Partners in+care Chat Transcript and Evaluation Results



April 19, 2012

Partners in+care Chat Transcript and Evaluation Results


Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix AZ

Phoenix, AZ

Tucson, AZ

Los Angeles, CA

Denver, CO

Denver, CO

Torrington, CT

Washington, DC

Broward County, FL

Broward County, FL

Clearwater, FL
Clewiston, FL

Daytona Beach, FL

Key West, FL
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St. Petersburg FL

Tampa , FL

Peoria, IL

Atlanta, GA


Decatur, GA

Duluth, GA

Fulton County, GA

New Orleans, LA

St. Paul, MN
St Cloud, MN
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St. Louis, MO
Chapel Hill, NC

Lumberton, NC

Manchester, NH
Hudson County, NJ
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Binghamton, NY

New York, NY

New York, NY
New York, NY
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Rome, NY

Yonkers, NY

Yonkers, NY

Austin, TX
Charlottesville, VA Fredericksburg, VA
Fredericksburg, VA


Martinsburg, WV

April 19, 2012

Partners in+care Chat Transcript and Evaluation Results



Bob Tracy: (14:18) Check out the HRSA Care Action Newsletter from January 2006 if you want info about the Chronic Care Model.

Bob Tracy: (14:19) Bottomline: People living with HIV are key partners in all aspects of chronic disease management.

Bob Tracy: (14:20) What kind of challenges do you experience promoting and supporting retention?

Mike Maginn: (14:21) Hello everyone. What are some of the barries you have encounted when trying to access care?

Melvis: (14:22) transportation

zee: (14:22) Knownledge of where to go becasue of stigma

Bob Tracy: (14:22) If you joined the call after we started, please take a moment to let us know where you are from by entering your location in the chat.

John Wikiera: (14:22) Not enough rural services, poor clinic hours

Mike Maginn: (14:23) John - how often do they have clinic hours?

Estella Williamson: (14:23) literacy and mental/behavioral health

John Wikiera: (14:23) rural areas have a Part time ID Doc, with very few hours persweek, it is not good at all for some, IF they have HIV services

Mike Maginn: (14:27) Zee, what types of stigma are you encountering?

Sarah Cook-Raymond: (14:28) HRSA CAREAction newsletters that Bob mentioned can be accessed here:

Jeff Allen: (14:28) Consumers are partners in the in+care Campaign to promote awareness about the Campaign and how retention can improve their health, increase self-care, reach out to others living with HIV to help them stay in care or return to care, and become leaders in local quality improvement efforts to promote retention.

zee: (14:29) the social stigma of HIV

Bob Tracy: (14:30) Did a connect to care study in MN. We found the greatest predictor that some would fall out of care was the fact they did not have health insurance and access to routine health care before HIV diagnosis.

Jeff Allen: (14:32) AIDS casts an ominous shadow on our history and on our future as a Nation and as a people. But with this shadow comes light—from pioneers, professionals, volunteers, activists, and people living with HIV/AIDS themselves.

katya 2: (14:34) this curriculum looks really great! can someone explain what this note means tho? "Please note that this is not a treatment education curriculum."

Sarah Cook-Raymond: (14:34) Speaking of the history of AIDS, if you haven't checked out "A Living History" Website about HRSA's response over the years to the epidemic, and which our firm produced, feel free to check it out. It's continuously updated and also has downloadable videos telling consumer stories:

Jeff Allen: (14:35) Sarah, that's exactly where that statement came from your website~!

John Wikiera: (14:36) This education/workshop is an Excellent model, I had given input in the development and have delivered the education, delivering this every year with updates attached is a great idea

Sarah Cook-Raymond: (14:38) HRSA's TARGET Center also has an entire section of its resource library dedicated to "consumer involvement" which offers a wealth of retention information: The in+care Campaign retention resources can be accessed here:

Bob Tracy: (14:38) Feel free to connect with me if you want to explore more ideas about putting the Making Sure curriculum into action.

Bob Tracy: (14:42) I've found peer emotional support to be a key part of making disease info and self-care skill development stick.

Jeff Allen: (14:42) Be sure to join in on the May 24th webinar Reaching out to Share the Benefits of CareThursday, May 24, 2012 at 2:00pm ETAgenda: Describe how peer-to-peer connections improve retention; identify skills for effective peer outreach and connections; provide examples of formal and informal strategies for peer support; describe how people living with HIV/AIDS can share stories about peer-to-peer outreach through Partners in+careactivities.Dial-in#: 866.394.2346 Participant Code: 3971546368#URL:

Bob Tracy: (14:43) There is research out there that indicates offering health ed/emotional support early on for those who are new to care improves engagement with care.

