Instructor:Faye Johnson, EdD, RDOffice Hours: M: 11:00 – 11:50 AM
Office:HOLT 110 T: 11:00 – 11:50 AM
Telephone:898-6767 W: 2:00 -- 4:50 PM
Class Location: Tehama 130 Class Time: M 10:00-10:50 AM
Required Texts:
Reader: Purchase packet from Mr. Kopy
Creating Your Career Portfolio At-a-Glance Guide for Dietitians, Williams, 2005
The following items are on reserve at the library and available for check out from the program secretary, Elaine Eastham, in Holt 123
1. Notebook of selected career related articles
2, Positions of the American Dietetic Association, ADA,
Share with a colleague the following: 1. Ten Things I Wish I had Known Before I Went Out Into the Real World by Maria Schriver and 2. Who Moved the Cheese by Spencer Johnson. These books may be obtained through commercial bookstores.
Course Description:
Prerequisite: senior class standing. Overview of career opportunities and application procedures for post-baccalaureate programs in the discipline.
Please note that to drop a course after the endof thefourthweek of classes requires a “serious and compelling” reason. Therefore, before you request a late drop for this class, please obtain written documentation of your reason for withdrawal.
This course contributes to the fulfillment of several competencies in the ADA approved didactic program in dietetics.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to have basic knowledge of:
1) public policy development
2) working knowledge of:
a) interviewing techniques
b) ethics of care
c) interpersonal communication skills
3) career portfolio development
Information from career center related search10
List of careers10
Statement of ideal career10
Summary of Who Moved the Cheese25
List of sites and job locations and copy of letter of inquiry10
Career goal statement10
List of strengths/weaknesses and weaknesses/strengths10
Final form of goal statement10
Final form of resume20
Cover letter20
Final form of cover letter20
Final form of application, resume, and cover letter30
Questions for interviewer10
Ethics statement10
9 career article or position paper summaries @15 pts. each 135
Summary of Schriver’s book35
Total 395
91-100% = A 71-80% = C
81-90% = B 61-70% = D
- Information Relating to and Format for Article Summaries (1.5 – 2 pages)
Articles must be at least 3 pages in length to receive credit. Several single page articles may be combined to reach this total.
Summaries of nine Articles are required. They are as follows:
- ADA 2002 Dietetic Compensation and Benefits Survey AND the Business and Professional Code (located in the Introduction to Profession section of the Reader)
- Selection of Four of the ADA Position Papers. These MAY NOT be Food Science related
- Report on Approaches to Ethical Decision Making AND one OTHER article on ethics (Located in the ethics section of the Reader)
- Selection of any THREE career related articles from binder titled: “ Career Related Articles” on reserve in the library or from the NFSC office
First paragraph: Introduction—Describe the author(s) and the purpose for writing the article.
Following paragraphs: Body/Discussion section-- Discuss 5 or more significant items in the article. Identify each item by number, and each item should be prefaced by a topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph. Underline the topic sentences.
Final paragraph: Conclusion-- Respond to two questions, (1) What is the significance of this article to the profession of NFSC, and (2) What is the significance of this article to you, professionally.
Academic Rigor:
This professor is committed to compliance with the University’s statement on academic rigor. Please see the professor or the university’s on-line web site for a complete text of this policy.
Academic Honesty:
This professor is committed to compliance with the University’s statement on academic rigor. This topic is addressed in the University Catalog. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the class and a statement regarding academic dishonesty being placed on the university transcript.
Plagiarism: Is defined as “to steal or pass off the words or ideas of another as one’s own; to use without crediting the sources; to commit literary theft; to present as new or original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” Relative to this course plagiarism could occur, but is not limited to, a student using ideas another student’s project parts or in-service material.
Student Discipline:
This professor is committed to compliance with the University’s statement on student discipline. The topic is addressed in the University Catalog. Student regarded as disruptive by the professor may be dis-enrolled from the course.
Week of / Topic /Assignment
/ AssignmentDue / Reading
8/21 / Introduction to course / 1)Research 3 careers of interest to you using appropriate technology and web sites. Research 3 web sites that may be useful in finding job openings in careers of interest to you. Write a 2 page reaction paper regarding what you learned from this assignment.
