Chicago Open 2007

Packet by Selene Koo and Ahmad Ragab

1. One story in this work describes how a sharp comb was used to wean the baby of Lyubka. Another story describes how one character meets his eventual wife Tsilya while extorting money from her father. The stories “Lyubka the Cossack” and “The King,” like the rest in this collection, are set in the Moldavanka neighborhood of the title city. Focusing on the exploits of a gang led by Jewish gangster Benya Krik, FTP name this story collection written by Isaac Babel and set in the largest port in Ukraine.

ANSWER: OdessaTalesor Stories (acc. “The King” before it is mentioned)

2. The 11 lines of poetry appended to this work are attributed to a larger work called “Fallacies of Hope.” On the bottom right, a man holds his arms up in the air, while on the lower left various men are helping one another under an orange sun that threatens to be obscured. Currently housed in the Tate Gallery and arranged using dark vortices, the painter does not show the title character in detail; instead he depicts the character’s charges in distress during the title event. Inspired by his own experiences of a storm in Yorkshire, FTP name this 1812 work by Turner depicting a certain Carthaginian’s trek over some mountains.

ANSWER: Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps (prompt on Snow Storm as there are other works with that title)

3. Geman and Geman introduced a procedure named for this man that differs from the Metropolis algorithm in that only one parameter of interest is estimated during each step. In addition to his sampling method, he lends his name to the mixing paradox and to the overshooting of finite Fourier series approximations to a jump discontinuity. He introduced the notion of chemical potential, and deduced a relation for closed systems in equilibrium between the numbers of chemical components, degrees of freedom and separate phases. FTP name this physical chemist who also introduced a namesake free energy.

ANSWER: Josiah Willard Gibbs

4. A member of the Masmuda tribe established this dynasty, whose name derives from the Arabic for "Unitarian" or "the monotheists." Its height was under Yaqub al-Mansur, who introduced Averroes to the court, built the Koutoubia Mosque and defeated King Alfonso VIII of Castile at the Battle of Alarcos. Its decline began with the defeat of Muhammad al-Nasir at Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212. Succeeded by the Marinids in 1269, FTP name this Berber Muslim dynasty whose capital was at Marrakesh and that succeeded the Almoravids as rulers of the Magreb and al-Andalus.

ANSWER: Almohad Dynasty

5. Two villages nearly came to blows after one of these beings walked between them wearing a parti-colored cap. Another of these entities has three aspects, including Feraille, who invigorates servants by slapping them. These spirits can be called on in a divination practice known as Ifa conducted by a babalawo. Eshu and Ogun number among these manifestations of Olodumare worshipped in Candomblé and other Yoruban-based religious systems. FTP name these central deities of Santería.

ANSWER: Orishas (accept gods of Santería or equivalents before “Santería”)

6. Part three begins with a quote from a letter to D’Alembert that encourages the reader “to think of something else,” before describing the narrator pining for his native shores. That nostalgia contrasts starkly with the first two parts, which the author wrote at Kinsham Court, and which find the speaker reciting his present state of dissipation. Ultimately, he decides to flee “his fellow bacchanals” to Portugal. By the fourth and final part, this work’s author has dropped speaking via his narrator and recounts his own experiences visiting Venice and Rome. Written in Spenserian stanzas, its most famous sections feature the author’s titular alter ego reflecting on the glory of Napoleon and the birth of a daughter named Ada. For ten points, identify this Lord Byron work describing the many travels of the title character.

Answer: Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

7. Its minor tributaries include the Sacandaga, the Hoosic and the Schroon, while towns along its banks include Stillwater, Glens Falls, Kingston and Ossining. Known in Mahican as Muh-he-kun-ne-tuk, or "the river that goes two ways,” it is a tidal estuary as far upstream as Troy. Parts of this river form coves such as Haverstraw Bay and Weehawken Cove, the former of which is just north of this river's widest part, the Tappan Zee. It is connected to the Delaware by a namesake canal, and its principal tributary is the Mohawk. FTP, name this river that flows past Jersey City, Albany and Manhattan.

ANSWER: Hudson River

8. A man sharing his name fled after an ephor announced a sign from the gods favoring the reforms of his co-regent Agis IV. This man's father saved the city of Sicyon from the tyrant Aeschynus. His father-in-law went insane, and was arrested and executed for plotting against Damartius. His father-in-law, Cleomenes I, was also his half-brother by his father, Ananaxdridas II. He replied "Molon Labe!," meaning "Come and get them," following his enemy's demand for unilateral disarmament. FTP name this husband of Gorgo and 17th Agiad king of Sparta who died fighting at Thermopylae.

ANSWER: Leonidas I

9. This man wrote an unfinished and fragmentary novel in which an unnamed Englishman undergoes a series of exams in hopes of marrying Miss Augusta Allfancy, a native of Kantsaywhere. He advised steering by holding a horse’s tail when crossing rivers in his The Art of Travel, and discussed the negative correlation of energy and head size in a work on the nature and nurture of English Men of Science. He introduced the concept of statistical correlation and founded the journal Biometrika with Weldon and his student Pearson. FTP name this polymath who wrote Hereditary Genius after reading his cousin’s Origin of Species.

