypokalemic side effects produced by diuretics (however, can also be managed by oral KCl supplements)

§  Spironolactone: competitive antagonists of aldosterone with mild diuretic action

·  Loop Diuretics (High Ceiling):

-  Drugs in this Class:

o  Furosemide*

o  Bumetanide

o  Ethacyrnic Acid

o  Torsemide

-  Clinical Use/Effects:

o  Edema associated with:

§  Heart failure

§  Liver disease (cirrhosis)

§  Renal disease (nephrotic syndrome, chronic and acute renal insufficiency)

o  Increases RBF

o  Appears to have direct effects that relieve pulmonary congestion and left ventricular pressure in heart failure (ie. these effects occur prior to diuresis)*

o  Acute hypercalcemia (in combination with saline)

o  Mild hyperkalemia

o  Elimination of bromide, fluoride, and iodine ions in toxic OD (halogens reabsorbed in ascending limb)

o  Acute renal failure (increase urine flow and K+ excretion, may help flush intratubular casts)

-  Pharmacokinetics:

o  Well absorbed orally

o  Eliminated by tubular secretion and filtration (by the kidneys)

o  Half life depends on renal function (usually 1.5 hours)

§  Short half life is the reason why these agents are typically not good for tx of HTN

-  Adverse Effects:

o  Hypokalemia (increased Na+ to collecting duct causes K+ secretion)

o  Alkalosis (increased Na+ to collecting duct causes H+ secretion)

§  Both managed with administration of potassium sparing diuretics or KCl

o  Hypomagnesia (controlled with Mg supplementation)

o  Dehydration (+/- hypercalcemia)

o  Hyperuricemia and gouty attacks (hypovolemia-enhanced reabsorption of uric acid in the proximal tubule)

o  Dose related hearing loss and allergic reactions (rare)

-  Drug Interactions:

o  NSAIDs decrease diuretic effects

·  Thiazide and Thiazide-Like Diuretics:

-  Drugs in this Class:

o  Hydrochlorothiazide*

o  Chlorthalidone*

o  Metolazone*

o  Quinethazone

o  Indapamide

-  Clinical Use/Effects:

o  Edema associated with cardiac, hepatic and renal conditions

o  Hypertension (most important CV application)

§  Use of low doses recommended (increasing can lead to unwanted SEs and extreme diuresis)

§  Lower peripheral resistance without significant effect on either HR or CO

Ø  Indirect action on smooth muscle cells by depletion of Na, which leads to reduction in intracellular Ca (Na/Ca exchanger brings in Na), making SMCs refractory to contractile stimuli

§  Marginally decrease plasma volume and RBF

§  Increase plasma renin activity

§  Equally effective in African and European-American populations (Asians may be more sensitive)

o  Chronic heart failure (often in combination with ACE inhibitors or loop diuretics)

o  Idiopathic hypercalcuria with kidney stones

§  Inhibit NCC and lower Na+ reabsorption in DCT, leading to increased activity of basal Na/Ca exchanger that moves Na into cells and Ca into interstitium

§  Also leads to reabsorption of Ca++ from tubule through apical channel

o  Nephrogenic diabetes inisipidus (ie. caused by lithium)

§  Results in paradoxical decreased urine flow that has not be explained (MOA unclear)

§  Need to monitor Li levels because it may reduce Li clearance

-  Pharmacokinetics:

o  Well absorbed orally

o  Excreted in the urine via organic acid secretory system in the proximal tubule

o  Half life varies (majority of them are long enough for once daily dosing)

-  Adverse Effects:

o  Hypercalcemia (not by itself, but can unmask subclinical hypercalcemic conditions)

§  Hyperparathyroidism

§  Sarcoidosis

§  Paraneoplastic syndromes

o  Hypokalemia (same mechanism as loop diuretics)

o  Alkalosis (same mechanism as loop diuretics)

§  Both reversed by potassium sparing diuretics or KCl supplements

o  Hyperuricemia (competes with uric acid for secretion by the organic acid secretory system in the proximal tubule)

o  Induce hyperglycemia (use with caution in patients with diabetes)

§  Impaired pancreatic release of insulin and reduced peripheral utilization of glucose

o  Alter lipid profile (use with caution in patients with dyslipidemia)

