Lincolnshire Wolds Federation Development Plan Review 2016 / 2017
Area of Development: / What would a 10 look like? / Successes:Teaching, Learning and Assessment:
Increase amount of Outstanding Teaching and Learning across both schools / LWF staff have a clear understanding of what outstanding education looks like within LWF. All teaching and support staff are delivering outstanding education.
Evaluation structure supports clarity of strengths and even better ifs with / without the use of grading, in line with LWF outstanding teaching and learning document
-Cross site planning available
-Peer to peer support evident in line with strengths.
-coaching sessions with staff sharing strengths on key areas identified.
- outstanding outcomes for students / Curriculum review, with planning formats developed across LWF
Successful peer reviews at both schools, with all areas and judgments agreed.
Maintained good to outstanding levels of teaching and learning.
Developed links with mainstream – developing awareness of expectations in KS 1 / 2 outcomes.
Work experience opportunities developed in supporting aspirations, WofWday.
Residential experiences – London, etc
Enterprise activities to support aspirational opportunities in KS 4 / 5.
Self led learning partnerships – strengths identified and areas to develop to start sept 17.
2 more outstanding ITT members of staff now working within LWF.
Case studies developed to show progress across a wider range of areas – cognition as well as communication, sensory, physical, emotional health, intervention within Maples, transition, MDT working.
Ipads increased per class group, to support learning / evidence collation.
Library books organized to support student access at St L
In house training developing – SEMH, M and H, ASD, Communication methods…
Practical application of Maths – real life experinces – impact on developing U and A outcomes.
Sports coaches developing staff skills and level of engagement in physical activities from students.
Sensory room at St B.
Beavers group set up within St B (KS 1 / 2)
Effectiveness of leadership and management:
Coaching culture / A coaching culture is embedded within LWF, educational cohorts continuing and CWC skills programme.
Staff are supporting and challenging each other with different conversations in risk taking and ownership of areas they have energy for.
Continue to move value prompt cards to remain visual.
Build on coaching opportunities
Share experiences with other staff
Mix groups in meetings
LWF events
Value posters into students language
Personal development of staff
Build on the PLJ process –line manager involvement in PLJ so direct daily contact to support valuing roles and operational delivery. . / More staff competed programmes and using skills to develop pieces of work / linking into restorative practices across LWF.
From previous delegates on Education programme we now have and continue to develop from staff team:
One page profiles and solution focused coaching with students.
- A parent group that is now beginning to drive itself.
- Parent seminars and workshops in place.
- A new curriculum and opportunities enhanced through off site provision and RAA.
- JAM – Just a minute in place to support student wellbeing (sept 17)
- Restorative practices
- Vocational opportunities developing in KS 4/ 5.
- A new structure to support EHC process both internally and working alongside other professionals.
- A catering system working effectively across both sites, with breakfast clubs and working in budget.
- The development of a new RSE programme to support students.
- Lunch clubs across both sites
- A refined system of finance for monies coming into school, including shortly a move to a new provider for a cashless system.
- Developed approaches in music.
- Nursery provisions gaining the NPA portage stamp of approval through LWF team.
Language developing to solution focused / with staff and students, lining to restorative practices.
Re developed values as staff team – ACHIEVE
PLJ support now sitting with team leader
MBTI support across staff sessions – how do we like feedback, how do we plan meetings, outside learning spaces…
Teaching, Learning and Assessment:
Curriculum development / Curriculum redrawn to meet life skills and current needs of cohort effectively for skills needed for progression in line with needs, supported and independent living, including:
Routes for high flyers,
Literacy and numeracy, outdoor education opportunities,
Progression documents for areas such as food tech skills,
Post 14 - Supported internships, FE opportunities,
Support with job coach role,
Transition opportunities through years 10 – 14
Individualised timetables and curriculum support for students where needed, with a focus on practical skills for life..Share information cross LWF upper school / St L – RAA riding, case study to show impact on physical and emotional wellbeing
New planning formats supporting personalization even more.