ANSWER: Francis Galton

10. The energy of charge transfer from a ligand to the metal it coordinates is proportional to the difference between their values for the optical variety of this quantity. The principle of equalization of this quantity posited by Sanderson states that its value for a group is the geometric mean of the values for each individual atom. Determination of it for orbitals was undertaken by Hinze and Jaffe. It has been posited to be proportional to the effective nuclear charge divided by the square of the covalent radius, defined as the additional strength of a heteronuclear bond, and defined as the average of the ionization energy and electron affinity. FTP name this quantity given various definitions by Allred and Rochow, Mulliken, and Pauling, which gives a numerical value to how much an atom likes electrons.

ANSWER: electronegativity

11. In Act I of this opera, the fan of the Marchesa Attavanti is produced to make the titular character suspicious of her lover, who is thrown in prison after hearing news of Napoleon’s victory at the battle of Marengo. Based on a play by Victorien Sardou that starred Sarah Bernhardt in the title role, it preceded such later works as Il Tabarro as its composer’s first effort in the verismo genre. The title character agrees to sleep with the police chief in order to save her lover’s life, but his mock execution turns out to be real, and she throws herself from the roof of the Castel Sant’ Angelo. FTP, name this opera which includes such arias as Recondita harmonia, Visse d’arte, and E Lucèvan le stelle, a work by Puccini.


12. According to some accounts the hoof-prints of this figure’s horse sprang wells. His horse died during a gathering that also saw the deaths of a large wolf with viper-reins and a dwarf named Lit. This son-in-law of Nep was avenged by the son of Rind. He gave Draupnir to Hermod the Bold, who failed to secure his release when Thokk refused to cry for him. His ship Ringhorn was set afire and his wife Nanna threw herself on his pyre following his death, which had been foreseen in a dream by his mother Frigg. FTP name this Norse god killed by a mistletoe dart thrown by his blind brother Hodr.

ANSWER: Baldur or Baldr or Balder

13. This film directed by Rowdy Herrington includes a villain smashing monster trucks into buildings to terrorize a small town. Wade Garrett, played by Sam Elliott, thinks the love interest, “Doc”, has “entirely too many brains to have an ass like that.” The protagonist, an NYU philosophy graduate, brings his medical records wherever he goes in order to save time, and his finishing move involves ripping the throat out of his victims. He is hired to cool a bar in Jasper, a town run by Brad Wesley. FTP name this seminal 1989 cinematic masterpiece, in which Patrick Swayze plays a cooler named Dalton who cleans up the Double Deuce.

ANSWER: Roadhouse

14. An early model for this phenomenon was the “core” or “rump” model advanced by Heisenberg. Some of the complexities observed in this phenomenon led to Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit’s spin hypothesis. The Breit-Rabi equation gives its transition energies in terms of the hyperfine energy splitting, the Bohr magneton and the Landé g-factor. Transitions with non-zero net electron spin yield the anomalous variety of this phenomenon, and its strong-field limit is called the Paschen-Back effect. FTP name this splitting of spectral lines by external magnetic fields.

ANSWER: Zeeman Effect

15. He led a raid that undid some of the damage from his side's defeat at Cissa, but the enemy was soon reinforced from Massilia. Later he lost the Battle of Dertosa, but defeated his enemies at Upper Baetis. He outmaneuvered Publius Scipio in Hispania, and arrived in Gaul in late 206 BC. Intercepted by Claudius Nero and Marcus Livius, he was forced to face the consuls in battle, holding his ground until Marcus Livius broke the Iberian flank. Meeting his inglorious and headless end at the Battle of Metaurus, FTP, name this Carthaginian general and brother of Hannibal.

ANSWER: Hasdrubal Barca

16. His biography of John Sterling was published shortly after a series of political writings, the Latter-Day Pamphlets. Those writings were more vehement in tone than an earlier political work, which drew upon the Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond to compare the 12th-century to Victorian England. That work, Past and Present, noted the importance of strong leadership, a theme which he also explored in On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. The German writer Jean Paul appears as a character in his most famous work, which also includes the characters Blumine, Heuschrecke, and a philosopher of clothes, Diogenes Teufelsdröckh. FTP, name this author of Sartor Resartus.

ANSWER: Thomas Carlyle

17. He was ordered to impregnate two queens, but his wild looks caused one queen to close her eyes and the other to turn pale, resulting in one blind and one pale son. This son of Parashara and Satyavati is credited with writing the Yoga-bhasya and the 18 major Puranas, and with dividing the Veda into four collections, earning him a name meaning “Splitter of the Vedas.” This father of Dhritarashtra and Pandu lived in the forest of Kurukshetra, facilitating the composition of his best-known work, which he dictated to Ganesh. FTP name this grandfather of the Pandavas and Kauravas who recorded their struggle in the Mahabharata.

