Executive Board Meeting
Holiday Inn-Fargo ND
Conference Room-Mezzanine 1
October 7, 2016-Friday
Present: Amanda Olauson-President, Tracy Lindsey-Vice President, Kerri Ring-Treasurer, Danika Braaten-Parliamentarian, Twana Dick-Member at Large, Ex-Officio Members: Barb Lacher, NDSCS Liaison and Diane Halvorson: ND State Board of Pharmacy Liaison
Absent: Donna Kisse-Chairperson, Autumn Guilbert-Secretary, Member at Large: Arlene Monson and Mike Schwab-NDPhA Liaison
· Amanda called the meeting to order
· Quorum has been established
· Amanda stated that due to work issues, Donna will be arriving a little late. Due to this, we will be flexible with the schedule.
· Amanda stated that due to the Secretary being absent, she asked if anyone would volunteer to take minutes. Diane volunteered to serve as Secretary at this meeting
· Secretary’s report of the Executive Board meeting 7.17.2016 reviewed. Tracy motioned to approve as written, Twana seconded. No further discussion motion carried.
Old Business:
- 2016 Fall Conference Update:
- Diane stated the Fall Conference committee was Donna, Amanda and Diane. Diane reviewed the fall conference layout. Currently have 104 registered. Have a great event planned.
- Amanda thanked Diane for her work for the Fall Conference.
- Barb encouraged the group to consider to spreading our wings. The quality of the Fall Conference could take our annual event to a new level. We should consider increasing the price of the conference and promote to a larger sector.
- Video project update:
- Amanda reported the first video focuses on recruitment. Committee members are; Joel Aukes, Craig Lawler, Tracy, Donna and Diane. Video premier will take place tomorrow during fall conference.
- Barb stated that, with the approval of the NAPT Executive Board, she used the video with a group of approximately 175 high school students who were touring the NDSCS campus, the video was well received.
- Diane stated, our next step is to focus on a brochure that will provide information on how to pursue the career. Additionally, we will begin planning of the second video that will focus on the highlights of the profession. The committee has not created the focus but plan to be working on this project within the next month.
- Diane stated that Barb Lacher has been added to the committee.
** Donna Kisse-Chairperson has joined the meeting. Donna apologized for her tardiness due to a work conflict. Donna thanked Amanda for starting the meeting, Donna will now lead the meeting.
- Review email scam:
- Donna offered a detailed description of the scam and the process of solving/resolving the scam. Which is an overview of what had been emailed to the group during and follow up of the scam.
- Donna asked Kerri if she would like to add anything. Kerri replied that she feels very bad and stupid and really doesn’t have anything else to add.
- Donna asked Kerri to leave the room.
- Detailed discussion held reviewing the issue and everything surrounding it. At one point Danika made a motion to poll the group to see if everyone feels Kerri is competent to continue in the role of Treasurer. Motion seconded by Tracy. Motion carried.
- At this point discussion continued, trying to separate if the group should act on the important issue at hand, which is specifically that Kerri did not follow the proper process in handling the finances of NAPT. Even though we were fortunate to get the funds returned, it still does not take away from the violation that transpired. Or if we focus on the fact that Kerri is a dedicated member and certainly demonstrates she has learned from her mistake.
- After great discussion and a huge struggle for this board to do what is best for the association, Amanda made a motion, to dismiss Kerri. Tracy seconded the motion but emphasized that this motion is based on the issue at hand. Motion carried.
- Upon returning to the room, Donna informed Kerri of the decision. Kerri gathered her belongings and left the meeting.
- Donna stated the group take a brief break.
- Financial report: Donna presented the current financial report. Danika approved the report. Seconded by Tracy. Motion carried.
- Donna submitted the 2017 budget. Diane suggested the numbers need to be updated to reflect the actual expenditures for 2016. Tracy made a motion to approve the 2017 budget. Seconded by Twana. Motion carried. It was later noted that the video project was not reflected in the budget. Tracy made a motion to revise the previous motion to include the addition of the video project line item 320 to the budget and expense. Twana seconded. Motion carried.
