Partner Due Diligence Information (PDDI) for
Student Exchange, Support Provision & Other arrangements (where advised by CPO)
University of Portsmouth – Quality Management Division – Collaborative Programmes / PDDI
May 2015
 / ONLY use this partner due diligence informationform for partnership proposalsthat must undergo the relevant memorandaapproval or renewal processes for:
  • Student Exchange, including dual award arrangements;
  • Support Provider
For One off arrangements not covered above, please contact Collaborative Programmes via
Note:This form is NOT for full collaborative arrangements, including those with collaborative specific credit, which have a specific partner profile form, the links for this may be found here[1].
 / Please answer all questions in full, including evidence of the information sources. If you cannot answer a question because you are unable to find information, please say so.The information here should be publicly available, free of charge online, or provided by the PI.
1Full legal/official name of PI
1.1 / Give the legally registered name:
For example:
University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation
Where to look: The legal name can usually be found on the PI Website’s Privacy/Cookies Policy or Legal /Copyright notice. If the PI is a company or education provider, the legal name should also be found on the National or Regional companies or education register for that territory. The constitutional documents of the PI, act or law or certificate of incorporation also details this.
1.2 / Give any trading names or abbreviations used by the PI where applicable:
E.g.University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth University, UoP (unofficial)
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
e.g. Legal name on PI website / / 08/08/2014
e.g. UoP Instrument of Government / / May 2005
2Registered address and contact details of PI
Use the format applicable to the partner country, including any postal / ZIP codes.Physical postal address needed for registered office; PO Boxes or similar not normallypermitted.
Where to look: ThePI constitutional documents, company or educational registration authority, government orofficial body register.
Postal Address of registered office if different from the address given in MAF:
Telephone number: / include country and area codes
Website address:
3Background and date PI established
Brief history / background of PI / previous names of PI:
Date PI established:
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
4Size of PI and locations
4.1 / Number & type of employees: / If applicable to the PI detail the number of lecturing, support staff, administrative staff etc.
4.2 / Number of students / learners: / If multiple campuses, please detail the spread.
4.3 / Does PI have more than 1 campus / learning centre?: (Yes/No):
4.4 / If ‘Yes’ to 4.3, give details of each campus involved in the collaboration
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
5Legal / business entity and ownership of PI
5.1 / Type of business / legal entity of PI?:
These vary greatly from territory to territory, list what it is legally called in the country or territory of business operation. Examples could include:
publicly owned, local authority or local or central government corporation;higher education corporation; charitable trust;private college within a public institution, public private partnership (PPP);private limited liability company (LTD), Public Limited Company (PLC), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.
Where to look: PI constitutional documents, act /law /certificate /articles of incorporation, memorandum or articles of association, company or educational registration authority, ask PI
5.2 / Is the PI privately or publicly owned?: / private/public/public private partnership (delete as applicable)
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
6Detail any institution wide or significant accreditation that the PI receives:
Where to look: PI website, and cross-check against external body or PSRB websites.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
7PI’s programme portfolio, as applicable
7.1 / DetailPI’s awarding powers: / What types of qualification does the PI have the right / permission to grant wholly by itself. e.g. Degrees, Diplomas etc.
7.2 / Detail thesubject areasPI offers:
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
8PI’s collaboration with others
PI’s current collaboration with other Universities, Colleges, Education or Service Providers:
Give the nature of these, including the length of standing. If there are many, group them by region or subject area, the list doesn’t need to be exhaustive– just give an idea of the scale and breadth of collaboration. Detail any other UK/international HE collaborative programmes and partners offered through the PI.
Where to look: PI website, and cross-check against websites of PI’s other partners.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
9PI’s external quality indicators
9.1 / Name of external education quality assurance body or bodies that oversee the PI:
E.g. QAA for UK HE providers, Ofsted for UK FE providers.Where to look: PI website, Agency or body website in PI territory.
9.2 / Have these bodies raised any recent issues?
To the best of your ability to locate publicly available information, briefly summarise this below:
Where to look: PI website, Agency or body website in PI territory.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
10How does the PI internally monitor and review the quality and standards of its teaching and learning?
Briefly detail the nature and extent of the PI’s currently established internal quality assurance monitoring and periodic review processes, including any externality of review (i.e. External Examiners / Assessors):
Broadly, this relates to the internal quality assurance processes in place at the PI that monitor the quality and standards of its own teaching and learning, curricula and assessment, student / learner support and learning resources. Think of the ones the University of Portsmouth use (ASQER process). An example of the sort of monitoring processes can be found in the UoP’s Programme Monitoring and Review Policy and associated Operational Handbook[2].