ANSWER: Veda Vyasaor Krishna Dvaipayana

18. This property is systematized in the genus Brassica by the Triangle of U. The theory of this type of complex was first described by Babcock and Stebbins to explain genetic exchange between species incapable of directly breeding with each other. In humans, partial but not complete hydatiform moles exhibit this phenomenon, as do normal hepatocytes. It results from endoreplication in Drosophila salivary glands; in other cells it can also result from non-reduction during meiosis. Commonly occurring in plant endosperm and angiosperms, FTP identify this phenomenon in which cells possess more than two haploid sets of chromosomes.

ANSWER: polyploidy (accept "tetraploidy" until "complex")

19. In a recent memoir subtitled “memoirs of a disgruntled keybasher,” Maria Pierrakos describes her experience transcribing the lectures of this man. His essay “The Direction of the Treatment” includes a reading of The Merchant of Venice that links Shylock’s demand for a “pound of flesh” to his concept of the “object small a.” His 1953 “Rome Discourse” was critical of the followers of Anna Freud, and his twenty-first seminar, “The Name of the Father,” showed the influence of Saussurean linguistics. One of his most famous works drew from Freud’s concept of narcissistic identification to describe the infant’s acquisition of the Symbolic function. That work, “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I,” was included in his Ecrits.FTP identify this French psychoanalyst.

ANSWER: Jacques Lacan

20. The arrests of Rufus McIntire and of Ebenezer Greeley “while performing his duty” were precipitating actions in this conflict. Tensions ran high as Fairfield mobilized militia and Sir John Harvey threatened to build fortifications on the Fish and Madawaska Rivers. Harvey and Winfield Scott arranged a truce about occupation of the upper St. John River valley and the namesake region as a prelude to negotiations that gave part of Minnesota’s Mesabi Range to the United States. FTP name this bloodless conflict on the Maine-New Brunswick border whose final boundaries were settled by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.

ANSWER: Aroostook War

1. In discussing the title concept, this poem from the collection Transport to Summer states that “It Must Be Abstract,” “It Must Change,” and “It Must Give Pleasure.” FTPE:

[10] The figure of the “major man” is introduced in this poem, whose title goal is identified with poetry in its author’s later poem, “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman.”

ANSWER: “Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction

[10] This poet wrote “Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction” and “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman,” as well as “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” and “The Emperor of Ice Cream.”

ANSWER: Wallace Stevens

[10] “A High-Toned Old Christian Woman,” “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” and “The Emperor of Ice Cream” all appear in this first Stevens collection.

ANSWER: Harmonium

2. Name these things about a 19th century U.S. election FTPE.

[10] This presidential election featured the delivery of a speech advocating bimetallism at the Democratic nominating convention in Chicago and the rejection of the pro-business wing of the Democratic party.

ANSWER: Election of 1896

[10] This Republican campaign manager from Ohio raised unprecedented amounts of money for McKinley’s campaign. As a reward, he was given the Senate seat vacated by John Sherman in 1897.

ANSWER: Mark Hanna

[10] This anti-Semite, anti-Catholic, isolationist Georgia Congressman was William Jennings Bryan’s running mate in the Populist party, while Arthur Sewall was the Democratic vice presidential candidate. This man would run as the Populist Party’s presidential candidate in 1904 and 1908.

ANSWER: Thomas Edward Watson

3. He introduced the concept of stimulated emission. FTPE:

[10] Name this physicist who developed the modern concept of the photon and used Planck’s quantum hypothesis in a paper explaining the photoelectric effect.

ANSWER: Albert Einstein

[10] The “bridge” named for this man and Einstein is a wormhole connecting black and white holes. He was also one of two coauthors with Einstein on the paper “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?”

ANSWER: Nathan Rosen

[10] This man’s 1964 paper “On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox” demonstrated that quantum mechanics is incompatible with any local hidden variable theory and introduced his namesake inequality.

ANSWER: John Stewart Bell

4. This daughter of Theia and Hyperion was married to Astraeus, by whom she was the mother of the North, West and South Winds. FTPE:

[10] Name this sister of Helius who had affairs with Cephalus and Ganymede.


[10] Eos also had an affair with this brother of Ganymede. Zeus granted her request of immortality for this man, but she forgot to ask for eternal youth, and he eventually turned into a grasshopper.

ANSWER: Tithonus

[10] This son of Eos and Tithonus brought an army to help defend Troy. Achilles killed him after he killed Nestor’s son Antilochus, but Eos started crying and Zeus granted him immortality.

ANSWER: Memnon

5. She succeeded her father, William X, in ruling substantial lands that included Poitou and Gascony. FTPE:

[10] Name this queen whose first husband was Louis VII of France.

ANSWER: Eleanor of Aquitaine

[10] When Richard I released Eleanor from her 15 years' imprisonment, he sent this great Knight-Errant, known as the "Flower of Chivalry" and "Right Hand of Kings," to free her. In later life he was regent for Henry III.