Supplementary Table 1 Clinic-pathologic characteristics of the tumours
No. of patientsCharacteristics / Test cohort (%) / Validation cohort (%)
Tubule formation
1 / 40(6.3) / 23(5.9)
2 / 209(33.0) / 123(31.5)
3 / 384(60.7) / 241(61.6)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 4(1.0)
Nuclear pleomorphism
1 / 49(7.7) / 30(7.7)
2 / 299(47.2) / 224(57.3)
3 / 284(44.9) / 133(34.0)
Unknown / 1(0.2) / 4(1.0)
Mitotic counts
1 / 120(19.0) / 197(50.4)
2 / 209(33.0) / 112(28.6)
3 / 303(47.9) / 78(12.3)
Unknown / 1(0.1) / 4(0.7)
Histologic grade
1 / 91(14.4) / 97(24.8)
2 / 236(37.3) / 176(45.0)
3 / 306(48.3) / 118(30.2)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
Tumour margin
Infiltrative / 513(81.0) / 305(78.0)
Pushing / 118(18.6) / 80(20.5)
Unknown / 2(0.4) / 6(1.5)
Presence / 154(24.3) / 110(17.4)
Absence / 479(75.7) / 280(71.6)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 1(0.3)
0 / 60(9.5) / 104(26.5)
1 / 343(54.2) / 188(48.1)
2 / 171(27.0) / 66(16.9)
3 / 52(8.2) / 32(8.2)
Unknown / 7(1.1) / 1(0.3)
Presence / 136(21.5) / 138(35.3)
Absence / 497(78.5) / 253(64.7)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
Presence / 144(22.7) / 82(21.0)
Absence / 489(77.3) / 309(79.0)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
Presence / 125(19.7) / 52(13.3)
Absence / 508(80.3) / 318(81.3)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 21(5.4)
pT stage
1 / 291(46.0) / 166(42.5)
2 / 310(49.0) / 198(50.6)
3 / 22(3.5) / 26(6.6)
4 / 10(1.5) / 0(0.0)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 1(0.3)
pN stage
0 / 331(52.3) / 227(58.1)
1 / 186(29.4) / 95(24.3)
2 / 65(10.3) / 45(11.5)
3 / 45(7.1) / 20(5.1)
Unknown / 6(0.9) / 4(1.0)
0 / 633(100.0) / 391(100.0)
1 / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
TNM Stage
I / 194(30.6) / 121(30.9)
II / 315(49.8) / 191(48.8)
III / 118(18.6) / 74(18.8)
IV / 0(0.0) / 0(0.0)
Unknown / 6(1.0) / 5(1.3)
GPG / 199(31.4) / 118(30.2)
MPG / 326(51.5) / 183(46.8)
PPG / 101(16.0) / 85(21.7)
Unknown / 7(1.1) / 5(1.3)
Histologic subtype
IC NST / 535(84.5) / 312(79.8)
ILC / 21(3.3) / 15(3.8)
Others*# / 77(12.2) / 64(16.4)
Positive / 446(70.5) / 304(77.7)
Negative / 186(29.3) / 83(21.2)
Unknown / 1(0.2) / 4(1.0)
Positive / 481(76.0) / 284(72.6)
Negative / 148(23.4) / 102(26.1)
Unknown / 4(0.6) / 5(1.3)
Positive / 112(17.7) / 57(14.6)
Negative / 521(82.3) / 332(84.9)
Unknown / 0(0.0) / 2(0.5)
Positive / 222(35.1) / 128(32.7)
Negative / 398(62.9) / 241(61.7)
Unknown / 13(2.0) / 22(5.6)
Molecular subtype
Luminal A / 294(46.4) / 213(54.5)
Luminal B / 178(28.2) / 99(25.3)
HER2-OE / 56(8.8) / 21(5.4)
Basal-like / 42(6.6) / 16(4.1)
Unclassified / 53(8.4) / 24(6.1)
Unknown / 10(1.6) / 18(4.6)
Yes / 316(49.9) / 252(64.4)
No / 176(27.8) / 119(30.4)
Unknown / 141(22.3) / 20(5.2)
Yes / 307(48.5) / 151(38.6)
No / 185(29.2) / 220(56.3)
Unknown / 141(22.3) / 20(5.1)
Hormonal therapy
Yes / 340(53.7) / 282(72.1)
No / 154(24.3) / 80(20.5)
Unknown / 139(22.0) / 29(7.4)
Age (yr)
median (SD, range) / 52(12.9, 22-97) / 56.0(12.2,28-91)
Tumour size (cm)
Median (SD, range) / 2.5(1.4,0.2-13.0) / 2.7(1.6,0.3-14.4)
IC NST: invasive carcinoma of no special type; ILC: invasive lobular carcinoma
*others in cohort 1 and 2 concluded 29 cases of carcinoma with medullary features, 11 cases of invasive micropapillary carcinoma, 9 cases of metaplastic carcinoma, 9 cases of carcinoma with apocrine differentiation, 10 cases of carcinoma with neuroendocrine features, 4 cases of tubular carcinoma, 2 cases of mucinous carcinoma, 2 cases of mixed ductal and lobular carcinoma, and 1 case of cribriform carcinoma.
#others in cohort 3 concluded 8 cases of carcinoma with medullary features, 25 cases of invasive micropapillary carcinoma, 3 cases of metaplastic carcinoma, 9 cases of carcinoma with apocrine differentiation, 2 cases of carcinoma with neuroendocrine features, 7 cases of tubular carcinoma, 5 cases of mucinous carcinoma, 5 case of cribriform carcinoma
Supplementary Fig.1 Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve assessing the discriminatory capacity of the MMRP model.
Validation cohort
Supplementary Fig.2Kaplan-Meier analysis inpatients receiving HER2-targeted therapy in validation cohort (a), and in validation cohort including patients receiving HER2-targeted therapy (b).
Test cohort
Supplementary Fig.3Kaplan-Meier analysis in luminal A (a), Luminal B (b), HER2OE (c), basal-like (d) and unclassified subtypes (e) in test cohort.
Validation cohort
Supplementary Fig.4 Kaplan-Meier analysis in the entire validation cohort (a), patients with hormonal therapy (b), with chemical therapy (c), with radiotherapy (d), luminal A (e), luminal B (f) and unclassified (g) subtypes.