SBDM Minutes from the May Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jones at 4:10pm. The following members of the council were in attendance:
Mr. Jones, principal
Mr. Jeff Ball, parent
Mrs. Dean, parent
Ms. Smith, teacher
The following guests were in attendance:
Dr. Scott Wells
Susan Morgan, Fred Morgan, Melodie Hall, Andi McNeal, and Linda Gallutia (WJHS parents)
Daniel Gallutia, MakaylaLabrillazo, and Abbey Hall (WJHS students)
Approve Agenda
Approved by Consensus
Approval of Minutes from the April Meeting
Approved by Consensus
Budget Review – Approve budget for 2012-2013 school year. Members were given a copy of the budget last month for review.
Approved by Consensus
Committee Reports
Academic Progress–Scott Wells. End of Course testing has been completed. AP testing has begun. Final exams will take place the last week of school. Students are doing a great job with the testing so far. Mr. Jones commended Dr. Wells on his hard work with testing.
Budget– None
Building and Grounds– Ed Jones. The ceiling in the gym is being repaired during the month of June. We will also get new tile in the lunchroom over the summer.
Climate and Discipline–Prom was discussed. No complaints were made to administration.
Council Policies and Procedures- Policy Amendment – Policy 10.1 Hiring Certified and Classified Staff – Ed Jones. Attachment. Amendment was reworded to include the following at the end of Step Four: “or by conference call with enough members on the call to constitute a quorum.” “Phone” and “email” have been removed from the proposal. Step Five has not been amended. Discussion on FTE allocation followed.
Approve as a second reading: Approved by consensus.
Instructional Practices
Second Reading – Professional Development Plan – Scott Wells.
Approve as a second reading: Approved by consensus.
Second Reading – AP Biology prerequisite addition – Scott Wells.
Approve as a second reading: Approved by consensus.
Attendance Update – Ed Jones. Attendance is above last year’s as a district. Traditionally, the last 3 weeks of school have lower attendance. Currently, WJHS is at 94%. Dr. Wells commended Audra Stotts, attendance secretary, for her hard work on attendance.
Personnel Action - Motion to move to closed session made by Mr. Jones. Motion approved by consensus.
Teacher/Parent Concerns–Janet Dean and the parent visitors discussed the need for a six period day to help the enrollment numbers in band and electives. They have been told that the five period day is a Central Office decision and that JCTC scheduling comes first. Visitors asked what they could do to put pressure on Central Office to at least look at changing the scheduling. With four core classes required, a five period day only allows for one elective choice, limiting a student to electives they may not want. Mr. Jones recommended they meet with Central Office or Board members.
Set Agenda for Next Meeting – Members were asked to email any agenda items for next month’s meeting.