

The Regular Board Meeting of the Van Buren Community School Board of Directors came to order May 18, 2011 at 6:30P.M. at the High School Libraryin Keosauqua. Members present were President Starnes, Parsons, Whitten, Horn, McIntosh, McEntee, and Jester. Also, Superintendent, Lisa Beames, Administrators,Jeff Miller, Chuck Banks, Bret Moews,and Secretary, Robyn Nolting.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve the agenda. Ayes7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Motion by Jester, second by Horn to approve minutes fromApril 20, 2011 Regular Board Meeting and May 4, 2011 Special Board Meetings. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Public Forum,

Mrs. Beames presented the board members with their certificates of appreciation.

Informational Items,

Jennifer Gardner and Josh DeJong, presented information for the National FFA Convention in October 2011.

IASB Legislative Action Priorities – discuss at work session in July

Bruce Franklin provided the Maintenance report.

Bret Moews presentedthe Elementary Principal’s report.

May Students of the Month:

K-BassAnnabelle Cormier1-Charbonneau Cala Smith

K-CallasAlexandria Phillips1-Loeffler Avary Bartholomew

K-StarnesJenna Reid

2-DavisAnna Beebe3-CochranJaidann Dille

2-WellsBridgette Nicoli3-DickinsonRebecca Pilcher

4-CunninghamTrevor Coffman5-AdkinsAnna Snead

4-GoldenLuke Baker5-PickensClaudia Woodsmall

ArtShea Scott (1L)Lib/Tech Sam Metcalf (2D)

MusicBryce Winslow (2W)P.E. Zane Thornsberry (1C)

Chuck Banks presented the Middle School Principal’s report.

Jeff Miller presented the High School Principal’s report.

Heidi Bainbridge provided the DFC/SAFE Coalition report.

Robyn Nolting presentedthe Board Secretary’s financial report. The General fund balance is $1,916,782.40and the Schoolhouse fund balance is $1,815,714.65 as of April 30, 2011.

Motion by Jester, second byWhitten to approve the financial statement as General fund balance, $1,916,782.40 and the Schoolhouse fund balance, $1,815,714.65 as of April30, 2011. Ayes7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Lisa Beames gave the Superintendent’s report.


Mobile BusSchool-wide Title I Program

EnrichmentIASB District Meetings

School Board ElectionCounty Supervisor

Board PolicySupplemental Pay Committee

NAEPBig Activities

Old Business,

Discussed Budget Reduction Recommendations – Non-Certified

Discussed Building Transitions for 2011-2012

Discussed Public Comment at Open Meeting – will work on publishing guidance and set June 15, 2011 from 6 to 6:20 p.m. for the first public forum.

New Business,

List of Intended Graduates

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve list of intended graduates for 2011. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Technology Help for Summer - $7.25 x 25 hrs/week

Motion by Parsons, second by McIntosh to approve technology help for the summer at $7.25 x 25 hours a week. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Early Start Calendar Waiver

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Early Start Calendar Waiver, starting August 22, 2011 and ending May 23, 2012. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Fire Safety Reports

Discussed Director district redistricting

Discussed Sharing agreement with Harmony for Family and Consumer Science

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve sharing agreement with Harmony for Family and Consumer Science teacher. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Superintendent contract – unused vacation days

Motion by Jester, second by McEntee to approve paying Superintendent Beames, $2,307.70for an additional 5 days of unused vacation days for a total of 10 days ($4,615.40). Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Use of School Vehicles for Non-School Sponsored Activities

Discussed Long Range Planning – Facilities-set July work session to discuss

Discussed 2011-2012 Fees

Motion by Jester, second by Parsons to approve 2011-2012 fee increases. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Commitment of SAVE funds for purchase/lease of technology.

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to approve the commitment of $60,000 of SAVE funds for purchase/lease of technology. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed Administrative 2010-2011 Contract Release for Mr. Miller as of June 22, 2011.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Administrative 2010-2011 Contract Release for Mr. Miller as of June 22, 2011. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed IHCC – Contract of Educational Services/Articulation Agreement

Motion by Whitten, second by McIntosh to approve IHCC – Contract of Educational Services. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Motion by McEntee, second by Horn to approve IHCC-Articulation Agreements. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Discussed bids for door magnets.

Winger$14,650Zehr Electric$8,250

Motion by Parsons, second by Jester to approve the door magnet bid from Zehr for $8,250. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Summer Maintenance

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve Summer Maintenance. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to approve consent agenda. Ayes 7, Nays 0,

motion carried.

Consent agenda




a.Jenny Sandry, Basketball Pep Club Sponsor


a.Middle School Administrative Support/Activities Director – Greg Jones

b.Middle School Special Education – Lisa Denney

c.Curriculum and School Improvement Director – Jenny Smith

d.Substitute Bus Driver – David Louth



a.Mindie Donald, JH Softball

B.Leave Requests

1.Bret Moews, Kim Harward and Katie Plowman to 21st Century Convention, Washington DC, July 25-28, 2011

2.Bruce Franklin, Custodian-Maintenance School, July 18-22, 2011, Holiday Inn, Ames, Iowa


Discussion on Approval of bills

Motion by McEntee, second by Whitten to approve bills. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion


Other Items

Designation of date of next regular board meeting –June 15, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Whitten, second by McEntee to go into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j.) Consideration of purchase of particular real estate. Roll call vote: Parsons-Aye, McIntosh-Aye, Jester-Aye, Whitten-Aye, McEntee-Aye, Starnes-Aye, Horn-Aye, motion carried.

Motion by McEntee, second by Whitten to adjourn closed session. Roll call vote: Parsons-Aye, McIntosh-Aye, Jester-Aye, Whitten-Aye, McEntee-Aye, Starnes-Aye, Horn-Aye, motion carried.

Motion by Jester, second by Whitten to adjourn. Ayes 7, Nays 0, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:28 P.M.

Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, and policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary's Office, 293-3334, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Board Secretary

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