B1. Title page

Proposal full title: Development of Methodology of Express Evaluation and Express Evaluation of Genotoxicity of Environmental Pollution Chemicals.

Proposal acronym: DMEEEEGEPC

Date: 05.10.99

B2. Table of Contents (main, headings, page number):

B1.Title page...... 1

B2.Table f Contents...... 1

B3.Objectives and expected achievements...... 1

B4.Contribution to programme/specific action objectives...... 2

B5. Innovation aspects...... 2

B6. Project work plane...... 3

a) Introduction...... 3

b) Project planing and time time table...... 5

c) Graphical presentation of project’s components: (Pert diagram).. 6

d) Detailed project description broken down into work packages:

1) Work package list (form WP1)...... 6

2) Deliverables list (form DL)...... 8

3) Form WP2...... 9

B3. Objectives and expected achievements

Purpose of this project is, using with developed metodology, to give an express-evaluation potential genotoxicity of chemicals, which pollute atmospheric air and drinking water in the given region.

Objects of studies will be:

à) samples of atmospheric air from large industries cities of region;

b) atmospheric air along large autobans with active car traffic;

c) exhaust gases of different diesel cars (for the comparison of genotoxicity directly diesel exhausts and general gas-ladenity of streets);

d) samples of drinking water from city water-pipes with the different technology of water preparation (using as desinfectants such oxidants, as chlorine, dioxide of chlorine, ozone, chloroamyne on initial and end stages of water preparation);

As a test-objects will be used microorganisms Salmonella typhimurium, adapted for genotoxicity studying of chemicals by Ames and co-authors.

The half-quantitative Ames test with metabolic activation will be applied for the express-investigation of chemical genotoxicity. It was adapted by us for testing the genotoxicity of complex chemicals mixes, extracted from environment (atmospheric air and drinking water ).

As a result of conducted studies will be:

à) given ecogenetics evaluation of state of atmospheric air from large industrial cities;

b) on results of biotesting the samples of air and water on potential genotoxicity given a conclusion about potential ability (or inability) chemicals,

identified from under investigation environmental objects to induce mutations in sex and somatic cells of human population, which lives in the given region;

c) physical and chemical analysis of samples of air and water will allow to identify chemicals classes and groups which induce the genotoxicity effects inside the human population, living in the given region. That will enable to develop corresponding legal documents on the admission (or, at least once, restriction) getting these chemical in the to surroundings;

d) realization of points a), b) and c) present studies will reduce a frequency of hereditary and oncology diseases of regions;

e) using in this project offered by us method of evaluation genotoxicity of surround chemicals reduce the price of determined purpose realization on 50 %.

В4. Contribution to programme/specific action objectives

Practical executartion of this project will consist of 4-h components:

1) selection of samples of air in different parts of the city; samples selection of drinking water on initial and end stages of water preparation and on plumings, using different oxidants for water desinfection;

2) preparing the select samples to study the genotoxicies characteristics and undertaking physical and chemical analysis: concentrating, identification class and groups of chemicals;

3) physical and chemical analysis of air and water samples on the contents in them chemicals, which are able to induce genome, chromosome and gene mutations, that can bring to increasing a frequency of hereditary and oncological pathology;

4) biotesting of prepared air and water samples on the ability to induce mutations by complex of the chemicals from these samples;

5) the attempt will be made to calculate the genetical risk of heriditary pathology in the region using projects materials (and the literature data concerning the heriditary pathology frequency in the region) and in connection with contamination of environment by mutagenic chemicals.

В5. Innovation aspects

Realization the proposed project for the first time for countries of Euroalliance will give:

a) strategy and tactician of ecological and genetical studies, have been directed to the evaluation is qualitative and quantitative state of environmental objects (atmospheric air, water), which is a component part of genetic monitoring;

b) the ecological and genetical feature of environmental objects (atmospheric air and drinking water);

c) physical and chemical analysis of air and water will allow to reveal classes, groups and separate chemicals, are responsible for genotoxic activity of the whole sample. It will promote a deciding about in admission (or limitation) of getting these materials in the environmental;

d) ability (or inability) of chemicals complex, which were picked from the definite volume of atmospheric air and water to show genotoxical characteristics by inducing gene, chromosome and genomic mutations;

e) presence of the mutagen activity in a select samples of water and air and chemical analysis data will be a base of prognosis calculations of increasing a hereditary pathology frequency in the region.

