PCE Pre-K Lesson Plan: Family

Classroom Warm-Up
Writing, Journals, Fine Motor, Daily Jobs
Morning Meeting
*Greeting /*Review rules/*Review Helpers Chart/*Who is here today
Circle Time
*Morning Message
Morning Message:
*Introduce weekly Theme:
*Read Aloud:→ ------
P.A/Transition to Centers
Introduce – We will…
Mastery – I will…
Essential Questions:
Free Choice Centers/ PBL Work
PBL: Not yet. ☺
Home extension
*writing / Letter Knowledge
Introduce – We will…
Mastery – I will…
Essential Questions:
Midday Break
Outside 10:10am-10:30am, Lunch 10:30am-11:00am
Story 11:00am-11:15am
Math Centers
Free Choice Centers/ Small Groups & RTI
Small Group Math
Learning Classroom Routines
Standard: ------
Afternoon Meeting: Math/Social
Math Lesson:
Introduce – We will…
Mastery – I will…
Essential Questions:
Afternoon Meeting: Hands on Science/Daily Recap/Open Mic
*Read Aloud:
Outside Time
Classroom Warm-Up
Writing, Journals, Fine Motor, Daily Jobs
Morning Meeting
*Greeting /*Review rules/*Review Helpers Chart/*Who is here today
Circle Time
*Morning Message
Morning Message: Today is September 6, 2016. Today the weather is ___? This week we learn about different Families.
How many people are in your family?
Question of the Week- Who is in our Families
*Read Aloud:→ Does a Kangaroo have a mother too?
Extension: We will…bring pictures from home of our families and name the members in our pictures or we will draw and name each person in our family and Mrs. Evans will label each family member.
I will… identify the people in my family. Then I will count to see how many family members are in my family.
Materials:manila paper and crayons.
Standard: III.A.1. Child engages in pre-reading and reading-related activities.I.B.3.a. Child sustains attention to personally chosen or routine (teacher directed) tasks until completed.
Materials: Amazing word cards #25 busy and #26 messy
P.A/Transition to Centers
PA:Words in a Sentence!
Introduce – We will…Demonstrate that we can hear each separate word of a sentence and tell how many there are.
Mastery – I will…drop one counting chip in my cup for each word I hear in the sentence. I will count to see how my how many words each sentence has.
Standard:III.B.1. Child separates a normally spoken four word sentence into individual words.
Essential Questions: Can you place one chip in the cup for each word.. How many chips are in your cup?
Free Choice Centers/ PBL Work
PBL: Not yet. ☺
Home extension
*Math / Letter Knowledge
Kick the Cup ( letter not a letter activity)
Introduce – We will… name the letters in Mrs. Evans bucket. Then we will identify the letters in real examples of print on the plastic cups. Some of the cups will have numbers or shapes on them but we will only identify letters.
Mastery – I will… identify the cup that has a letter on it say its name with my peers and then kick the cup over.
Standard: III.C.1 Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters
Essential Questions: Where do you see a letter ____? Is it a letter, shape, or number?
Midday Break
Outside 10:10am-10:30am, Lunch 10:30am-11:00am
Story 11:00am-11-15am
Nap/Quiet Rest Time/Intervention 11:15am-12:15pm
III.D.1. Child retells or re-enacts a story after it is read aloud.
Free Choice Centers/ Small Groups & RTI
Small Group Math
shape in our environment hunt
Standard: I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Math Lesson: Which Shape Speed Guessing!
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we can recognize and name our shapes.
Mastery – I will…see if I can guess which shape Mrs. Evans is drawing on the board before she completes it.
Standard: V.C.2 Child names common shapes.
Essential Questions: What shape is this? Can you describe what it looks like? How many do you see/where? How many sides does it have? How many corners does it have?
Afternoon Meeting: Hands on Science/Daily Recap/Open Micl
Social Emotional Lesson
skill : Safety Two Bad Ants
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we understand what it means to be safe and how we can prevent friends from getting hurt.
Mastery – I will…take my turn to act out and discuss different scenarios showing what are way we can be safe on the playground.
Standard: I.C.1Child uses positive relationship skills as modeled by their teacher for their own pro-social behavior.
Essential Questions: What does it mean to share? Why is it important to share? What happens when we don’t share? What happens when we do share?
Outside Time
Classroom Warm-Up
Writing, Journals, Fine Motor, Daily Jobs
Morning Meeting
*Greeting /*Review rules/*Review Helpers Chart/*Who is here today
Circle Time
*Morning Message
Morning Message: Today is September 7, 2016. Today the weather is ___? Today we will open a new center. Standards:IV.B.1. Child discusses and contributes ideas for drafts composed in whole/small group writing activities.
