


19th February 2015

Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr A Rowley (Mayor)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr P Colloby

Cllr R Gillmor

Cllr J Palfrey

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr G Price

Cllr D Watt

Cllr M Winfield

Cllr V Wood

Sgt Sarah Kent and Pc Sean Woods attended to update members on policing in Pershore. It was noted there was now a new local policing team with the retirement of PC John Hunter and PCSOs Andy Russell and David James both taking up positions as police constables. The two new PCSOs were Luke Bullock and Jamie Denning.

PC Woods explained his working methods and the importance of residents seeing him and being willing to report issues to the team. Recent successes had been the discovery of a cannabis factory in Bridge Street and a drug dealer being stopped in the town.

Sgt Kent explained how the team were dealing with minor anti social behaviour including the use of 4 local youths who would be assisting in the litter pick in the town the following Saturday.

Following the PACT meeting work had been undertaken to educate people about riding bicycles on pavements and various assemblies had been held at the High School in conjunction with the Youth Council.

I response to questions from members it was noted that street lights being switched off at night had not yet been proven to increase crime.

Cllr Rowley thanked Sgt Kent and PC Woods for their attendance.

1109. Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs, J Grantham MBE and R Grantham, C Tucker who was away and R Speight who had been unavoidably delayed.

1110. Declarations of Interest

There were none.

1111. Mayor’s Announcements

Cllr Rowley reminded Members of the litter pick the following Saturday and his Charity Concert on 21st March.

Cllr Colloby asked that consideration be given to an “anti litter” campaign and was agreed this be referred to the Amenities and Environment Committee

1112. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk

There were none.

1113. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 15th January 2015 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Annis and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 27th January 2015 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.

1114. Matters of Report from the minutes

a.  It was noted that the Clerk had again queried when the District Council Remuneration Panel was likely to meet and a response was awaited still.

b.  It was noted that the Clerk was in the process of completing the necessary paperwork for the designation of the Holloway Fields as Centenary Fields

  1. The Clerk was awaiting light levels in Broad Street from the County Council to enable a decision to be made on whether additional lighting was required in the area.
  2. The Clerk had written to First Great Western and a response was still awaited.

1115. Finance

a. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the budget comparison to the end of January 2015 be accepted.

b. Members noted that the report of the Internal Monitoring panel.

c. The valuation of the Council’s investments to 5th February 2015 was accepted.

d. It was proposed by Cllr Palfrey, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the

payment list for the month of February as below be accepted.

Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount
695 / 453 / 80 / EcW Properties Ltd / Town Hall Cleaning / 234.84
696 / 454 / 89 / Severn Trent / Allotment Water Bill / 507.94
697 / 455 / 92 / Wychavon D C / Lotteries Licence / 20.00
698 / 456 / 83 / Budget Skips / Skip Hire / 199.00
699 / 457 / 294 / West Mercia Energy / Library Gas / 690.21
700 / 458 / 80 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 673.53
701 / 459 / 83 / Severn Trent / Cemetery Water Bill / 184.21
702 / 460 / 88 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 58.00
703 / 460 / 83 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel for Cemetery / 10.69
Subtotal Cheque No. / 460 / 68.69
704 / 461 / 92 / National Express Limited / National Express / 22.63
705 / 462 / 294 / Best Vending Ltd / Vending machine at Library / 76.10
706 / 463 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500153006 / 1,648.50
707 / 464 / 40 / Mayor's Charity account / Mayor's Charity / 38.90
708 / 465 / 294 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Library cleaning / 485.54
709 / 465 / 80 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Town Hall Cleaning / 305.04
Subtotal Cheque No. / 465 / 790.58
710 / 466 / 98 / Worcestershire County Council / Street Lighting costs / 6,981.12
711 / 467 / 85 / Cllr E Tucker / Overpayment / 26.40
712 / 468 / 294 / Aspex UK / Library keys / 35.04
713 / 469 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 4.40
714 / 469 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 81.28
Subtotal Cheque No. / 469 / 85.68
715 / 470 / 80 / British Gas Business / Town Hall Electricity / 1,030.56
716 / 470 / 83 / British Gas Business / Cemetery Electricty / 61.21
Subtotal Cheque No. / 470 / 1,091.77
717 / 471 / 294 / West Mercia Energy / Library electricity / 375.78
718 / 472 / 60 / Post Office Ltd / Postages / 137.00
719 / 473 / 86 / Sustainable Furniture / Picnic Bench / 1,230.00
720 / 474 / 96 / CPRE / Subscription / 36.00
721 / 475 / 84 / Lift and Engineering Services Ltd / Lift Contract / 334.80
722 / 476 / 85 / W L Brown / Town Hall Maintenance / 55.98
723 / 476 / 83 / W L Brown / Cemetery Maintenance / 8.99
Subtotal Cheque No. / 476 / 64.97
724 / 477 / 83 / British Gas Business / Cemetery Electricty / 672.70
725 / 478 / 94 / Lite Ltd / Christmas Lights / 2,370.00
735 / 479 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 895.14
736 / 479 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Employers NIC / 434.49
737 / 479 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 5.51
738 / 479 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 98.40
739 / 479 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 58.80
740 / 479 / 6 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 36.71
741 / 479 / 7 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 97.12
Subtotal Cheque No. / 479 / 1,626.17
742 / 480 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Employers Pension Conts / 373.56
743 / 480 / 2 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannualtion / 42.83
744 / 480 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannualtion / 52.62
Subtotal Cheque No. / 480 / 469.01
745 / 481 / 80 / British Gas Business / Town Hall Gas / 1,217.35
746 / 482 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 19.60
747 / 483 / 62 / Petty Cash / Petty Cash / 30.00
726 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,609.28
727 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 690.11
728 / DD / 3 / Salary 3 / Salary / 392.85
729 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 330.00
730 / DD / 5 / Salary 5 / Salary / 561.60
731 / DD / 6 / Salary 6 / Salary / 817.87
732 / DD / 7 / Salary 7 / Salary / 423.00
733 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 62.40
734 / DD / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 300.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 6,187.11
TOTAL / 28,145.63

