SulaymaniyahShelter & NFI Cluster Meeting Minutes

3August 2017


Meeting Agenda:

oFollow-up on Action Points

oNFI Camps needs

oThe Agency updates:

The national staff updates

The Fire Safety

JCCC Report

Activity Info.

SSGBV training Questions

oFurther discussion on YAO new distribution system

oThe Agency updates:

The national staff updates

The Fire Safety

JCCC Report

Activity Info.

SSGBV training Questions


  1. Action Points

Topics / Responsible person / Due
  • 1
  • All agencies to provide feedback on the Camp Needs database
  • Follow up on the Activity Info access for Suli Partners ; such as Qandil to have an access to IDPs and Refugees Databases in AI.
Raghdah - UNHCR / 10 August
16 August
  • 2
  • Follow Provide feedback up on the previous SGBV training concerning; short period of training, and it needed to include real-life examples of how to handle SGBV while distribution.
/ MargruiteMarguerite- UNHCR / 16 August
  • 3
  • Garmyan camps particularly (Tazade & Alwand 1) need to be maintained and prepared to receive IDPs.
  • Check and finalize Garmyan camps’ needs of NFI/Shelter.
/ Ammar- UNHCR / 16 August
  • 4
  • Safe Distribution presentation for the next meeting of Shelter Cluster
/ UNHCR & REACH / 16 August
  • 5
  • Send the Presentation of NFI distribution (Barcode) & Assessment System to UNHCR to be circulated to all members.
  • Also, send the pictures of implemented system in the distribution process.
/ YAO / 16 August
  • 6
  • Follow-up on creating Google Group to be used for the NFI/Shelter Cluster coordination & meetings and, update the Google sheet of NFI/Shelter Cluster, and have it ready to all members.
/ Raghdah / 16 August
  1. Camp Needs

A spreadsheet to track NFI and shelter needs in the camp is being prepared by the sub-national cluster, Suly inputs will be combined with inputs from Dohk and Erbil to inform a regional strategy for ongoing NFI replacement and shelter maintenance. A spreadsheet was presented with inputs based on recent assessments and discussions. Members were requested to reviuew the inputs and update if needed.

  1. Discussions & Suggestions Updates

National Cluster Updates

-If not announced already there has been a change in the coordination team and contact details are attached.

-Winterization and Kerosene position paper will be built upon those of last year and be discussed during August. It’s been asked foe much more communication between all national and sub-national clusters so that comments on these types of papers can be made by each sub-national clusters before it is agreed nationally.

-The cluster has a global technical advisor in country to support the creation of guidelines for working in war damaged buildings. A TWiG will be held Thursday at 2 pm in Erbil on this and all partners are invited.

-Erbil SNFI cluster has launched and the second meeting will be help on the 8th at 11 am in EJCC. All partners can join the Google Group link

-The Mosul coordination group has been re-activated through Skype and can be joined here

Fire Safety:

-REACH already met with Civil defense concerning the fire safety list and arrangements, and the list will be sent to the Cluster once it’s ready.

-Fire safety was discussed during the JCCC meeting and the needs will be further discussed with Government coutneraprts

-It is hoped that this information will help contribute to a regional KRI-strategy.

Activity Info. : It’s quite essential that all partners report frequently in Activity Info. to get accurate data that helps later onin decision making processes.

SGBV training:

-Overall the training was helpful although members mentioned it was Short period and very brief training

-It requiredwould have been helpful to include real-life examples of how to handle SGBV concerns during distribution.

Fire Safety:

-REACH already met with Civil defense concerning the fire safety list and arrangements, and the list will be sent to the Cluster once it’s ready.

-UNHCR also arranged the fire safety procedures with Erbil Office.

-F with JCC on the response and trying to come up with a regional KRI-strategy.

  1. YAO Follow-up:

-YAO continued their explanation of the new distribution system (with Barcode), and opinions raised up concerning the system application in real-life distributions’ experiences. Discussion focused on data confidentiality and how to deal with more complicated cases for example a man with 2 wives. Different options were discussed on how the families can be best assisted. The conversation underscored the importance of physical verification, for example if the family is living together it may determine a different response than if the second wife is living separately. The response should also follow the structure outlined on the registration forms.

-All cluster members need to engage more in YAO distribution system and start to send their comments and suggestions after they got an overview on the system with its general features.

-Such comments/inquiries; how can the information will be used, how the system will be considered with the distribution processes, and what other information would be helpful?

Camp Needs:

-Camps needs assessment developed by the National cluster to advocate for a combined response. Details thus far !!

-Investigate where the gaps of NFI-Distributions in all camps are (camps’ needs) in order later to be addressed and filled.

SGBV training:

-Short period and very brief training

-It required to include real-life examples of how to handle SGBV concerns during distribution.

  1. Agency Updates – National Cluster Updates
  1. If not announced already there has been a change in the coordination team and contact details are attached.
  2. Winterization and Kerosene position paper will be built upon those of last year and be discussed during August. It’s been asked foe much more communication between all national and sub-national clusters so that comments on these types of papers can be made by each sub-national clusters before it is agreed nationally.
  3. The cluster has a global technical advisor in country to support the creation of guidelines for working in war damaged buildings. A TWiG will be held Thursday at 2 pm in Erbil on this and all partners are invited.
  4. Erbil SNFI cluster has launched and the second meeting will be help on the 8th at 11 am in EJCC. All partners can join the Google Group link
  1. The Mosul coordination group has been re-activated through Skype and can be joined here


  1. Meetings Minutes can be found in the in following link :

2.YAO distribution system’s presentation will be shared with members, through Suli Group link.

Wednesday 16 August 2017 10:00 UNHCRTo Be Confirmed

Next Meeting:

Wednesday 16 August 2017 10:00 UNHCR

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