St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Newsletter Number: 63 15th October 2010
Starting on Monday 18th October, St Mary’s is undergoing it’s three year audit of the Financial Management Standards in School’s. This is where the business side of St Mary’s is scrutinised by the Local Authority.
Mrs Green has requested specially that no parents come to the window to pay dinner moner etc, but to put it in an envelope with the child’s name so that they can hand it in to their class teacher. I would also respectfully ask you to contact the office only for emergencies as they will be tied up with other matters!
I am delighted to tell you that St Mary’s School was able to send a cheque for £378.21 to C.A.F.O.D. Thank you so much for your continued support for this worthwhile Catholic charity. It allows your children to be in partnership with their brothers and sisters throughout the world.
St Mary’s was delighted to appear on the Graham Mack show as school of the week two weeks ago. We were delighted to be the first school featured on the show and it enabled us to showcase some of the wonderful things that happen here. Moreover, I was able to articulate to a wide audience what makes a Catholic school distinctive as well as explain why we celebrate CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and why we donate food boxes to our elderly parishioners, neighbours, Swindon Food Bank, The Filling Station and the Women’s Refuge.
Can I please remind all parent / carers that schools can only administer prescribed medicines only. You need to come into school, fill in a medicine consent form and hand into the office. This information is then put into the prescribed medicine folder and Miss Clarke, will organise the administering of the medicine, ensuring that each dose is signed off. We CANNOT administer any other kind of medication. Asthma inhalers are kept by the children in class and managed by the Teaching Assistant of that class. Everybody has been trained in asthma management by the school nurse. Children on care plans are overseen by Miss Clarke.
We have employed Mrs Bown to provide this service and those pupils who are having healthy school packed lunch are commenting very favourably on them. The cost is £1.50 and for that you receive a roll with a filling of your choice, a cereal bar, yoghurt, a piece of fruit and a carton of drink. It is best to book your packed lunch in advance, but it is possible to make a booking for that day if you are desperate!
More and more of you are using this method of payment. As well as school dinners, packed lunches and breakfast club you can now pay for school trips using this method. Please see Mrs Stonell or email for more details
I will be replying on behalf of the Governing Body to the proposal by Swindon Borough Council to abolish free transport to Catholic schools if living further than 3 miles to a primary school. I will, of course, say that St Mary’s does not support this as it will adversely affect families particularly in West Swindon and further afield who go to Holy Rood Junior and Infants and St Joseph’s College. It will also affect some families who travel to St Mary’s from Abbeymeads.
You will all have received a letter advising you about the closure of Ferndale Road and Surrey Road. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we are the only school in Swindon who provide a walking bus and employ somebody to organise it. Mrs Ballard meets pupils and their parents in St Mary’s Church car park in Tovey Road at 8.30am. The walking bus leaves the car park at 8.35am to arrive in school for 8.45am. It then leaves school at 3.30pm to arrive back at the car park for 3.45pm. We provide this service to alleviate the car parking problems around school. Please do consider using it. Just ask at the office for the mobile phone number of the walking bus and you can make direct contact with Mrs Ballard.