ECKAN Head Start

Facilities Materials Equipment

Work Plans


Performance Standard/Goal Strategies/Timeline Responsible Party Documentation

Parent Literacy / 1304.40
Parent involvement in child development and education. (1) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide opportunities to include parents in the development of the program’s curriculum and approach to child development and education (see 45 CFR 1304.3(a)(5) for a definition of curriculum).
(2) Grantees and delegate agencies operating home-based program options must build upon the principles of adult learning to assist, encourage, and support parents as they foster the growth and development of their children.
(3) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide opportunities for parents to enhance their parenting skills, knowledge, and understanding of the educational and developmental needs and activities of their children and to share concerns about their children with program staff
Goal #1: Home Base-Families have age appropriate materials and supplies at home.
  • Assist families in identifying materials in the home that are safe and durable and facilitate learning and exploration
  • Agencies may supplement home materials with agency purchased or donated supplies, such as construction paper, paste & crayon, books.
Goal #2Center Base- Toys and equipment are safe, age appropriate and support the cultural and ethnical backgrounds of the children being served.
1304.53(b) Head Start equipment, toys, materials, and furniture.
  • Toys are provided in multiples in order to change out weekly and encourage children’s use.
  • Equipment, materials, and supplies are reflective of the various ages and stages of children served.
  • Materials are stored at the child’s level, on child-sized shelves.
  • Materials, equipment, and supplies are reflective of a diverse collection of lifestyles, cultures and experiences, while also focusing on the child’s individual needs and experiences.
  • Materials and supplies are arranged to encourage exploration and hands on opportunities for children.
  • Materials and supplies are stored on child-sized shelves, with pictures and words to encourage children’s literacy skills and independence.
  • Materials, supplies, and equipment are purchased to provide children choices, encourage exploration and opportunities for individual use.
  • Materials, supplies, and equipment are child-sized and age-appropriate.
/ School Readiness: Literacy
Book Knowledge and Appreciation
Shows Growing Interests in Reading Related Activities
  1. Families regularly read to their children on a weekly basis.
  2. Families’ participate in center-based home visits and parent-teacher conferences.
  3. Home-based families’ participation in the required home-based visits.
  4. Families assist with developing educational goals for their child and participate in steps to achieve those goals.
Family Engagement: Families as Lifelong Educators
(a)Families observe and participate in their child’s classroom (or home-based) activities.
(b)Parents share tips on everyday learning practices with staff and other families.
(c)Parents work toward their own literacy goals.
(d)Parents share their children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development and the importance of the home language (families of children who are dual language learners).

