Wales update – September 2014

Peter Coles, TMI Wales Representative, provided an update to the recent TMI National Council meeting on developments in Wales, highlighting the ministerial reshuffle which brings tourism together with culture and sport but maintains tourism as a key targeted economic sector, the impending demise of Regional Tourism Partnerships and a strengthening of the Minister’s Tourism Advisory Board. Despite this, and the fact that there are now Destination Action Plans and Partnerships for the whole of Wales, the continuing likelihood of local government reorganisation means a period of change and uncertainty.

A Welsh Government ministerial reshuffle has brought Culture, Sport and Tourism together under a deputy minister, Ken Skates AM. Interestingly however Ken is still responsible to Edwina Hart AM Minister for Economy, Science and Transport. Tourism remains one of the 9 key economic sectors targeted by the Welsh Government, and the links to Culture and Sport reflect the importance placed on cultural tourism in the Wales Tourism Strategy “Partnership for Growth”, so rather than a demotion, this move is seen as positive for tourism, with the added bonus that Ken Skates is already aware of the importance of skills to tourism from his previous responsibilities.

New arrangements for regional engagement by Welsh Government with tourism stakeholders are due to be in place by 1st October. The current Regional Tourism Partnerships will cease trading on 30th September after 13 years’ successful operation. Some existing RTP staff will transfer to new in-house Regional Engagement Teams within Visit Wales, providing continuity for industry and destination contacts. The Minister's Tourism Advisory Board will also be enlarged and strengthened, with, for the first time, members with specific regional representative responsibilities. Ahead of the changes, SE Wales has moved to strengthen its regional industry forum (based on Destinations) and destination managers' groups which are seen by Visit Wales as useful models to roll out across the 3 other regions.

The Welsh Government continues to encourage Local Government Reorganisation by persuasion rather than compulsion following the Williams Commission report delivered early in the year. Conwy and Denbighshire are currently considering merger proposals, for example. Realistically tourism delivery will not be the 'front of mind' in such negotiations. Having finally got to a point where there are Destination Action Plans and Partnerships covering Wales there is now likely to be a protracted period of uncertainty. However , it is hoped the right building blocks are in place (even if local authority resources continue to diminish; Neath Port Talbot is the first LA to abandon its tourism functions altogether).

VisitWales (VW) is planning a Destination Day for January 2015. I think this will be a useful platform for TMI and I would hope to persuade VW to consider it as a joint activity.

The Tourism Society Wales Committee met recently and set out tentative plans for Events in Wales. As well as their usual Professional Development Award/ Summer Lunch and Christmas Social, they plan to hold 3 other event over the next 12 months or so covering: Heritage Projects and funding sources; Visitor Information; Tourism Structures. All these should be of interest to TMI as well as general TS membership

Peter Coles

TMI Wales Representative

September 2014