*Introduce weekly Theme: Expand Concepts (concept word card)/PoemWord of the Day! – freeze and sticky
*Read Aloud:→ Bear's Busy Family
IExtension: We will…bring pictures from home of our families and name the members in our pictures or we will draw and name each person in our family and Mrs. Evans will label each family member.
I will… identify the people in my family. Then I will count to see how many family members are in my family.
Materials:manila paper and crayons.
Standard: III.A.1. Child engages in pre-reading and reading-related activities.I.B.3.a. Child sustains attention to personally chosen or routine (teacher directed) tasks until completed.
P.A/Transition to Centers
Introduce – We will… jump the numbers on the hopscotch board as we count the words in the sentence.
Mastery – I will… jump one number on the hopscotch board for each word in the sentence to see how many there are.
Standard: III.B.1 Child separates a normally spoken four word sentence into individual words.
Essential Questions: How many words does that sentence have? How do you know? What are they?
Free Choice Centers/ PBL Work
PBL: Not yet. ☺
Home extension
*letter knowledge / Letter Knowledge
Music letters
Introduce – We will… demonstrate that we can identify letters. We will play a game of musical letters.The music will play. When the music stops, we have to stand on a letter. If we stand on a shape, or a number we will have to tell the class if it is a letter, shape, or number?
Mastery – I will…step and dance on the letters, shapes, and numbers tiles on the carpet until the music stops.Once the music stops i need to make sure i land on a letter.
Standard: III.C.1 Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters.
Essential Questions: Which one is a letter? What letter is it? Can you describe its shape.
Midday Break
Outside 10:10am-10:30am, Lunch 10:30am-11:00am
Story 11:00am-11-15am
Nap/Quiet Rest Time/Intervention 11:15am-12:15pm
III.D.1. Child retells or re-enacts a story after it is read aloud.
Free Choice Centers/ Small Groups & RTI
Small Group Math
Learning Classroom Routines
Standard: I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Math Lesson: Sort Triangles, Oval, Rectangle
The Great Shape Sort!
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we can recognize and name our shapes.
Mastery – I will…take my turn to identify which shape I have found and sort it onto the correct shape paper. I will describe my shape for my friends.
Standard: V.C.2 Child names common shapes.
Afternoon Meeting: Hands on Science/Daily Recap/Open Mic!
Social Emotional Lesson
Read Aloud: When Sophie Gets Angry, Really,
Really Angry By: Molly Bang
Extension: When I’m Angry: Classroom Strategies! We will explore different ways to help ourselves calm down and feel ready to use our words when we get angry at school.
Standard: II.A.1 Child shows understanding by responding appropriately. II.E.1 Child typically uses complete sentences of four or more words and grammatical complexity usually with subject, verb, and object order.
Outside Time
Classroom Warm-Up
Writing, Journals, Fine Motor, Daily Jobs
Morning Meeting
*Greeting /*Review rules/*Review Helpers Chart/*Who is here today
Circle Time
*Morning Message
Morning Message: Today is September 8, 2016. Today the weather is ___? Today we will open a new center. Standards:IV.B.1. Child discusses and contributes ideas for drafts composed in whole/small group writing activities.
*Introduce weekly Theme: Expand Concepts (concept word card)/Poem
*Read Aloud:→ What Daddies Do Best By: Laura Numeroff
Extension (AM 8:30-8:45): My Family Tree! We will each create our own family tree, showing all of the people (and pets!) that live in our homes as part of our family.
P.A/Transition to Centers
PA:The Syllables Hunt!
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we can hear how many syllables a word has.
Mastery – I will… point an object in the classroom and practice clapping out the syllables in word and counting how many there are.
Standard: III.B.4 Child combines syllables into words.
Essential Questions: How many syllables do you hear in your name?
Free Choice Centers/ PBL Work
PBL: Not yet. ☺
Home extension
*phonemic awareness / Letter Knowledge
Alphabet Relay
Introduce – We will… demonstrate that we can identify what is a letter and what is not a letter.
Mastery – I will…Race to the letter bucket and find a letter that is mixed with other shapes, numbers and objects. Once I find the letter, I will race back to place it in the empty letter bucket next to Mrs. Evans
Standard: III.C.1 Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters.
