Guide for Extended Abstract and Full Paper Submissions – sb13munich

Space for a portrait of the presenting author
If you do not wish to provide a photograph, then leave this space empty. / Hans Mayer
Chief Research
Technische Universität München

Such texts should be aligned left (as above) / Space for a portrait of the co-author.
If there is no co-author please delete this text.
/ First name Family name

Such texts should be aligned left (as above)

If there are more than two authors, pleaseinsert the picture of the presenting author above and list the rest of authors as shown below otherwise erase this cursive text and leave 3 lines of space.

Title First Name Family Name, Company, Country,


These instructions have been prepared in the format that should be used for your full paper and one and a half pageextended abstract.This file can be used as a template for both.

Please refer carefully to this document when preparing your contribution.Please note that we can only publish papers which have been submitted using the correct template.

Keywords:Include list of keywords (maximum of ten keywords)

  1. Introduction

Authors are required to submit a one and a half (1.5) pageextended abstract with their full paper. These two papers should be combined into a singleunprotected PDFfile (first the extended abstract followed by the full paper – starting on a fresh page).We recommend that the full paper should not be longer thaneight pages. For the extended abstract the page limit is one and a half (1.5) pages. We cannot publish extended abstracts longer than this. The printed conference proceedings will only contain the extended abstracts, whereas the full papers will be made available digitally. Extended abstracts will be printed in black and white only. The full paper may contain elements in colour. Please note that the only format accepted when submitting is an unprotected PDF.

All text, figures and tables should be placed within an area 170 mm wide and 247 mm high. On A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) paper, this is equivalent to left and right margins of 20 mm, and top and bottom margins of 25 mm. Please do not insert page numbers, these will be added by the publisher. Although the papers will be reviewed, they may be returned to the author(s) for revision before they are being published. Itis necessary that the correct template is used when submitting the extended abstract and the full paper.

The deadline for the submission of both the full paper and the extended abstract is January31, 2013.No late submissions are allowed.

  1. Guidelines for papers/abstracts

2.1First page

The first half-page should include the title, information on the author(s) and the summary. The title should be written in Arial, bold 14, centred. Data for each author should be presented in the allocated space only (Arial 11) including (i) first name and family name, (ii) title or position, (iii)university or company, (iv) country, (v) email. The portrait of the presenting author should fit in the allocated space. The summary and keywords (maximum of ten) should be written in Arial 11 font. The paper begins after the keywords.

2.2Fonts and format to be used

The following fonts, sizes and spacing should be used, as they are in this document, i.e. you may use this document as a template!

2.2.1Body text

Body text should be written in Arial 11 pt, line spacing 12 pt. A new paragraph starts with a blank line (12 pt) and a new line without indentation. There should be no hyphenation (cutting words) and the text should be aligned left and right.


Headings should be limited to three levels and numbered appropriately using the decimal system. The main headings (e.g. 1. Introduction) should be written in Arial bold 14 pt, line spacing 14pt. Subheadings should be written in Arial bold 11 pt, line spacing 12 pt. Third level headings should be written in Arial 11 pt, line spacing 12 pt. Provide a single line (12 pt) space between the previous section and all headings. Place a blank line (12 pt) between all headings and the following text, graphic or table. Heading numbers should be left aligned with the text indented 10 mm. A heading that would otherwise be stranded at the bottom of a page should be moved to the top of the following page by adding a blank line before it.

2.2.3Captions and lettering in Figures and Tables

The captions of figures and tables should be written in Arial 11 pt, line spacing 12 pt. Characters should not be smaller than Arial 10 pt.

2.3Graphics (drawings / photographs) and graphs

Graphs, drawings and photographsshould be inserted electronicallyinto the finished document.

All figures and tables must be inserted near the location where they are first described. Provide a Fig. number and caption below each figure or photograph and a table number and caption above each table. The resolution should be 150x150 dpi 300x300 dpi for drawings. There is no limit for the size of the picture or tables.Extended abstract: no colour is allowed.Full paper: colour is allowed.


Tables should have top and bottom borders as shown in the example, but no vertical borders.Scanned drawings and tables inserted as bitmaps are not acceptable.

Table 1: This is a table caption

Number / Floor Area
(m²) / Average Room Height (m)
1 / 120 / 2.65
2 / 142 / 3.00
3 / 138 / 2.76
4 / 230 / 3.05
5 / 95 / 2.80
6 / 113 / 3.20


Insert all equations using the equation editor (integrated in Microsoft Word), as text if possible, or as an image. Equations should be referenced with a number shown in brackets, ( ), to the right of each equation. Here is an example:



Footnotes should not be used.


Use SI units exclusively.

Decimal location should be indicated by a point ‘.’ and not by a comma ‘,’, as per ISO standards.

2.8Discussion, conclusions and acknowledgements

The paper should finish with a discussion, final comments and conclusions. Acknowledgements should follow the conclusions if necessary.

  1. Submission of contributions


Full papers as well as short versions are to be submitted electronically by uploading them ontothe online system which can be accessed via the conference website (

Note that the size of the electronic version of your paper when prepared according to these instructions should not exceed 3 MB.

3.2One and a half page short version of the paper (extended abstract)

The short version will be strictly limited to one and a half pages and should be prepared according to these guidelines.Please bear in mind that the extended abstracts will be printed in black and white in the proceedings and will serve as a summary of your paper which should attract participants to your presentation.

3.3Full paper

The full papers should also be prepared according to these guidelines.The extended abstractand full paper must be submitted as a single attachment.Only 1 attachment file is allowed. Soplease combine your one and a half page extended abstract and full paper into a single unprotected PDF file, starting with the extended abstract followed by the full paper. The full paper needs to start on a fresh page.

Full papers will be published on a CD-ROM / USB Stick. The first page of the paper should preferably be free of tables, figures or photographs.

  1. References

References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the text and be provided with a reference number in square brackets [1] using an overhanging indentation of 10 mm. References should be made in the paper using the appropriate reference number in square brackets. In the list of references, the author’s names are uppercase and are followed by the initials. The titles of books, journals and proceedings should be in italics. Titles should be in lower and upper case as shown below. The year of publication and the page number(s) should be given.

[1]BURDEN E., LOW Z., BIANCHI P., and TAN S.M., “Reinforced Concrete Dimensioning based on Element Nodal Forces”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 6, 2002, pp. 1718-1731.

[2]HÄKKINEN T, VARES s, HUOVILA P, “ICT for whole life optimisation of residential buildings”, VTT, Espoo, 2007, pp. 207.
