
  1. A typical dental equipment cabinet. Modern equipment for dentists. Ergonomics in the work of dentists. Accounting and reporting documentation.
  2. Dental tools: variety, the designation, the methodology used, methods of sterilization.
  3. Oral fluid and saliva: composition, functional significance. The dependence of the saliva of exo-and endogenous factors.
  4. Clinical and anatomical features of the structure of teeth of upper and lower jaw. Signs of teeth.
  5. Modern tools for preparation of carious cavities. Drills: variety, size, materials for manufacturing.
  6. Kinds of localization of carious cavities. Features of preparation and tools for class I by Black.
  7. Kinds of localization carious cavities. Features of preparation and tools for II class by Black.
  8. Kinds of localization carious cavities. Features of preparation and tools for III class by Black.
  9. Kinds of localization carious cavities. Features of preparation and tools for IV class by Black.
  10. Kinds of localization carious cavities. Features of preparation and tools for V class by Black.
  11. Errors and complications during preparation of hard tooth tissues.
  12. Stages of preparation carious cavities. The principle of biological and technical feasibility of rationality. Classification of carious cavities by Black.
  13. Classification of filling materials, requirements.
  14. Phosphatic cements, their composition, properties, indications to the application, technology and sealing pad.
  15. Silicate dental cements, their composition, properties, indications to the application, technology and sealing pad.
  16. Silico-phosphate dental cements, their composition, properties, indications to the application, technology and sealing pad.
  17. Polycarboxilate cements, their composition, properties, indications to the application, technology and sealing pad.
  18. Glass ionomer cements: their composition, properties, indications to the application, technology and sealing pad.
  19. Amalgam, its variety. The composition, properties, indications to the application, sealing machines, grinding and polishing seals.
  20. Filling composite materials: classification, features of work with chemical and light cure composites. Flow and "pak" composite materials.
  21. Compomers. General characteristics. The composition, properties, methods of sealing.
  22. The mechanism of adhesion of various materials to tooth tissues. Adhesive system: composition, the principle of interaction with the tooth tissues, technology application.
  23. Errors and complications of dealing with composite materials.
  24. Filling of carious cavities I and V class by Black. The choice of material, the imposition of isolation liners, sealing technique.
  25. Filling of carious cavities II class by Black. The choice of material, the imposition of of isolation liners, sealing technique. The notion of a contact point, the significance of his violations in pathology of parodontium. Methods of its recovery.
  26. Filling of carious cavities III class by Black. The choice of material, the imposition of isolation liners, sealing technique.
  27. Filling of carious cavities IV class by Black. The choice of material, the imposition of isolation liners, sealing technique.
  28. Finishing and polishing seals, tools of modern technology.
  29. Isolation liner: identification, the purpose of imposing. The choice of materials requirements. Methodology and overlay rules.
  30. Therapeutic liner: definition, purpose and rules overlay. The choice of materials for medical liners.

Caries, noncarious lesion of hard tooth tissue.

  1. Histological structure, chemical composition, physiological characteristics of enamel that are relevant in the clinic.
  2. Histological structure, chemical composition, dentin and physiological characteristics of dentin and cement that are relevant in the clinic.
  3. Surface foundation on the teeth (cuticle, pellikula, tooth plaque, a soft dental plaque). The mechanism of foundation. The structure, functional significance
  4. Mineral dental deposits: a dental stone. Variety, the mechanism of foundation. The methods of removal.
  5. Non-mineral dental deposits: dental plaque. The mechanism of foundation. The structure, functional significance.
  6. Classification noncarious lesions. Wedge-shaped defect: aetiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  7. Enamel hypoplasia. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnostics, Pathological anatomy, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  8. Fluorosis. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnostics, Pathological anatomy, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  9. Imperfect emalogenesis and dentinogenesis. Stentona-Kapdepona syndrome. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  10. Imperfect osteogenesis. Marble disease. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  11. Noncarious lesions of teeth arising after eruption: erasibility of hard tooth tissue, hyperesthesia. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  12. Erosion of enamel, necrosis of hard tooth tissue: aetiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  13. Trauma of teeth: aetiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  14. Caries: definition, indicators of caries lesions, their importance in the organization of dental care to populations and to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. The mechanism of pain assigned to caries.
  15. Miller’s caries theory. The advantages and disadvantages. The contribution of Entin, Lukomskii, Okushko, Rybakov to solving the problem of etiology and pathogenesis of caries.
  16. The modern conception of the etiology and pathogenesis of caries.
  17. The influence of environmental factors on the incidence and intensity of caries. The role of domestic factors in the emergence and development of dental caries. The frequency of the defeat of individual groups of teeth. The notion of caries-resistance and caries-susceptibility.
  18. Pathological anatomy of caries at different stages of the process according to the beam, and electronic microscopy polarizer. Changes in the pulp assigned to caries.
  19. Methods of examination of patients with caries: basic and supplementary.
  20. Classification of caries. The initial acute and chronic caries (stage spots): clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
  21. Superficial acute and chronic caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  22. Acute medium caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  23. Chronic medium caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  24. Acute deep caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  25. Chronic deep caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  26. Multiple caries: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnostics. differential diagnosis, treatment.
  27. Secondary caries: causes, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  28. Methods of pain in the treatment of caries.
  29. Stimulation of biological processes in the process of treatment of caries: evidence and justification, medicines, methods.
  30. Complications in the treatment of acute and chronic deep caries, their causes, methods of prevention and removal.