Developing new EHC formats for reporting outcomes.
KS 4 / 5 offer across LWF – vocational links, options, LRAC, development of accreditation to meet needs (AIMS, OCR, etc) Ivors farm,
RSE development group started.
D of E working well across St L with bronze awards.
Travel training
Enterprise day / W of W
Use of outside learning experiences
Practical application of skills – supporting development in maths progress.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment:
Develop a new Assessment practice in line with life without levels:
Ensure Marking Policy is embedded within LWF / Assessment practice in place to meet individual student needs and reporting requirements:
Recommendations to LGB / BofD on assessment system to meet need in life without levels. Working alongside colleagues in other specialist settings and TSA.
Marking policy is consistently implemented across LWF with shared best practice in self and peer assessment.
Supported by induction for
T and L and cross site work scrutiny and moderation.
Review the use of end of KS targets
Trial mapp and milestones / review use of PIVATS and investigate alternatives. / Involvement in school, inter school, mainstream moderation exercises.
Explored assessment systems far and wide to introduce B squared
Introduction of an assessment system that meets requirements of the Rochford review and also within our new curriculum 4 areas.
Working with specialist and mainstream colleagues to share best practices and develop a ‘Lincs model’ through the Kyra / Learn group, facilitated by lea.
H of S developing feedback policy – to replace specific marking policy.
Work scrutiny and moderation display clear links to progress.
Milestones and MAPP used across – MAPP supporting lower level learners, in showing progress.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment:
Develop key areas of provision around communication and Autism / Information available and accessible to all (parents, staff, new starters , website) around communication methods used to support across LWF / Approaches to supporting Autism across LWF.
A directory of approaches and what they do / mean for LWF students.
Introduction of PODD across LWF as a new and innovative approach to supporting communication – staff and parental awareness, engagement, embedded changes in practice, rationale and approach sustained and consistent. / PODD introduced and delivered within LWF / staff training taken place and parent sessions.
ASD workshops completed with parents in locality and staff team. One page profiles introduced that are student owned.
Maintained Autism mark
LWF staff involved in WTT maintained ASD accreditation from NAS.
Friends / peers embedded across LWF
Sensory gym / swing at St B
Teaching and learning: school and curriculum development through developing student voice / School council in place with representatives from all class groups. Student voice to be collected and collated by school council and taken to leadership team to be integrated into school development plan. Areas included are what they like about school, what they don’t like, what they would like more of, less of and whether they feel listened to and safe in school and if they feel they are learning. School council also to be involved with development plan and in developing actions for outside learning. / School council have a greater profile across schools –feeding into interviews, decision making, organizing fundraisers, ASD information sharing, tusk shop at St L, developing restorative practices across LWF, school lunch menus
Community engagement / Community engagement –ELITE programme. Use of community to support and enhance learning opportunities especially life skills. / Family sessions well attended –over 50 additional families supported across the year from both within and outside of LWF within locality.
2 successful social inclusion rounds with students based on PE activities with sports coaches.
Transition events well attended.
Community engagement:Resourcing to support teaching and learning. / Developing outside learning spaces.
Fundraising programme in place over the calendar year to support funding of development of outside space.
Engagement with school and extended community to raise profile of school and Federation. / Ambassadors fundraising across LWF to support outdoor learning.
RAA developed programmes impacting on outcomes –case study evidence.
Activities ongoing at both sites to support fundraising, inc LRAC café, tuck shop, coffee mornings, staff netball matches…
Premises: / Pool at St B has been reviewed and is running 99% of the time. Training completed across wider team.
New site manager in place at St B
RAA has had a face lift and refresh – tesco bid supported development of outside areas.
Library books organized to support student access at St L.
Business Support: / New business support team in place
Communication and marketing role in place – website review / newsletters / community engagement
Induction pack for Advocates
Induction pack reviewed for staff
Dining area developments at ST L and development of new systems to support independence and work within budget.
EHC forms reviewed for professional support.
New one provider transport in place on both sites.