В6. Project work plan:

a) Introduction.

In last 30-40 years in consequence of speed industry development, intensive using the chemicals in agriculture, appearance a new medicine and home chemicals, a lot of dangerous chemical materials get inside environmental objects (atmospheric air shallow and underground reservior, soil and food-stuffs). Many from them are able to influence on heredity material.

Chemical mutagens action on human heredity is result of increasing a frequency diseases (due to mutations, which were induced in parents sex cells0 or development malignancies (due to mutations, which were induced in somatic cells). The spetial danger of chemicals with mutagenical capabilities is they may be a cause a significant increasing a recessive mutation frequency. It leads to heavy heriditary diseases, which are not show in the first generations, they may be a cause of sick rate «hits», of radually accumulating in populations.

At the present time the questions of chemical mutagenesis are studied so intensive in many world laboratories. As result, evident mutagenical action of many chemicals has been shown. Quantity of such investigations increases quickly and at the same time quantity of chemicals with described characteristics increases also.

It is offered about 100 different test-system for assessment of chemicals genotoxiciological characteristics. Most of all are elaborated so much in the metodological aspect and used bradly as for mutagens revealing from enormous quantity of chemicals (methods of screening) as evaluation their genetic danger for human. However universal strategy does not exist, which could reveal all main types of genetic damages. This fact dictates need using in the work the collection of methods, which allows to discovery and evaluate the mutagenicity of investigated agents. So, different types of organisms serves as a test-objects: from bacteriofages and viruses to mammalian and human cells in conditions in vitro and in vivo. During last years it has been made a lot in aspect evaluation of aplicability offered methods for screening and chemicals mutagenical potentials investigation. Main criterious of evaluation were working out degree and scales of using, realization speed, cost and possibility application this method to practice. Big quantity of contaminators, which have olready been in different environmental objects (in the atmospheric air and houses air, different types of water, in food stuffs), and transformation phenomenon of them inside these objects lead to traditional analysis methods can not conclude about real genotoxicological contamination of these objects. It forces to search new approaches to real assessment of genotoxicity of environmental contaminator’s complex.

One of such approaches can serve a method of testing the samples from environmental objects have been tested directly in the biological test-systems after inducting the definite selection and preparation. This approach named by us in future as evaluation of total mutagen activity (TÌÀ) environmental objects, allows firstly to value real genotoxicity of environmental object wholly and, secondly, if activity becomes to be increased - to conduct a further study of such contaminators by the way fractionation with the following evaluation of separate factions and using the chemical analysis. It finally, will allow to reveal separate materials, which stimulate of genoroxicity the whole sample.

Study of total genotoxicity of chemical contaminators of air and water objects are actual also because qualitative state of atmospheric air, drinking water and food-stuffs (according to factors of total genotoxicity) can be a reason of increasing a hereditary pathology frequency. Known that lung cancer to a marked degree depends on presence in the inhaled the air mutagen-active (carcinogenic) chemicals. In the process of water preparation on stages of primary chlorination enourmous quantity of chemicals, which contain Cl, are formed. Most of all have potential mutagen and carcinogenic characteristics.

Detailed mutagenic study of complex of environmental contaminators with aim to exclude or (at list)limit their contact with human population is capable to reduce a spontaneus abortion frequency to some extract, that, in the end could improve the genetic health of populations from Euroalliance.

Planned work will be realised by four directions:

a) atmospheric air and drinking water samples selection;

b) preparing the samples of water and air for studies (eluation, fractionation);

c) physical and chemical analysis of samples on presence in them genotoxical chemicals;

d) realization the experimental studies of total genotoxicity atmospheric air and water samples;

b) Project planning and calendar plan. This project is planed to execute 2 year.

The first year of studies will be dedicated to analysis of total genotoxicity of atmospheric air in different points of city and in different places of active superhighways. As a result of annual work will be formed a map of city with the indicating of the most polluted by genotoxic chemicals regions and streets.