Work Plan Facilities Material Equipment

Goal: Child Care Centers will be safe, clean, well maintained environments
1304.53 (a) Head Start physical environment and facilities. (1) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide a physical environment and facilities conducive to learning and reflective of the different stages of development of each child.
(1304.53(a)(10) Grantee and delegate agencies must conduct a safety inspection, at least annually, to ensure that each facility's space, light, ventilation, heat, and other physical arrangements are consistent with the health, safety and developmental needs of children. At a minimum,
agencies must ensure that:
1304.53(a)(10) (i) In climates where such systems are necessary, there is a safe and effective heating and cooling system that is insulated to protect children and staff from potential burns; 1304.53(10 (ii) No highly flammable furnishings, decorations, or materials that emit highly toxic fumes when burned are used;
1304.53(a)(10 (iii) Flammable and other dangerous materials and potential poisons are stored in locked cabinets or storage facilities separate from stored medications and food and are accessible only to authorized persons. All medications, including those required for staff and volunteers, are labeled, stored under lock and key, refrigerated if necessary, and kept out of the reach of children;
1304.53(a)(10 (viii) Indoor and outdoor premises are cleaned daily and kept free of undesirable and hazardous materials and conditions;
1304.53(10(a) (x) The selection, layout, and maintenance of playground equipment and surfaces minimize the possibility of injury to children;
1304.53(a)(10 (xi) Electrical outlets accessible to children prevent shock through the use of child-resistant covers, the installation of child-protection outlets, or the use of safety plugs
1304.53((a)10 (xii) Windows and glass doors are constructed, adapted, or adjusted to prevent injury to children;
1304.53(a)(10 (xiii) Only sources of water approved by the local or State health authority are used;
1304.53(a)(10 (xiv) Toilets and hand washing facilities are adequate, clean, in good repair, and easily reached by children. Toileting and diapering areas must be separated from areas used for cooking, eating, or children's activities;
1304.53(a)(10 (xv) Toilet training equipment is provided for children being toilet trained;
1304.53(a)(10 (xvi) All sewage and liquid waste is disposed of through a locally approved sewer system, and garbage and trash
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Child Care Licensing Regulations:
KAR 28-4-423(a)Premises
(b) water supply
(c) Toilet and Lavatory Facilities / 1. Environment will be clean, safe and well maintained at all times.
Center Base Programs
  • Floors are smooth and non-slippery, free from cracks,
clean and in good condition.
  • Concrete floors are covered.
  • Carpeting is clean and in good repair. Newly-installed
carpeting meets fire safety requirements of the State Fire
  • Walls are clean and free of cracks.
  • All surfaces are free of toxic materials.
  • Extension cords are not used.
  • Each sleeping room is lit to allow freedom of movement.
  • The premises are maintained in good condition and are
clean at all times, free from accumulated dirt and trash,
and any evidence of vermin or rodent infestation.
  • Each outdoor trash and garbage container is covered and the contents are removed at least weekly.
  • If electric fans are used, they are mounted high on the
wall or guarded.
  • Only gas heaters approved by a fire inspector will be
used. Open-faced heaters are prohibited.
  • All heating elements, including hot water pipes, are
insulated or installed in such a way that children cannot
come in contact with them.
  • Asbestos insulation is not used.
  • Fireplaces are not used when children are present.
  • Highly flammable furnishings, decorations and materials are not used.
  • Storage of firearms in any area used for children’s activities are in locked storage and are equipped with a trigger lock.
  • Water supply is from a source approved by a health department, or by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
  • Sanitary drinking facilities are available to children while indoors or outdoors. One of the following methods are used:
a. Individual disposable cups,
b. Individually-marked glasses or cups which shall be
washed daily,
  1. A fountain designed so that a child can get a drink of water without assistance.
  • Drinking fountains that are plumbed to sinks are for child use only.
  • Water from drinking fountains is under enough pressure so that the stream is not less than three inches high.
  • Water that children have access to does not exceed 110F. Water temperatures is checked during health and safety check.
  • Temperature is maintained at not less than 65°F, and not more than 90° F in the play area.
  • All plumbing fixtures and building sewers are connected to public sewers where available.
  • Where a public sewer is not available, a private sewage disposal system meeting requirements of the county health department or the Kansa Department of Health and Environment will be installed and connected to all plumbing fixtures.
  • Plumbing is installed and maintained according to local and state plumbing codes.
  • Bathroom facilities are readily accessible to the children and are either placed low or safety steps are provided.
  • There is one toilet and one washbasin for each fifteen children for center based settings.
  • When potty chairs are used, there is one potty chair for every 5 toddlers (12 months to 2 ½ years).
  • Bathroom facilities provide privacy for staff.
  • Soap, paper towels and toilet paper are provided. The use of common wash clothes is prohibited.
  • Electrical outlets are shock resistant or covered with child protective outlets. Electrical outlets are checked every morning before children arrive and covers are replaced as needed.
  • Windows and glass doors are constructed of safety glass or have mesh guards.
REFER TO: Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist For Center Base Programs
REFER TO: Monitoring Procedure
REFER TO: Combination Monitoring Tool
REFER TO: Early Head Start Partnership Monitoring Tool
REFER TO: Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale / All staff
Area Manager
Community Partnership Specialist
Delegate Agency Designee / *Daily Classroom Checklist
*Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist For Center Base Programs
*Combination Monitoring Tool
*Early Head Start Partnership Monitoring Tool
*Valid KDHE Child Care Center License
*Individual City Ordinance Approval Certificates
*Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale

Goal: Indoor and outdoor space is age appropriate and safe. Material and equipment are maintained to ensure children are not harmed while in attendance.

