Dated: 01 February 2002
SUBJECT: Troop Merit Badge Counselors
Purpose: To provide guidelines for parents, leaders and friends of scouting for selecting merit badges they are qualified to teach and counsel the scout who desires to accomplish the merit badge.
1. All parents will be given a copy of the Boy Scouts of America list of current merit badges when their son joins Troop 248.
2. By assisting in the merit badge advancement program of the Troop you are showing not only interest in what your son is doing in scouting, but you are providing a needed service to the Troop. Parent involvement is extremely important in all aspects of scouting.
3. When the Merit Badge List provided to the prospective counselor, they should circle the merit badges they feel they are qualified to provide guidance in. The experience level can be from profession of individual to a hobby or just general knowledge in that particular merit badge.
4. Parents and other Adults who volunteer to be merit badge counselors need not feel that they should not agree to be a counselor because they have never done it before, the adult leadership of the Troop will assist and help guide you along the way.
5. The merit badge list should be returned to the Scoutmaster or the Advancement Chairperson of the Troop. This list will be made part of the Troop’s Master Merit Badge List.
a. All Troop Merit Badge counselors must complete an Adult Scout Application Form and in the position block be coded "42" which notes a Merit Badge Counselor. There is no charge for registration as a merit badge counselor.
b. Adult registration in the Boy Scouts does not make an adult leader a Merit Badge counselor. A separate Adult application form must also be filled out (Paragraph 5a above).
c. All merit badge counselors are highly encouraged to be trained in the Boy Scout Youth Protection Program. This program will not only help protect the scout and the Troop but you to.
6. Once becoming a Troop Merit Badge counselor, the Troop will:
a. The Troop will provide information to all counselors for the requirements of the merit badge and how the merit badge program works in the Boy Scouts.
b. The Troop will assign its counselors as necessary and will make every attempt to balance the merit badge work among as many individuals as possible. It is not our intent that you counsel more than your fair share of scouts unless you are the only "expert" in the field of study, and that will be done only with your permission. Usually there are several individuals who are qualified in most merit badges.
Policy Letter 248-17, (continued). Page 1 of 2
Troop Merit Badge Counselors, Policy Letter 248-17, (continued).
c. The Troop will not normally assign a parent or a relative to be a merit badge counselor for their own son or relative. However, in unusual situations this could occur. This will be at the discretion of the Troop’s Scoutmaster and Advancement Chairperson.
7. A teacher is an outstanding source for the counseling of merit badges. Usually, the merit badge will be specific to a class or classes they may teach. A teacher may counsel any school type merit badge and not be registered with the Troop or District as a Merit Badge Counselor. Some examples of school merit badges would be: Chemistry, General Science, Music, Auto Mechanics, Computers, Graphic Arts, Public Speaking, Sports, Reading, Scholar, Theater and Traffic Safety, Etc.
8. Above all, the standards of the Boy Scouts of America will be adhered to concerning all merit badge work. If a counselor has a question concerning a particular question of a requirement it needs to be addressed to the Scoutmaster or Advancement Chairperson for clarification.
9. When the Merit Badge Application Form is completed, it needs to be returned to the Troop Advancement Chairperson or the Scoutmaster of the Troop for processing in the Troop. This is the scout’s responsibility but the counselor may also return it to the Troop.
10. If the scout departs the Troop for whatever reason, the name of that adult will normally be removed from the Troop Merit Badge List unless the individual gives permission to remain as a Merit Badge counselor. The Troop will contact that particular adult to determine if the adult desires to continue as a Troop Merit Badge Counselor.
Committee Chairman Dated 01 Feb 2002
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