  1. The structure and functions of the pulp. Age pulp changes of significance in the clinic.
  2. Etiology and pathogenesis of pulpitis, the role of microflora and pathways of infection.
  3. Pathological anatomy of acute pulpitis.
  4. Pathological anatomy of chronic forms pulpitis.
  5. Classifications of pulpitis by Y. Gofunga, Yavorskoy, Urbanowicz, ICD-10. Their positive and negative sides.
  6. Methods of examination of patients with pulpitis: basic and supplementary.
  7. Symptoms of acute, chronic and exacerbate chronic pulpitis. The mechanism of pain, with the emergence of the pulp.
  8. Hyperemia of pulp: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, pathological anatomy, treatment.
  9. Acute limited (focal) pulpitis: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, pathological anatomy, the choice of method of treatment.
  10. Acute general (diffuse) pulpitis: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, pathological anatomy, the choice of method of treatment.
  11. Acute pyo pulpitis: clinic. Pathological Anatomy, diagnostics. differential diagnosis, treatment method of choice. First aid.
  12. Acute traumatic pulpitis: reason, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, pathological anatomy, treatment.
  13. Chronic fibrous pulpitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  14. Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  15. Chronic concrementous pulpitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  16. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  17. The exacerbation of chronic pulpitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  18. Pulpitis, complicated by periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the selection method of treatment.
  19. Inflammation and pulp necrosis in intact and sealed teeth: causes, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  20. The biological treatment method pulpitis: essence, the rationale and indications for use, pharmaceuticals, mechanisms for their actions in the pulp, methods of treatment.
  21. The tools and drugs for pulp pain relief, their effectiveness and methodology of using. Emergency medical aid in acute forms of pulpitis.
  22. Surgical treatments of pulpitis. Variety, testimony to the application. Positive and negative aspects.
  23. Vital amputation pulpitis’ method of treatment: the essence of the method, testimony, medicines, positive and negative sides.
  24. Vital exterpation pulpitis’ method of treatment: essence, evidence, methodology, complications during treatment and their removal. Positive and negative sides.
  25. Devital exterpation pulpitis’ method of treatment: essence, evidence, procedure complications.
  26. Modern instrumental methods of shaping of root canals in treating of pulpitis.
  27. Modern methods and medicines for medicamentous processing of root canals in treating of pulpitis.
  28. Ways of root canals filling using modern methods and technologies in treating of pulpitis.
  29. The usage of physical methods of diagnosis and treatment of pulpitis.
  30. Errors and complications in pulpitis treating: their causes, methods of prevention and ways to remedy.


1. The structure and function of periodontium. Age periodontal changes of significance in the clinic.

2. Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontitis. Classification by Lukomskii, Vayndruha.

3. Symptoms of acute, chronic and exacerbate chronic periodontitis.

4. Pathological anatomy of acute periodontitis.

5. Pathological anatomy of chronic forms periodontitis.

6. Methods of examination of patients with periodontitis.

7. Acute serous periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.

8. Acute pyo periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.

9. Chronic fibrous periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.

10. Chronic granulate periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.

11. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.

12. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis: clinic, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency care, treatment.

13. Anatomical features of the structure of tooth cavities and root canals of upper and lower jaw, in the process of pulpitis and periodontitis treatment. Methods of determining of root canal length.

14. The treatment of acute forms of periodontitis: basic principles, ways of exudate drain, method of conduction.

15. The treatment of chronic forms periodontitis: basic principles, stages of treatment, consistency endodontic manipulation.

16. The treatment of exacerbation chronic forms periodontitis: basic principles, stages treatment, consistency endodontic manipulation.

17. Treatment of chronic periodontitis, complicated with root cyst. The main stages of treatment.

18. Accelerated methods of treatment periodontitis: indication, medicines, methods.

19. Features and stages of periodontitis treatment in intact and filled in teeth. Trepanation of pulp cavity of intact teeth of upper and lower jaw.

20. Instrumental features treatment of root canals in the treatment of periodontitis. Modern endodontic tools.

21. Modern ways of passing and expansion in the treatment of root canals of periodontitis.

22. Features of medicine treatment in the treatment of root canals with periodontitis. The choice of drugs.

23. Features of root canal fillings in the treatment of periodontitis. Modern methods and technology.

24. Materials for root canals filling with periodontitis: classification, their positive and negative features. The notion of seallers and fillers.

25. Overlay hermetically bandages to treat periodontitis: objective, the choice of materials, methods of conducting.

26. Impregnative processing techniques with periodontal root canals: the testimony, both positive and negative aspects of the methodology.

27. Temporary filling in treating of periodontitis: testimony of the methodology, the choice of materials.

28. Surgical treatments periodontitis: indications, contraindications, how to conduct.

29. The use of physical methods of diagnosis and treatment periodontitis.

30. Errors and complications in treating of periodontitis: their causes, prevention measures and ways to remedy.