1304.53 (a) Head Start physical environment and facilities. (1) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide a physical environment and facilities conducive to learning and reflective of the different stages of development of each child.
1304.53 (2) Grantee and delegate agencies must provide appropriate space for the conduct of all program activities (see 45 CFR 1308.4 for specific access requirements for children with disabilities).
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Regulations for Preschool and Child Care Center KAR 28-4-423
1304.53(a)(5) Centers must have at least 35 square feet of usable indoor space per child available for the care and use of children (i.e., exclusive of bathrooms, halls, kitchen, staff rooms, and storage places) and at least 75 square feet of usable outdoor play space per child.
1304.53(a)(9) Outdoor play areas at center-based programs must be arranged so as to prevent any child from leaving the premises and getting into unsafe and unsupervised areas. En-route to play areas, children must not be exposed to vehicular traffic without supervision.
1304.53(10(x) The selection, layout, and maintenance of playground equipment and surfaces minimize the possibility of injury to children;
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Regulations for Preschools and Child Care Centers
KAR 28-4-437
Child Care Center outside area. / 1. Indoor Space Center Base
  • At a minimum, there is 35 square feet of indoor space per child at each site.
  • Classrooms are divided into functional areas. Space is provided for large group, small group and individual program activities.
  • Child areas use child sized, age appropriate shelving; low walls; large pillows; mats or platforms to separate the different areas according to the Environmental Rating Scales.
REFER TO: Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
REFER TO: Creative Curriculum Implementation Checklist
REFER TO: Infant and Toddler Environmental Rating Scale
3. Outdoor Space Center Base.
  • There is at a minimum 75 square feet of outdoor space per child for the number of children using the playground.
  • Outdoor areas are set up and monitored by staff to provide for separate space for different types of activities such as throwing, swinging, digging and the use of stationary equipment.
  • Children are escorted to and from outdoor play areas.
  • The outdoor play area has both sunshine and shade.
  • Play areas are arranged to provide close supervision at all times.
  • Outdoor equipment provides each child access to at least one activity.
  • Strollers meet current safety standards. Children are buckled into strollers.
  • For center based programs, the outdoor play space is enclosed with a fence not less than four feet high.
REFER TO: Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
REFER TO: Monitoring Procedure
REFER TO: Health and Safety Checklist
5. Field Trips for Center Base and Family Child Care Sites.
  • Staff will complete the “KDHE Field Trip Permission” form.
  • Field trips are valuable activities that are linked to the curriculum. When field trips are provided, they will be designed and implemented to address educational and socialization objectives for Head Start children.
  • Streets are crossed at traffic lights or clearly marked crosswalks. When crossing unmarked streets, Staff will stop traffic to allow children to cross.
REFER TO: Classroom Field Trip Procedure
REFER TO: Parental Permission for Off Premise Trips
REFER TO: Field Trip Permit
REFER TO: Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care, Chapter 16 Outdoor Play
REFER TO: Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Two’s, Chapter 18 Outdoor Play / All staff
Area Manager
Delegate Agency Designee
All staff
Education Coordinator
Child Development Supervisor
Area Manager
Delegate Agency Designee
All staff
Education Coordinator
Child Development Supervisor
Area Manager
Delegate Agency Designee / *Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
*Creative Curriculum Implementation Checklist
*Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
*Monitoring Procedure
*Health and Safety Checklists
*Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
*Creative Curriculum Implementation Checklist
*Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist for Center Base Programs
*Monitoring Procedure
*Health and Safety Checklists
*Parent Permission for Off-Premise Trips in individual child files
*Completed and approved Field Trip Permit form
Goal: Centers serving infants, toddlers and preschool age children will provide spaces that separate infant and toddlers from preschoolers
1304.53(a)(4) The indoor and outdoor space in Early Head Start or Head Start centers in use by mobile infants and toddlers must be separated from general walkways and from areas in use by preschoolers. / 1. Center Base Settings: Indoor and outdoor space for infants, Toddlers is separated from preschool classrooms
  • To insure safety, infant and toddlers in center based settings are kept separate from preschoolers.
  • Toys and equipment used for infants and toddlers is kept separate from preschoolers.
REFER TO: Monitoring Procedure
REFER TO: Early Head Start Partnership Monitoring Tool
REFER TO: Infant and Toddler Environmental Rating Scale / *Child Care Partner
*Child Care Partnership Specialist
*Home Base / *Infant and Toddler Environmental Rating Scale
*Early Head Start Partnership Monitoring Tool
Goal: Facilities will maintain active KDHE Child Care Licenses.
Facilities owned or operated by Early Head Start and Head Start grantee or delegate agencies must meet the licensing requirements of 45 CFR 1306.30.
KAR 65-501 License or Temporary P
ermit Required.
1306.35 Family Child Care Option
(d) Licensing requirements. Head Start programs offering the family child care option must ensure that family child care providers meet State, Tribal, and local licensing requirements and possess a license or other document certifying that those requirements have been met. When State, Tribal, or local requirements vary from Head Start requirements, the most stringent provision takes precedence.
Kansas State Fire Marshal Prevention
1306.35Family Child Care Program Option
(b) Facilities. (1) Safety Plan. Grantees and delegate agencies offering the family child care program option must ensure the health and safety of children enrolled. The family child care home must have a written description of its health, safety, and emergency policies and procedures, and a system for routine inspection to ensure ongoing safety / 1. All Facilities Providing Child Care are Licensed by Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
  • Child care sites are licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
  • Where Head Start regulations are more stringent, sites will comply with the more stringent requirements.
REFER TO: Child Care Licensing Pre-Inspection Checklist For Center Base Programs