Bob Tracy: (14:44) Question: What do you do to keep yourself in care? What a personal strategy? How do you "trick" yourself to stay connected to care?

Jeff Allen: (14:44) And there are no wrong answers most especially for those new to care!

Bob Tracy: (14:46) So, sometimes, creating a sense of commitment to community -- however that is defined -- helps people develop an enduring motivation to get connected and to stay in care.

katya 2: (14:48) wow. yeah convenient access to the clinic is sooo important! we've had patient spend 15-20 min looking for parking :(

Mike Maginn: (14:48) What services do a good job of promoting retention through self-care?

Jeff Allen: (14:49) people who are positive can be great role models for newly diagnosed and help them to navigate healthcare systems, helping each other to stay in care.

Bob Tracy: (14:49) I hear this all of the time in Making Sure workshop sessions. They stay in care by having a good relationship with their provider. So they put time and effort into creating that relationship.

Charlene Cooper: (14:49) easy access to providers

Melvis: (14:50) clinic hours, specialized providers, specialized pharmacies

Bob Tracy: (14:50) I drive. But easy access is also about providing bus tokens, mileage reimbursement or a ride are the same thing.

Jeff Allen: (14:51) PEER MENTOR PROGRAMS!

Bob Tracy: (14:51) Melvis. that's a good point. Having lots of services in one placde, available at a convenient time are important. Also, a person -- peer navigator -- to help figure out how to use the system.

John Wikiera: (14:51) this is a free social + educational website for consumers or providers, chat, blog radio, post your events, personal profiles and many links, anyone can use this, the NQC site is listed here too

Bob Tracy: (14:52) We want to figure out how to make the Partners in+care network a place where we can exchange information with each other about self-care and retention.

Maru: (14:52) Can you suggest strategies for newly diagnosed especially the youth whose literacy level is below the 3er grade education.

Bob Tracy: (14:53) That direct line makes a huge difference. Willingness to accept and respond to email requests, too.

Deloris Dockrey: (14:54) I agree, it is so important to develop a relationship with your care team so that you can get support from them.

Bob Tracy: (14:54) Maru. Send me an email after this call. Connecting youth is a big issue. Being addressed through in+care campaign and I want you follow up with you on this.

4182576142#: (14:55) We have implemented a team approach in our clinic atr the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. Each medical provider has a licensed nurse case manager /clinic nurse and medical assistant asigned to each team. The patient has access to all team members base on their needs.

Deloris Dockrey: (14:55) I often tell my adult son about my appointment and he becomes my buddy to help with retention.

Jeff Allen: (14:59)

Jeff Allen: (15:01) Partners in+care Webinar SeriesReaching Out to Share the Benefits of Care Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 2:00pm ET Agenda: Describe how peer-to-peer connections improve retention; identify skills for effective peer outreach and connections; provide examples of formal and informal strategies for peer support; describe how people living with HIV/AIDS can share stories about peer-to-peer outreach through Partners in+careactivities.Dial-in#:: 866.394.2346 Participant Code: 3971546368#URL:

katya 2: (15:01) who could answer questions about the evidence base for providing peer support?

National Quality Center NQC 2: (15:02) Remember to like our facebook page!

Maru: (15:02) any onw who can provide where we can aplpy for the navigator program

Kathryn Hansen: (15:03) I would love info on evidence based info for peer support but I have to hang up to get on another webinar through NQC. Bob, can you share info with me off line sometime?

Jeff Allen: (15:03) Providing training for PEER Programs

Scoie Green 2: (15:04) I don't see the slides. I only see the four evaluation questions.

katya 2: (15:04) yeah, bc I've heard from more research-oriented folks they're not convinced of the value of peer programs :(

Jeff Allen: (15:04) I also have all their slide sets if you would like them. email me at

Bob Tracy: (15:04) Do follow-up with Mike Maginn, too. They have a great peer-to-peer training.

Mike Maginn: (15:04) PEER Center

katya 2: (15:04) slides are here:

Mike Maginn: (15:04)

Bob Tracy: (15:07) Maru. Send email to . Ask for the transitioning into adult care guidelines. Also, contact me. I'll connect you with folks at Youth and AIDS Project here in MN.


April 19, 2012