Where to look: PI website or document, ask PI.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
11ONLY if PI is a company, give registration details and relationships to other institutions / companies
If the PI is also a registered company; please give the following additional information:
11.1 / Name of company registering authority/ies:
E.g.Companies House UK[3], SSM Malaysia[4] (free registration required), ACRA Singapore[5],CR Hong Kong[6].
11.2 / Company registration number & date of incorporation on company registering authority:
11.3 / Please give details of the ownership of the PI:
If the PI is owned by another company, a subsidiaryowned by a holding company, parent owning company, or part of a group of companies, please give the name of the owning or controlling company. If it is owned or controlled by an individual(s), please give their name(s).
E.g. University of Portsmouth Enterprise Ltd is wholly-owned by University of Portsmouth. John Lewis Partnership is owned by its full-time employees (‘Partners’). J C Bamford Excavators Ltd (JCB) is owned by the Bamford family. Tesco PLC is owned by its shareholders, with no-one having overall control.
Where to look: PI constitutional documents, company or educational registration authority, PI annual report, stock exchange listing, ask PI.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
12ONLY if PI is a charity or similar body: give registration details
An organisation with charitable status is clearly defined in the UK. Outside the UK, the distinction may not be. For example, tax authorities may give special status to a not-for-profit Society or Members’ Club.
Where to look: Charity registration authority, tax authority or company registration authority in PI territory; ask PI if unsure.
Name of charity registering authority/ies & territory:
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
13PI’s research portfolio, if applicable to proposed collaboration:
As applicable, briefly describe below. Include the areas and their size / scope - National / International importance etc.
Where to look: PI website, ask PI, PSRB / sector-wide reputation
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
14Adherence to law in the PI territory
In the last three years, has the PI been convicted of breaching any laws in the PI territory that might relate to the proposed collaboration or undertaken activities in another country that could place it in breach of law?
If yes, please provide details including the resulting actions by the PI:
Where to look: Ask PI, web searches, credit check (if performed).
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
15Legal requirements in the PI territory
ONLY answer this question if PI is based OUTSIDE the UK.
For the purposes of this question, the United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but does not include Crown dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man) or Overseas Territories (e.g. British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar).
Detail the PI territory’s legislation and its requirements that apply to the proposed collaboration:
Consider state (local) or national or federal laws that may apply to the PI and the nature of the proposed collaboration with the University in the PI territory. The types of legislation that might apply will also depend on the proposed collaboration but may include legislation in the following areas: consumer rights, competition, company law and corporate responsibility, education, currency exchange, employment law, human rights, freedoms and equality and anti-discrimination, data protection, health and safety at work, anti-bribery anti-corruption etc.
Where to look: Ask PI, web searches.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
16Legal disputes
Is the PI currently or recently involved in any legal disputes that may relate to the proposed collaboration? If yes, please provide details below:Include: litigation (a lawsuit or the process of carrying out a lawsuit), arbitration (where a third party is called by two parties in dispute to resolve the dispute and whose decision is binding), prosecution, investigation or enquiry by a government agency. This can be in any territory or jurisdiction.
Where to look: Ask PI, web searches.
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
17ONLY fill in this question for Support Provider arrangements
Intellectual property
Only answer this question if the proposal is an ‘Ad-hoc’ or ‘one-off’ arrangement, not covered by the other types of arrangement detailed on page 1 of this form. Briefly detail the ownership of the PI’s intellectual property that may relate to the proposed collaboration:
The PI’s intellectual property, including its teaching materials, trademarks, service marks, know-how, patents etc may be wholly-owned by the PI, or a parent or holding company or organisation, or may be licensed from another organisation. Only focus on intellectual property relevant to the proposed collaboration. For example; Pearson EDEXCELowns the curriculum and materials that are licensed for delivery at service centres worldwide. Therefore the IP resides with Pearson EDEXCEL and not with the individual centres that are only granted permission to use these materials.
Where to look: Ask PI
Evidence the sources of information used for this question
List all sources of evidence used: / Include URL if website: / Date published/retrieved:
I have completed this form and sought assistance from such people as representatives of the partner institution and employees of the University of Portsmouth, and sought or verified facts using external sources such as registers of information and declare that, to the best of my knowledge, that the information gathered in this form is correct:
Name / eSignature or type “Agreed” below / Date
Declaration complete
Thank you for completing this form.
Please email this form and any other supporting approval documents and supporting evidence to your AD(A) or FVO.

Partner Due Diligence Information (PDDI) Student Exchange & Support Provision – ©University of Portsmouth May2015Page 1 of 4