2) Write 2 page summary of a position paper of the ADA (Located in Positions of the ADA) / 1 - 36
8/28 / Introduction to Profession / Write list of careers for
which you will be qualified / 1)Submit clearly labeled computer searches and reaction paper.
2)ADA Compensation and Benefits and Business Code Summary paper
3)2 page summary of a position paper / 37 - 58
9/4 / Labor Day Break / Out of class assignment:
1)Purchase a 3-ring binder and prepare a Table of Contents following format shown in Williams, pp 8 - 9
2)Write statement of originality and confidentiality
3)Write statement of work philosophy
4)Write 2 page summary of a position paper of the ADA (Located in Positions of the ADA) / Williams: pp 1-26; 36 - 37 / 68 - 140
9/11 / Career Opportunities
The Choices:
Graduate school,
AP4, DI, job or ?? / 1) Write description of ideal
career: provide rational
2) Write 2 pg. Summary of Who Moved the Cheese including 5 significant points / 1) List of careers
2) Career related article summary (book on reserve at library or in Holt 123)
3) Bring binder and table of contents to class
4) Statement of originality and confidentiality
5) Statement of work philosophy
6) 2 page summary of a position paper / 58 – 67;
182 - 204
9/18 / Legislative Process and Issues / Write 2 page summary and reaction paper on Legislative Process and Issues in format identical to that described for articles
Discuss: Who Moved the Cheese/ Johnson’s book
Selection of Sites
Career Opportunities cont. / Write list of 10 acceptable
sites; write letter (email) of inquiry / 1) Statement of ideal career
2) 2 Pg. summary of Who Moved the…
including 5 significant items
3) Summary and reaction paper on Legislative Process and Issues / 141 - 180
(Cont. on next page)
9/25 / Career Opportunities cont. / 1) Write career goal statement
2) Write 2 page summary of a position paper of the ADA (Located in Positions of the ADA / 1) List of sites; copy of one letter (email) of inquiry
2) Career related article summary (book on reserve at library)
3) Williams: pp 27 – 40; 167 - 182 / 182 - 204
10/2 / Ethics / 1) Write list of: 15 strengths;
15 weaknesses; & state
strength underlying each
Write personal ethics statement (do not copy the example in the Reader!)
2) 2) Write 2 page summary of a position paper of the ADA (Located in Positions of the ADA / 1) Career goal statement
4)Summary of “Approaches to Ethical Decision making and ONE other ethics article.
5) Ethics Statement
6)Williams: pp 27 – 40; 167 - 182 / 459 - 477
10/9 / Goal and Objectives
Personal Characteristics / Rewrite goal statement / 1) List of strengths/ weaknesses and
2) Williams: pp 27 – 40; 167 – 182
3) 2 page summary of a position paper / 182 - 204
10/16 / Writing the Résumé / Write résumé / 1) Final form of goal statement
2) Career related article summary
3) Williams: pp 41- 60; 167 - 182 / 261 - 293
10/23 / Writing the Résumé
(small groups) / Rewrite résumé / 1) Résumé
2) Williams: pp 41- 60; 167 - 182 / 261 - 293
10/30 / Writing the Cover Letter / Write cover letter / (1)Final Form of resume
(2)Williams 7; 53-54; 76; 189 - 192 / 294 - 318
11/6 / Cover Letters, cont. / Rewrite cover letter / 1) Cover letter
2) Williams 7; 53-54; 76; 189 - 192 / 294 - 318
11/13 / The Application Process / Begin application form
Write 2 pg. summary of Schriver’s book & 5 significant points / (1)Summary of a position paper
(2)Final form of cover letter
(3)Williams: 183 - 192 / 319 - 377
11/20 / Thanksgiving Break
11/27 / Interviews, Distance Education and Registration Exam / Write 6 relevant questions to
ask interviewer
Read “Ten Things I Wish I Knew / 1)Application form
2)Williams: pp 129 - 141 / 378 - 458
12/4 / Bonus Week*
Finals Week / Discuss: Ten Things I Wish I had Known …
Schreiver’s book
/ 1) Six questions forinterviewer
(2) Schriver’s book assignment / 378 – 433
478 - 487