San Juan Unified School District

Course of Study

  1. Course Title
Baking & Pastry Level I / 3. Subject Area
History / Social Science
Language other than English
Visual & Performing Arts
XCareer / Technology Education
Physical Education
2. School: San JuanHigh School
School Contact Name:
Shirley Bowers
Title/Position: Instructor
Phone: 971-5129
FAX: 971-5111
4. Grade Level(s): 11
5. Prerequisites: Introduction to Culinary Arts with a grade of C or better.
6. Unit Value:
5 (Semester Equivalent)
X20 (One Year Equivalent)360 Hours CR-121 Lab-239
  1. Course Description

Baking and Pastry Level I is an advanced competency based course

that develops the skills used in a professional bakery. Students will individually produce a variety of breads, cookies, cheesecakes, rich laminated dough for pastries and croissants, and plated desserts. Students will be able to use and care for professional industry equipment: mixers, dough sheeter, proof-box, various ovens and small wares. Through the use of culinary math, correct measuring and weighing, ingredient knowledge and baking methods, the students will evaluate finished products to fulfill customer and restaurant orders. Student’s work will be recorded in their portfolio and they will have the opportunity to compete in FHA-HERO: The California Affiliate of FCCLA.

  1. Course Goals
  • To develop entry level food safety and sanitation skills
  • To demonstrate culinary math and precise measuring skills when working with recipes
  • To understand baking methods and techniques when producing quality baked products
  • To demonstrate “Professional On the Job” behavior when working with equipment, customers, and products
  1. Objectives/Standards

California CTE Standards

Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industry Sector (HTR)

Knowledge and Performance Anchor Standards

1.0 Academics

Students will analyze and apply academic standards required for successful industry sector pathway completion leading to postsecondary education and employment.

2.0 Communications

Students will acquire and accurately use Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector terminology and protocols at the career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.

3.0 Career Planning and Management

Students will integrate multiple sources of career information from diverse formats to make informed career decisions, solve problems, and mange personal career plans.

4.0 Technology

Students will use existing and emerging technology, to investigate, research, and produce products and services, including new information, as required in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment.

5.0 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Students will conduct short, as well as sustained, research to create alternative solutions to answer a question or solve a problem unique to the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation, using critical and creative thinking; logical reasoning, analysis, inquiry, and problem-solving techniques.

6.0 Health and Safety

Students will demonstrate health and safety procedures, regulations, and personal health practices and determine the meaning of symbols, key terms and domain-specific words and phrases as related to the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment.

7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility

Students will initiate, and participate in, a range of collaborations demonstrating behaviors that reflect personal and professional responsibility, flexibility, and respect in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment and community settings.

8.0Ethics and Legal Responsibilities

Students will practice professional, ethical, and legal behavior, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and resolving contradictions when possible, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms.

9.0 Leadership and Teamwork

Students will work with peers to promote divergent and creative ` perspectives, effective leadership, group dynamics, team and individual decision making, benefits of workforce diversity, and conflict resolution as practiced in the career technical student organization (FHA-HERO, the California Affiliate of FCCLA).

11.0 Demonstration and Application

Students will demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills contained in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation anchor standards, pathway standards and performance indicators in classroom, laboratory and workplace settings, and through the career technical student organization (FHA-HERO, the California Affiliate of FCCLA).

B.Food Service and Hospitality Pathway

B1.0Students will demonstrate an understanding of major aspects of the food service and hospitality industry and the role of the industry in local, state, national, and global economies.

B2.0Students will demonstrate the basics of safe work habits, security, and emergency procedure required in food service and hospitality establishments.

B3.0Students will interpret the basic principles of sanitation and safe food handling.

B4.0Students will analyze the basics of food service and hospitality management.

B5.0Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basics of systems operations and the importance of maintaining facilities, equipment, tools and supplies.

B6.0Students will illustrate and apply the basics of food preparation in professional and institutional kitchens.

B7.0Students will illustrate and apply the basics baking, pastry, and dessert preparation and safety and sanitation in professional and institutional kitchens.

B8.0Students will apply the knowledge and skills essentialfor effective customer service.

B9.0 Students will apply the basic procedures and skills needed for food and beverage service.

B10.0Students will demonstrate and apply basic nutritional concepts in meal planning and food preparation.

B11.0Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic processes of costing and cost analysis in food and beverage production and service.

B12.0Students will describe the fundamentals of successful sales and marketing methods.