1116. Items from the Pershore Cemetery Committee

Cllr Parsons advised that there were no matters to report other than in confidential session.

1117. Items from the Finance and Property Committee

a. Members considered a report by the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer regarding the obligations of the Council relating to Financial Regulations and the effectiveness of the

internal audit and it was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that no changes be made to the Financial Regulations but that they be reviewed at this meeting each year

Members considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer regarding the internal audit, agreed it be noted and it was proposed by Cllr Annis, seconded by Cllr Colloby and RESOLVED that having reviewed the effectiveness of the system of internal audit, that the current arrangements be approved.

b. Members considered the updated Financial Risk Assessment and it was proposed by Cllr Annis, seconded by Cllr Colloby and RESOLVED that this be accepted.

1118. Pershore High School

Members considered the consultation document concerning the changes to year groups at the High School and feeder schools. Mermbers had a variety of comments and it was agreed these would all be sent to the High School ie:

No case been made for the change

No funding available to enable any change to be made

Curriculum reasons not valid as curricula regularly change

Have reservations as insufficient information

Speed of change would suggest not really thought through

1119. Resignation

Members accepted the resignation of Mrs Gaynor Amphlett Hawkins and it was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Palfrey and RESOLVED not to call a vacancy on the Council in view of the impending elections.

The Clerk will write to Mrs Amphlett Hawkins and thank her for her service to the Council

1120. Quality Council Status

Members considered the Clerk’s report on the new Quality Council Scheme. Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Colloby and RESOLVED that the Town Council authorize the Clerk to register the Council’s intention to apply for Quality Gold Status and arrange for the necessary fee to be paid.

1121. Past Mayor’s Badges

a. Members considered the Clerk’s report into the various options for recognizing the service of Town Mayors. Members noted the bulk of the cost was the creation of a new die but that the total cost of purchasing the die and medals was not affordable under the current budget constraints. However it was proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Winfield and RESOLVED that certificates be given to past Mayors for the time being with the item being brought back to Council in September for reconsideration in the light of expenditure.

b. Members considered the provision of a Youth Mayor’s badge of office which the Clerk advised would cost just under £200. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that such a badge be purchased and Cllr Rowley would approach the Rotary Club to see whether they may be prepared to contribute to the cost.

1122. Extension to Skate Park

Members considered the suggestion from the Youth Council that an extension to the skate park be constructed to give younger children on scooters a place to play rather than using the larger skate park along with much older youths. A plan of the proposed site was also considered. Cllr Wood advised that the cost of between £50,000 and £60,000 was cheaper than originally thought and she had some suggestions for the Youth Council to investigate regarding sources of grant funding.

Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that members support the proposed extension to the skate park for use by young children.

It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the Youth Council be authorized to seek grant funding towards the installation of the extension.

1123. Town Fireworks Display

Cllrs Parsons and Annis declared disposable interests in this item as members of the Royal Naval Association (RNA).

Members considered the request from the RNA that the Town Council take on the funding and organization of the annual Town Firework Display. Following debate it was suggested that this might be possible in partnership with the Rotary Club and Cllr Rowley will discuss this with them and the item will be further considered at the April meeting of this Council.

1124. Street Trading

Members considered the request for a street trading licence to cover the whole of Pershore for a mobile catering unit. Following debate it was agreed that members objected to this proposal and the Clerk will advise the District Council accordingly.

1125. Public Transport

Cllr Palfrey presented a report on the possible creation of a Public Transport Campaign Group for the town. He expressed his concerns that without such a group pushing for the needs of the town the right transport infrastructure would not be provided.

Cllr Parsons supported the idea but suggested the group should be separate from the Town Council but with Town Council membership. Cllr Gillmor expressed an interest in being involved and it was agreed Cllr Palfrey contact possible members of other bodies to ascertain whether such a group could be formed and the detail be finalized at the next meeting of the Amenities and Environment Committee.

1126. Section 106 and New Homes Bonus

a. It was agreed the Clerk suggest the Skate Park extension to the District Council for possible funding from Section 106 funds.

b. The Clerk advised that New Homes Bonus had been frozen until after the election and Cllr Wood advised that there would be a meeting in May to explain Section 106 and New Homes Bonus and members welcomed this.

1127. Reports from representatives of outside bodies/portfolio holders

Cllr Wood advised that a new website for the Bureau was to be launched the following Thursday and the County Council has confirmed their funding for a further year. Redditch branch has now closed and Redditch residents now have to travel to Bromsgrove for advice. The Chief Officer had resigned with the new Officer, Ms Karen Edwards being appointed from 2 February.