The second year will be dedicated to analysis of the total genotoxicity samples of water from of two water stations. Mutagenicity of initial water and drinking water, passed trough different technological ways of water preparation (initial ozonation, initial chlorination), will be studied.

Calendar plan will look as follows.

Calendar plan of work

N / Name of stage of work / Terms of execution
2 0 0 0
1. / a) Selection of the atmospheric air samples in
the city (in 10 points weekly, 100 ì3 in each
point); / Weekly during 2000
b) Selection of air samples on active city
pathways (weekly, 100 m3 in each spot) / Weekly during 2000
2.2. / Preparing of air samples to the further
studies (eluation, fractionation) / As far as the
samples will be arrived
3. / Execution a physical and chemical analysis of air
samples on presence the genotoxical chemicals in side
them / As far as the
samples will be arrived
4. / Study of total genotoxicity of air samples / As far as the samples
will be arrived
5. / Writing the annual report / November-December
2 0 0 1
1. / Selection of samples from two water-supply
and drinking water / Monthly
2. / Preparing the water samples to further studies / As far as the samples
will be arrived
3. / Execution physical and chemical analysis of
water samples on presence the genotoxical
chemicals inside them / On measure of arrival
of samples
4. / Study of total genotoxicity of samples of water / As far as the samples
will be arrived
5. / Writing the final report / November-December

c) graphic presentation of components of project (Pert diagram);

WP1 / б)
WP2 / a)
WP3 / а)
WP4 / а)
Month / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24

d)  The Detailed project description divide working packages into (stages)

WP1. / Work package list
Work package (этап) No / Work package title / Responsible participant No / Person-months / Start month / End month / Phase / Delive-rable(s)
WP1. / a ) Selection of air samples in city (in 10 points weekly, 100м3 in each point);
b) Selection of air samples on active city pathways (weekly 100м3 in each point);
c) Selection of water samples on two water stations of city
and drinking water. / 1
1 . / 42 / January, 2000
January, 2000
January, 2001 / Decem-ber, 2000
Decem-ber, 2000
Decem-ber, 2001 / «RS» / D1.
WP2. / а) Preparing of air samples to further studies;
b) Preparing of water samples to further studies / 2
2 / 42 / January, 2000
January, 2001 / Decem-ber, 2000
Decem-ber, 2001 / «RS» / D2.
WP3. / а) Execution physical and chemical analysis of air samples on presence genotoxical chemicals in side them;
b) Execution physical and chemical analysis of water samples on presence genotoxical chemicals in side them; / 2
2 / 42 / January, 2000
January, 2001 / Decem-ber, 2000
Decem-ber, 2001 / «RS» / D3.
WP4. / а) Study and analysis of total genotoxicity of the air samples;
b) Study and analysis of total genotoxicity of the wate samples / 1
1 / 42 / January,2000
January, 2001 / Decem-ber, 2000
Decem-ber, 2001 / «RS» / D4.
DL Deliverable list
Deliverable N / Deliverable title / Delivery date / Nature
/ Dissemination level
DL1. / a) Selection of the atmospheric air samples (in 10 points weekly, 100м3 in each point;
b) Selection of the air samples of air on active city pathways of city (weekly, 100м3 in each spot) / 31.12.00
31.12.00 / R
R / PU
DL2. / Preparing the of air samples to further studies / 31.12.00 / R
/ PU
DL3. / Execution a physical and chemical analysis of samples air on presence genotoxical chemicals inside them / 31.12.00 / R / PU
DL4. / Study of total genotoxicity of air samples / 31.12.00 / R / PU
D5. / Selection of water samples from two water-supply and drinking water / 31.12.01 / R
/ PU
D6. / Preparing the water samples to further studies / 31.12.01 / R / PU
D7. / Execution a physical and chemical analysis of water samples on presence genotoxical chemicals inside them / 31.12.01 / R
/ PU
D8. / Study of total genotoxicity of water samples / 31.12.01 / R / PU
WP2. -1 Work package description
Work package number: WP1;
Start date or starting event: January, 2000;
No of the partner responsible: 1;
Nos of other partners involved 1
Person-months per partner 42
Objectives: WP1: Selection of the air samples, selections of water samples from river and drinking water samples from two water- supply will be realize for ensuring by the scientific material: