Statement of Work (SOW)
Date of Request: Aug. 12, 2016To: / Course Date(s): Between September 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017
Course Title: Variety
Training Location(s): Various locations around the Commonwealth of PA
Course Hours: 6 - 16 hours instructor led training
Course Requirements
“Current Drug Trends and ID”
The purpose of this training is to identify the use of language, non-verbal cues and psychological factors involved in an individuals determined conscious and uncontrollable sub-conscious attempt to elude, evade, camouflage and to protect oneself from detection of guild during the questioning process.
(This class will be offered three (3) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 60 miles
of the following locations; Altoona, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia.)
“Clandestine Lab Awareness”
This course should be designed to provide the student with the information and knowledge to recognize and engage the appropriate resources when encountering a Clandestine Laboratory. This course should also explore the history of methamphetamine use, effects, trends and production methods.
(This class will be offered five (5) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles
of the following locations; Greensburg, Harrisburg, King of Prussia, Meadville, and Williamsport)
“Dealing with Change in the Workplace”
This training should be designed to provide the student with the necessary skills to accept change in the workplace. What are the ups and downs of change? How do you identify the various reactions to change? What are the tools to handle the emotional side of change and how do you communicate with others about change? This workshop should also include the tools to create a personal action plan to prepare for change.
(This class will be offered three (3) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 60 miles
of the following locations; Greensburg, King of Prussia, and Wilkes-Barre.)
“The Ethical Use of Force”
This class should focus on the topic of law enforcements use of force given the current issues facing law enforcement throughout the commonwealth and the country. Deadly force will be particularly discussed during the class.
(This one day class will be offered five (5) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles of the following locations: Allentown, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Meadville, and Scranton.)
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Statement of Work (SOW)
This training should provide an approach that examines individual values, ethics, understanding of various
law enforcement roles, as well as their understanding of, and ability to interact with others in society. This
training should be designed to make the participants aware of the ethical dimensions of their behavior and the
manner in which this behavior is perceived by the community and administrators. This training should
challenge the student to examine their personal and professional values, and attitudes toward a number of law
enforcement, criminal justice, and community issues in a highly interactive environment.
(This class will be offered three (3) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles
of the following locations; Harrisburg, Meadville, and State College.)
“Interviewing Skills for Probation and Parole”
The purpose of this training is to identify the use of language, non-verbal cues and psychological factors involved in an individuals determined conscious and uncontrollable sub-conscious attempt to elude, evade, camouflage and to protect oneself from detection of guild during the questioning process.
(This class will be offered two (2) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles
of the following locations; Greensburg, and State College)
“Instructor Development”
This two-day course should offer to the experienced and certified instructors a way to enhance and update their instructional skills in multiple ways. Various management and learning skills theories will be presented and fully discussed. Instruction should provide subjects relating to all stages of the instructional process and settings. Students will be exposed to newly developed and up to date learning theories as well as blocks of instruction relating to the instructor self-assessments and instructor accountability/ethics.
(This two-day class will be offered two (2) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles of the following locations; Greensburg, and Harrisburg.)
“Investigating Deception”
Instructor to provide basic understanding of deception awareness as it applies to law enforcement officers.
Instructor to also provide skill development activities to increase competence in deception identification.
Topics to also include; standard interviewing skills, effective listening, and paraphrasing messages. Analytical
tools law enforcement use during deception investigation to also be discussed.
(This class will be offered four (4) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles of the following location: Erie, Greensburg, King of Prussia, and Williamsport.)
“Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs”
This one day training should address the specifics of gang membership, associates, identification, investigative techniques, officer safety, weapons criminal activities, gang intimidation techniques, key words and phrases. Provide the latest information regarding gang intelligence and trends, regarding motorcycle gangs.
(This one day class will be offered four (4) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within 70 miles of the following locations: Erie, Altoona, Harrisburg, State College.)
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Statement of Work (SOW)
“Regional Street Gang Workshop”
This course should provide students with a basic understanding of the history of street and outlaw motorcycle gangs. It will also provide the student with the fundamental skills for identifying gang activity in the communities they serve. Students will learn practical strategies for identifying gang members and gathering intelligence. They will also learn about potentially dangerous situations involving gang members. This training should identify motivating factors that lead people to join gangs and environmental factors that allow gangs to flourish in our communities. In addition, this training should discuss the influence of the music, movie and television industries and the role that social media plays in the gang world.
(This class will be offered four (4) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within the 70
miles of the following areas; Harrisburg, Philadelphia, State College, Wilkes-Barre.)
“Social Networking-Law Enforcement Essentials Knowledge”
This course will cover the essentials every law enforcement officer needs to know about Social Networking,
whether they use it or not. Many individuals are not aware of what a great investigative/intelligence tool it is.
Information regarding investigative leads, relationships, communications, photographs, location, etc. is all
available and many times is open source. This class will cover the proper way to collect, authenticate and use
this information.
(This class will be offered three (3) times during the time period listed above. One (1) time within the 70
miles of the following areas; Erie, Greensburg, and King of Prussia.)
“Supervisor Training”
This two-day course should be designed to provide knowledge and training which will enhance supervisory
and leadership skills, when supervising subordinates. This course should provide a better understanding of
individual behavior and the tools to be more proficient on the execution of their total supervisory
responsibilities. This course should address the competencies needed to be effective as a leader in the law
enforcement community. This course should include classroom instruction and practical exercises.
(This class will be offered four (4) times, during the time period listed above. One (1) time (two-day class)
within 75 miles of Greensburg, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and State College.)
Supplier Experience and Qualifications
1. The courses should be presented by the actual developer(s) of the course.
2. Experience conducting classes for law enforcement.
3. Experience working in the field of subject matter.
4. Experience providing course to members of the private sector within the Commonwealth.
5. Experience providing similar classes at college/university levels.
6. Instructor(s) should have at least five years experience conducting trainings.
NOTE: Vendor or vendor employees must be able to provide all listed trainings, at all listed locations.
Award will be made to one ITQ vendor, who can meet the requested experience and qualifications
To conduct all listed trainings in this bid.
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Supplier Responsibility1. The PA Board of Probation and Parole reserves the right to broadcast this training, utilizing various distance learning technologies as it deems necessary.
2. Vendor will be responsible for the cost of all handout material, audio/visual equipment, training equipment, travel, meals, lodging, etc.
3. Each facility arranged by the Board will include a projection screen, dry erase board/markers, or a
easel pad holder and paper, at no cost to the vendor.
4. The Board will not be financially responsible for any break snacks, food, or drinks during this training,
nor will any be supplied by the Board.
5. Vendors shall provide PBPP with the completed, Contractor Prior Experience Submittal, (Attachment –
A-1), the Cost Matrix, (Attachment B), all available dates to conduct this training, when returning the
suppliers quote form.
6. The following materials should be included with your quote/bid pricing:
a. Handouts, books, or participants manuals
b. Training material and aids
c. Audio visual equipment to conduct the training.
Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole | Division of Training
1101 South Front Street – Suite 5600 | Harrisburg, PA 17104-2522
Phone: 717.787.5699, ext. 1334 | Fax: 717.705.1778 |