/ FORM OV 4 (CSF4255)
(Focus on the things over which you have control)

ACTIVITY: Offsite Visits – Farm Visits


Visit Leader:

Visit Details: /

Date of Visit:

Assessment by: / Date: /

Target Date for review:

Approved by: / Position: / Date:

Significant Hazards and Associated Risks

Those hazards which may result in serious harm or affect several people /

Those who might be harmed

Persons at risk from the significant hazards identified / Control Measures (CM’s):
Controls, including relevant sources of guidance
(e.g. Generic Risk Assessments, Guidance from Provider, etc.). Specific CM’s not included in the generic RA
(e.g. briefings, actions by leaders / participants, qualifications / experience of supervisors) / Additional CM’s required?
If existing CM’s cannot be met or circumstances have changed / Residual Risk Rating
(H / M / L)
All accidents / All group members, including leaders / ·  This generic risk assessment will be read in addition to the generic risk assessment “General Considerations” / See also generic risk assessments for “Indirect or Remote Supervision” and “Theme Parks”
Inappropriate Leadership / Group members / ·  Leaders familiar with HCC Policy for the Management of LOtC and Offsite Visits and any local guidance offered by site management
·  Visit leaders will be familiar with the OEAP’s National Guidance document 7g, “Farm Visits”
·  Activity management takes account of group characteristics
·  Leaders trained, competent and experienced with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all staff
·  Group leader to undertake preliminary visit. / NB Arrangements at farms can change daily. Reassess at start of visit.
On-going assessment by leader at start and during activity.

Hazards specific to Farms e.g. machinery, chemicals, slurry pits, animals, barbed wire, electric fences


All group members, including leaders

/ ·  Group briefed as appropriate regarding local hazards: -
o  always follow instructions by farmer or farm personnel
o  avoid moving machinery
o  not to climb on bales, walls or fences
o  keep away from slurry tanks, hoppers etc
o  not to touch barbed wire or electric fences
o  not to enter fields containing animals and not to touch or feed animals unless the farm personnel are supervising/give permission
Infection and illness (including EColi 0157
/ / ·  Avoid transmission of infection from hand to mouth
·  Wash hands thoroughly after touching / handling farm animals

Generic Risk Assessment page 1 of 2 September 2007

Farm Visits (Updated July 2015)