Disease / 10 / Health / 3 weeks

Disease Unit: Table of Contents

Non-Communicable Disease

1.Non-Communicable Disease Web Activity (23B4, 24B4)

Introduction activity where students share how they have been impacted by the top three leading causes of death. Yarn is used to create a web that visually depicts how we are all connected by disease.

2.Top 3 Non-Communicable Disease Comparison Diagram (22A-4A, 23B4, 24B4)

Modified Venn Diagram where students compare Cancer, CVD and Stroke.

3.CVD Gallery Walkand Notes(22A-4A, 23B4, 24B4)

Students move throughout the room from station to station completing the CVD notes in order to understand CVD warning signs, prevention and treatment.

4.Cancer Notes(22A-4A, 23B4, 24B4)

Power Point guided discussion which allows student to understand cancer warning signs, prevention and treatment.

5.Cancer Ribbons dedicated to survivors/deceased (23B4, 24B4)

Students design a cancer ribbon in honor or memory of someone they know who has passed away or fought cancer. The ribbons are displayed in the school or in the classroom.

6.Role Audience Format Topic (RAFT) Journal (22B4,23B4, 24B4)

CRISS journal activity which allows students to understand cancer from the perspective of a cancer patient.

7.Diabetes Article and Chart(22A-4A, 22B4, 24B4)

The article explains the various types of diabetes and includes prevention and treatment options. Students must focus on themain ideas and support details throughout the article.

Communicable Disease

8.Chain of Infection Article and Chart (22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

The article explains the chain of infection and outlines how to break the link to infection.

9.STI Paradigms (23B4, 24B4)

Students complete sentence stems to analyze preconceived notions regarding STI’s.

10.STI transmission activity (23B4, 24B4)

Group activity which allows students to understand STI transmission.

11.STI Notes(22A-4A, 22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

Power Point guided discussion which allows students to understand the transmission and

health impact of STI’s as well as STI prevention.

12.HIV Paradigms (23B4, 24B4)

Students complete sentences stems addressing their perception of people with HIV/AIDS.

13.HIV Notes(22A-4A, 23B4, 24B4)

Power Point guided discussion which allows student to understand HIV warning signs, prevention and treatment.

14.HIV Dear Sylvia (22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

Students read a letter written by an 18 year old in Kenya who describes what HIV/AIDS is like in her country. They write a letter back to her explaining the impact of HIV/AIDS in America.

15.Disease Exam (22A-4A, 22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

Multiple choice exam that aligns with health state standards.

Supplemental Activities

  • Discovery Health Clips (23B4, 24B4)

Series of short video clips that explain some of the causes, treatment and prevention of heart disease.

  • Dear 16 Year Old Me Clip (22B4,23B4, 24B4)

Short you tube PSA that explains how young people have been impacted by skin cancer.

  • Germ Video Clip description (23B4, 24B4)

Short video clip explains the dangers of germ infested places and the importance of hand washing.

  • Outbreak Video Clip (23B4, 24B4)

Video used to examine the chain of infection.

  • Speaker- Dupage County Health Department (22A-4A, 22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

Community speaker shares information regarding sexually transmitted infections.

  • Pandemic Facing AIDS (22B4, 23B4, 24B4)

Video is used to illustrate how HIV/AIDS is handled in other countries.