Writing Arguments to Persuade
He made the bold claim that Lebron James is a turncoat.
She had first claim on the diamond jewels that belonged to great grandmother.
His claim to fame was that he could juggle while peeling a banana with his feet.
* What does claim mean?
claim (n) - a declaration of the truth that can be doubted or disagreed with;
a statement of entitlement or right;
a demand or request for something you feel is owed
OBJECTIVE of this portfolio piece:
Write an argument to support a claim with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
● Introduce a claim, acknowledge and distinguish your claim from opposing claims, and organize your reasons and evidence logically.
● Support your claim with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of your portfolio concept.
● Use transition words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among your claim, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
● Provide a concluding statement or section that supports your argument.
FORMAT options (choose one):
- Write a formal business letter to...
● the editor of a local paper
● a Senator or member of Congress
● a School Board
● an organization or company
- Create a commercial for...
● a product
● a service
● a campaign
- Write a review for...
● a book
● a movie
● music
BRAINSTORM in your notebooks:
1. Possible claims that relate to your portfolio concept.
2. For each claim, determine:
- your audience
- your format: business letter, commercial, or review
The field hockey team needs new uniforms. / School Board, Athletic Boosters, Athletic Director / Formal business letter
Hank is the best candidate for office. / registered voters / Campaign ad commercial
The book was so much better than the movie. / fans of the book, people who want to see the movie, readers / Editorial
3. After you get a stamp of approval on a claim, audience, and format, begin working on the graphic organizer, due Friday at the beginning of class.