  1. Course Outline

Classroom Hours=CRLab Hours=Lab

Unit 1 Working in the Baking and Pastry Industry CR 6 Lab6

This unit begins with the history of the baking industry and the opportunities it offers today. Work habits, the skills and knowledge required, job satisfaction and industry challenges are presented. The goal is to be creative and yet produce mass numbers of the same item for various functions and customers.

Unit 2 Food Service Safetyand SanitationCR 10 Lab 10

This unit will focus on culinary safety and sanitation, emergency procedures in baking careers. Safety and sanitation standards, preparing and serving safe food, preventing accidents and injuries, and food borne illness will be studied.

Unit 3 Culinary Math and Measuring Techniques CR 20 Lab 40

This unit will be covered through-out the year and will focus on two areas: culinary math skills and measuring correctly. The students will learn volume and weight measuring techniques. The math will also include how to increase and decrease a recipe, baker’s math: creating a formula based on the weight of the flour, how to determine the temperature for the water based on the temperature of the dough in bread and how to cost out a recipe to determine the sales price.

Unit 4 Baking Techniques CR 60 Lab 143

This unit will focus on the various formulas for combining ingredients to produce the correct outcome for the ideal baked product. The formulas include baking methods for cookies, quick breads, lean and rich yeast dough, artisan breads, pies, tarts and plated desserts.

Unit 5 The Bakery Business Plan CR 20 Lab 20

This unit will focus on the many issues of running a successful bakery. Researching the market, choosing the products, creating a cost analysis of the products, producing quality products, selling with eye appeal and making a profit through good customer service will be studied.

Unit 6 How to Create a Successful Portfolio CR 5 Lab 20

This unit is designed to help students present their best skills and information on getting a job in their area of interest. The application, resume, cover letter, letters of introduction and recommendation, and job interview will be presented.

  1. Key Assignments

Unit 1 Working in the Baking and Pastry Industry

Students will describe the current day bakeries and compare to the ones in history to find the differences. They will interview bakery employees and bring back a list of the skills required to be successful. They will then compare those skills with their own. A brainstorm session will give students ideas to stay on task when repetition is required. Students will understand the need to establish the goal of self-improvement with every production step through repetition.

Unit 2 Food Service Safetyand Sanitation

Students will acquire the California Food Handler Card. They will also demonstrate the proper way to be work ready through dress, setting up a work station and proper cleaning and sanitation.

Unit 3 Culinary Math and Measuring Techniques

The students will practice measuring using volume and weight. Upon finishing the power points and lesson practice, the students will complete charts showing various math techniques. These techniques will then be used in every unit throughout the year.

Unit 4 Baking Techniques

Students will study and practice the baking methods for each of the following: cookies, quick breads, lean and rich yeast dough, artisan breads, pies and tarts, basic syrups, custards and puddings, and other desserts. Each lab will reinforce a math technique.

Unit 5 The Bakery Business Plan

Students will work in a group to research the population on campus compared to an outside bakery and choose products to sell in our bakery case based upon their research. They will then cost out their recipes, produce their product, advertise and sell their items in our coffee bar. They will evaluate their success by their profit for the week.

Unit 6 How to Create a Successful Portfolio

Students will prepare a professional portfolio showcasing their work which will include a cover page, a table of contents, a letter of introduction, resume, work samples, and awards and recognition. They will present their portfolio to business partners in a mock job interview.

  1. Texts & Supplemental Instructional Materials

Professional Baking, Wayne Gisslen, John Wiley & Sons, 5th Edition, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-471-78348-0

ServSafe Starters Employee Guide, National Restaurant Association 5th Edition,2008, ISBN 978-1-58280-235-0

Culinary Math, Julia Hill and Linda Blocker, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition,2004,ISBN 0-471-46934-3

FHA-HERO Competitive Recognition Event Guide

Occupational Outlook

  1. Instructional Methods and/or Strategies
  1. Lecture
  2. Student teacher question and answer
  3. Interviews
  4. Guest speakers
  5. Instructional videos
  6. Filed trips
  7. Scenarios and role play
  8. Cooperative learning
  9. Academic Discourse-group and class discussion
  10. Oral presentations
  11. Written scenario writing prompts
  12. Internet research and development of multimedia presentations
  13. Project Based Learning
  14. Demonstration
  15. Labs and applied production practice
  16. Community classroom
  1. Assessment Methods and/or Tools
  • Tests and quizzes
  • Instructor and peer review
  • Self-reflection
  • Client evaluation score card
  • Work performance review
  • Profitable Balance Sheet
  • Professional Portfolio
  • Skill Sheet