NAMI Texas Board Meeting

Saturday, February 17, 2016

Conference Call Line 866-244-8528 passcode 835406#

5-7 PM


NAMI Texas is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals

living with mental illness and their families.

*Advocate* Educate * Eliminate Stigma * Support affiliate growth

5:00 p.m.Board meeting called to order and quorum (minimum 5) noted

Present: John Dornheim (president), Cindy Swain (Secretary), Bill Matthews (Treasurer), Linda Cantu (Vice President), Ann MacLeod, Mary Ferree,Sherry Cusumano, Pam Cann, Linda Denke

Absent: Hannah Fryer, Leah Thedford,

Staff Present: Greg Hansch, Holly Doggett

Approval of the agenda

No conflicts of interest noted

Reviewed and Linda made a motion to approve the January 16, 2016 board minutes with two corrections. All agreed. Note Starred items require action.

  1. Elections:The election committee, Hannah Fryer, Sherry Cusumano, and Mary Ferree, presented a slate of nominations including, John Dornheim-president, Linda Cantu-vice president, Cindy Swain-secretary, and Bill Matthews-treasurer. Nominations were invited from the floor and Bill Matthews nominated Linda Cantu for president. Linda declined the nomination in order to “keep duties as vice president.”

The votes were called and John Dornheim was elected 5 yeas (Linda Cantu, Mary Ferree, Cindy Swain, Sherry Cusumano, and Pam Cannand 1 nay vote (Bill Matthews).

VP-Linda Cantu, Secretary-Cindy Swain, and Treasurer-Bill Matthews were elected as a slate by acclamation.

The executive committee at large positions need to be filled and Mary Ferree moved that the BOD elect these positions after new board members have a chance to be interviewed. The motion passed unanimously with no abstentions. *

  1. The committee appointments left over from the January 16, 2016 meeting are as follows.

Executive Committee: Linda Cantu, John Dornheim, Bill Matthews, Cindy Swain, (two at large positions will be nominated at the March 2016 meeting).

Finance: Bill Matthews

Development: Linda Cantu, Mary Ferree

Conference Planning: Linda Cantu, Holly Doggett, John Dornheim,

Audit Committee: Bill Matthews and Marsha Rodgers will be invited

Nominations/Elections: Mary Ferree (Chair), Sherry Cusumano, Hannah Fryer

Affiliate Outreach: John Dornheim, Holly Doggett

Public Policy: Sherry Cusumano (chair), Greg Hansch, Sharon DeBlanc (vice chair), Jevon Roach, Elizabeth Balderas, Stephanie Contreras, Eric Kunisch

Communications/Marketing/PR: Mary Ferree (chair), Linda Cantu, Hannah Fryer, Jamie Parsons

Education: Cindy Swain (chair), Patti Haynes, Adrienne Kennedywill be invited.*

HR: Linda Cantu suggested we may not need this committee except as ad hoc.

. C. Executive Director Report – Holly Doggett

  1. Made recommendation that BOD endorse NAMI Panhandle so that the affiliate may move to the national step in the approval process.

Ann moved that the endorsement including the uploaded documents be endorsed – approved unanimously.

  1. Mary thanked Holly and Greg for excellent work on Facebook translating hits into dollars from donors.
  2. Holly reported $750 received from a Facebook grant and 10 K have been engaged with NAMI Facebook this month.
  3. Holly reviewed social media efforts with Bill Matthews last month.

D. Policy Director Report – Greg Hansch

  1. Reviewed the memo of action for his committee members.
  2. He is preparing a menu of options for the 2016 survey to affiliates to finalize the 2017 platform by June for vote of the BOD. Focusing on how to successfully engage the House Committee on Public Health whose first hearing is February 18. *
  3. Wants to ensure each affiliate has a public policy advocate.
  4. Funding - Has received grant from Abbvie ($4,000), and is pursuing Hogg Foundation grant. Methodist Ministries grant of $10K for state and $35K for affiliates is forthcoming.
  5. American Association of Health and Disability - ????
  6. Preparing fact sheet on gaps in mental health services.
  7. Greg testified January 26, and February 10 to House Committee about funding for mental health.
  8. Public policy committee is reviewing the Rodriguez bill on a gun violence protective order for possible endorsement.
  9. Other concerns include substance use disorder, open carry implications for state psychiatric hospitals, and the Supporting MINDDsCollaborative's Steering Committee meeting to address IDD and dual diagnosis.

E. Financial Status (Snapshot) – Bill Matthews

  1. Financial Reports: Balance Sheet, P&L for January includes all expenses but not necessarily all revenue.
  2. Holly is reviewing deposits to determine whether they go in January or February. *
  3. Since this report is incomplete, it was decided to not vote on approval until the March meeting.*

F. Development and Fundraising –

  1. Donate Now has been an effective campaign with 12 donors now. Someone on Facebook generated an ask that resulted in 12 donors. BOD have donated $2660. In January generated total of $8719.72.
  2. Now developing a 2016 fundraising plan with a goal of $200K. Also planning to appoint a NAMI Texas fundraising advisory council to help with fundraising. *

G. 2016 Conference Committee

  1. Awards Gala is planned for October 27 at the Austin Marriot South (contract is signed). Need process for deciding on a theme. Veterans, housing, guns, criminal justice are all possibilities. Holly and John will check trends on Facebook.*

H. Standing Committees


1.Mary explained the committee has been quiet this month. Emphasized the importance of keeping this standing committee even though Holly has taken up the slack on marketing and social media skills.

2.Holly requested BOD review the website periodically and let her know anything that needs updating.*

Education – Cindy Swain, Holly Doggett, and John Dornheim reported on the meeting with Cindy Patrick of Meadows Foundation. Moving forward on one year grant focusing on education and affiliate outreach and support. Cindy Patrick indicated she did not think the current budget is adequate for what needs to be done in the state. She is excited about the affiliate aspect for funding and longterm partnership. Want to submit by midMarch to be reviewed at April Foundation meeting.*

Public Policy – Sherry reported no additions to Greg’s report Item D.

SOE – refer to Holly’s report on NAMI Panhandle Item C.

Election/Nominations – see Item A.

H. Report on Strategic Planning class – March 22 is next meeting and all are welcome.

I. Other – Bill Matthews requested the written report from the Executive Committee meeting held January 15. John Dornheim and Linda Cantu will prepare and submit at next meeting.*

J. Linda Cantu moved the meeting adjourn – approved 6:57 P.M.

*-action required.

NAMI Texas Minutes February 17, 2016

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