- Mission statement revision reviewed; this had been previously discussed through emails. Amanda made a motion to accept the revised mission statement and bring to the general membership for final approval. Twana seconded. Motion carried.
- NAPT banner update: Donna gave a review of obtaining price quotes. Currently she has a quote from Sir Speedy of Fargo, which is the company we have been using for copying/mailing needs. She stated that NDPhA and NDSHP banner size is 3 x 10. Discussion regarding if we would design or if we would have designed by the printing company. Danika made a motion to allocate $250 for the purchase of a 3 x 10 vinyl banner that would include the NAPT mortar, name and core logo. Using Sir Speedy and they do the banner design. Amanda seconded. Motion carried. Donna will follow up on this project.
- Pharmacy Technician Scholarship Fund: Fund currently has $6375, reminder that it was decided we would spend the amount of money received during that year. This year we took in $2100. Group felt the scholarship committee should review the number of applications and report at our next board meeting so the board can decide the quantity and amount of scholarships to be provided this year.
- NDPhA 132nd Annual Convention will be held April 20-23, 2017 in Minot ND. Kerri and Arlene are serving as pharmacy technician representatives on the convention planning committee. Donna stated, “Carolyn, from the planning committee has asked what technicians want for CE”. The group felt we will continue to want the event to be integrated and not separated. Donna will convey the group’s wishes to Carolyn.
New Business:
- Pharmacy Technician Day is October 18, 2016. PTCB created a great logo, copies will be provided to attendees at the conference. It was suggested that we prepare a message wishing pharmacy technicians a great day. Donna stated we have done this in previous years, if you complete and forward to NDPhA, they can do an email blast. Diane asked that we include in this email not just tech day but also a message to all pharmacy staff for pharmacy week. Amanda will prepare the message for Donna to review.
- Fall conference 2017: Discussion held to consider embracing a change in planning of fall conference. Amanda and Donna reported the amount of work that goes into planning the event and securing ACPE CE, it would be hard for a volunteer to step in and plan the event on their own. Tracy made a motion to create a Fall Conference Coordinator, this position would be an appointed position and this person would serve on the board as an ex-officio member. Seconded by Amanda. Discussion included the need to create criteria, Diane volunteered to create and bring to the next executive board meeting. Motion carried.
- Stakeholder meeting: Diane reported the stakeholder meeting that will be held in February 2017 in Dallas, Texas. This will be by invitation only meeting. Donna’s name has been submitted as a potential guest. Diane stated that the board consider sponsoring Donna if she is invited to attend. The board demonstrated their support and stated once Donna receives an invitation she should report to the board and they can consider sponsoring at that time.
- Winter flyer: promotes award nominations, officer recruitment and promotes NDPhA convention. We have used the same template for the last few years, suggested to continue to use this template as a way for our members to identify. It was suggested that this be the responsibility of the President. Amanda stated she would be happy organizing this flyer. Donna will offer her assistance and forward the template.
- NAPT Communication:
- Discussion of an e-journal has been put on hold. It appears NDPhA will continue the paper NoDak.
- Discussion held regarding how to find information about NAPT, board members, minutes. Suggestion to include an article in the NoDak on how to navigate the website to items as mentioned above. Additionally, it would be a suggestion to NDPhA to consider removing some of the outdated information.
- Discussion regarding the consideration of Facebook. Group asked Amanda to research and give a report at our next executive board meeting.
Other Discussion:
Donna highlighted Amanda as being the recent PTCB spotlight pharmacy technician. Congratulations Amanda!
Donna highlighted that Diane has been selected as one of the finalists for the PTCB CPhT of the year. Congratulations Diane!
It was pointed out that Barb is a member of the PTAC. This is a three-year term and she has one year left of her first term. She hopes to be reappointed for a second term. Great job Barb!
Donna shared that she has accepted the Vice President position with AAPT. Congratulations Donna!
**Donna stated the next executive board meeting will be held on January 14, 2017. Please mark your calendar to ensure we have full attendance.
With no further business, meeting adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Diane Halvorson