Essential Questions: Which one is a letter? Is a letter, shape or number? ------
Midday Break
Outside 10:10am-10:30am, Lunch 10:30am-11:00am
Story 11:00am-11-15am
Nap/Quiet Rest Time/Intervention 11:15am-12:15pm
III.D.1. Child retells or re-enacts a story after it is read aloud.
Free Choice Centers/ Small Groups & RTI
Small Group Math
Learning Classroom Routines
Standard: I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Math Lesson:Shape BINGO!
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we can recognize and name our shapes.
Mastery – I will…put a chip on the matching square of my BINGO card each time a shape I have is called out and see if I can be the first one to fill up my card.
Standard: V.C.2 Child names common shapes.
Essential Questions: What shape is this? Can you describe what it looks like? How many do you see/where? How many sides does it have? How many corners does it have?
Afternoon Meeting: Hands on Science/Daily Recap/Open Mic!
Social Emotional Lesson
: It’s Okay to Make Mistakes!
Introduce – We will… demonstrate that we understand it’s okay to make mistakes and that we can even turn our mistakes into something awesome.
Mastery – I will… read along with and discuss Beautiful Oops! Then, I will give examples of a time I felt like I’d made a mistake and what I could do to make it okay or turn it into something awesome!
standard: I.A.4 Child shows initiative in independent situations and persists in attempting to solve problems.
Essential Questions: What does it mean to make a mistake? Can you think of a mistake from the book? What did the author turn that mistake into? Can you think of a time you’ve made a mistake? What could you do to fix it? Is there something amazing you could turn your mistake into? How does it feel to make a mistake? How might you feel when you fix your mistake? How might you feel when you turn it into something new and awesome?
Outside Time
Classroom Warm-Up
Writing, Journals, Fine Motor, Daily Jobs
Morning Meeting
*Greeting /*Review rules/*Review Helpers Chart/*Who is here today
Circle Time
*Morning Message
Morning Message: Today is September 9, 2016. Today the weather is ___?
Standards:IV.B.1. Child discusses and contributes ideas for drafts composed in whole/small group writing activities.
*Introduce weekly Theme: Word Wiz
*Read Aloud:→ *Favorite Read Aloud
Introduce – We will… pick our favorite book of the week and listen to it being read out loud and recall what happened in the story.
Standard:III.D.2.Child uses information learned from books by describing, relating, categorizing, or comparing and contrasting.
Essential Questions: what was the book about? Can you tell me what happen in the book?
Materials: favorite book and beginning, during, and after activities.
P.A/Transition to Centers
PA:The Syllables in Our Names!
Introduce – We will…discover what syllables are!
Mastery – I will…practice clapping out the syllables in my name.
Standard: III.B.4 Child combines syllables into words.
Essential Questions: How many syllables do you hear in this word?
Free Choice Centers/ PBL Work
Home extension
*Thematic / Letter Knowledge
Fix my name
Introduce – We will… demonstrate that we can identify what is a letter and what is not a letter.
Mastery – I will… watch as Mrs. Evans writes my name on the board and identify all the letters in my name. If I see a number or a shape in my name we will work together to fix my name.
Standard: III.C.1 Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters.
Essential Questions: Can you find what’s wrong with your name?
Midday Break
Outside 10:10am-10:30am, Lunch 10:30am-11:00am
Story 11:00am-11-15am
Nap/Quiet Rest Time/Intervention 11:15am-12:15pm
III.D.1. Child retells or re-enacts a story after it is read aloud.
Free Choice Centers/ Small Groups & RTI
Small Group Math
Learning Classroom Routines
Standard: I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Math Lesson: My Shape House!
Introduce – We will…demonstrate that we can recognize and name our shapes.
Mastery – I will…use shapes to build my own shape house, identifying each shape as I go.
Standard: V.C.2 Child names common shapes.
Essential Questions: What shape is this? Can you describe what it looks like? How many do you see/where? How many sides does it have? How many corners does it have?
Afternoon Meeting: Hands on Science/Daily Recap/Open Mic!
Turning a Frown Upside Down!
Introduce – We will… read the book Get Happy and talk the different things that happened to the characters and the choices they made.
Mastery – I will… think of things that might happen during the day to make me feel upset and come up with ideas to make sure I still have a good day.
Standard: I.B.2.a Child begins to understand the difference between feelings and behaviors.
Essential Questions: What happened to __ in the story? How did that make __ feel? Why did it make __ feel that way? What helped __ to still have a good day? What is something that might happen to make you feel upset? What choices can you make/things can you try to turn your frown upside down? What helps you have a good day?
Outside Time