§  5-15% increase in total cholesterol and LDL

o  Hypnatremia (severe but rare side effect that only occurs in predisposed individuals; can be fatal)

-  Drug Interactions:

o  NSAIDs reduce diuretic effects

·  Spironolactone:

-  Clinical Use/Effects:

o  Severe (late) congestive heart failure

§  Reduces morbidity and mortality

§  Appears to be due to antagonism of aldosterone, which facilitates myocardial fibrosis

o  In conjunction with thiazide and loop diuretics to prevent K loss

o  Primary and secondary aldosteronism

o  Edema (particularly due to hepatic cirrhosis)

-  Adverse Effects:

o  Hyperkalemia

o  Endocrine like effects (gynecomastia, impotence, peptic ulcers)

§  Epleranone: more specific antagonist and causes less of these effects


·  Pharmacological Effects of Angiotensin II:

-  Structure and Production: octapeptide produced by serial proteolytic cleavage of angiotensinogen

o  Angiotensinogen à(Renin)à Angiotensin I à(ACE)à Angiotensin II

§  Renin: cleaves the amino terminal decapeptide from the plasma protein angiotensinogen to give angiotensin I (highly dependent on the concentration of angiotensinogen, which is produced in and secreted by the liver)

Ø  Factors Affecting Production/Secretion of Angiotensinogen:

o  Corticosteroids

o  Estrogens (oral contraceptives)

o  Thyroid hormones

§  Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE): cleaves two C-terminal residues from angiotensin I to produce angiotensin II (located in the vascular endothelium of most organs- esp. lungs and kidney)

Ø  Also catalyzes the degradation of bradykinin

-  Control of Secretion of Renin:

o  NaCl Load (Macula Densa): release of renin INVERSELY proportional to NaCl load that is detected by the macula densa; NaCl is transported into the macula densa to be detected using NaK2Cl symporter (TAL) and the NaCC symporter (DCT)

o  Changes in Renal BP (Juxtaglomerular Cells): changes in renal BP detected by these cells in the afferent arterioles of the glomeruli; increased pressure inhibits the release of PGs and stimulates renin secretion

§  NSAIDs and other inhibitors of PG synthesis DECREASE renin secretion

o  Activation of Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptors: by SS postganglionic stimuli (powerful force for renin secretion)

-  Effects of Angiotensin II:

o  General Effects: all mediated by AT1 receptor and involve many mechanisms of signal transduction

§  Increased arterial pressure

§  Na and fluid retention (directly and indirectly- induce release of aldosterone)

§  Vascular and cardiac remodeling

o  Effects on Peripheral Resistance:

§  Direct Effects: acts directly on arteriolar smooth muscle cells to cause constriction and increase in vascular resistance (more potent than NE)

Ø  Most pronounced in kidney

Ø  Least pronounced in skeletal muscle beds

§  Indirect Effects: also act to increase BP

Ø  Enhances release of NE from SS nerves and EPI from the adrenal glands

Ø  Reduces neuronal NE uptake

Ø  Increases vascular sensitivity to NE

Ø  Acts on areas of CNS that are not protected by BBB to increase sympathetic tone (ie. area postrema)

o  Effects on Renal Function:

§  Increased Na retention:

Ø  Stimulated Na/H exchange in proximal tubule

Ø  Enhances aldosterone secretion

Ø  Decreased renal blood flow (AT1 mediated contraction of renal smooth muscle and enhance SS tone)

§  Decreased GFR

Ø  Constricts mesangial cells in glomerulus

Ø  Constricts both afferent and efferent arterioles of glomerulus (exert opposing effects on GFR)

o  Effects on Cardiovascular Structure:

§  Direct Effects: contribute to increased wall-to-lumen ratio in vessels and the concentric cardiac hypertrophy seen in HTN

Ø  Increases migration, proliferation and hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells

Ø  Hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes

Ø  Increases ECM synthesis by both cardiac and vascular fibroblasts

§  Indirect Effects: involved in cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling

Ø  Increased cardiac preload (volume expansion)

Ø  Increased afterload (greater peripheral resistance)

Ø  Increased aldosterone causes myocardial fibrosis

·  Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors:

-  General Pharmacological Effects: