Italian Phrase Book

Good Morning/Good DayBuongiorno bwohn-jyohr-noh

Good EveningBuonasera bwoh-nah-seh-rah

Hello (friends)Ciao chah-oh

Hello (strangers)Salve sahl-veh

GoodbyeArrivederci ahr-ree-veh-dehr-chee

Yes Sì see

NoNo noh

Good (noun) bene beh-neh (adj.) buono

Very good/wellMolto bene mohl-tohbeh-neh

Italian (person)Italiano (m), Italiana (f)

Italian (language) Italiano

PleasePer favore pehr fah-voh-reh

Thank You Grazie grah-tsyeh

You’re WelcomePrego preh-goh

Excuse meScusiskoo-zee

Is it OK?D'accordo?

OK, alright D'accordo

Well then/In that case Allora ah-lohr-rah

Beautiful Bello

Boy Ragazzo rah-gaht-soh

GirlRagazza rah-gaht-sah

ManUomo oo-oh-moo

WomanDonna don-nah

Mr. Signore

Mrs. Signora


Some Places/Sights we’ll see

Italy only became a unified country in the late 1800’s. Up until that time Italy was made up of city states who were constantly competing and warring with one another. This is how some of the great cathedrals and art were created – funded by patrons who wanted to prove that their city state was better than the others. You will notice the walls surrounding most of the cities to keep invaders out!


Rome Roma

Florence Firenze

Cathedral/Important ChurchDuomo (we will see one in Siena and one in Florence)

Colosseum Colosseo

Victor Emmanuel MonumentilVittoriano (monument built to the first king of unified Italy)

The Vatican ilVaticano

Sistine Chapel cappella Sistina

St. Mark’s Square Piazza San Marco

St. Peter’s San Pietro

Pope Papa

Shopping /Free-time

EuroEuro eh-oo-roh

ExpensiveCaro cah-roh

InexpensiveA buonmercato

Eat Mangiare mahn-jyah-reh

Lunch ilpranzo eelprahn-tsoh

DeliciousSquisito skwee-zee-toh

I like Mipiace meepyah-cheh

I’d like…Vorrei vohr-ray

The Menuilmenu eel meh-noo

Coffeeilcaffè eelkahf-feh

Teailtè eelteh

Sugar lo zucchero lohdzook-keh-roh

Milkillatte eellaht-teh

Water (still)l'acquanaturale lah-kwah nah-too-rah-leh Also – “without gas” – sensa gas sehn-sahgahs

Water (fizzy) l'acquafrizzantelah-kwah free-dzahn-the Also – “with gas” – con gas kohngahs

The check (bill), please Il conto, per favore eelkohn-tohpehr fah-voh-reh

Where is the bathroom?Dov'èilbagno doh-veheel bah-nyoh

How much?Quant'è? kwahn-teh

Do you speak English? Parlainglese? pahr-laheen-gleh-zeh

I don’t speak Italian Non parloitaliano nohnpahr-lohee-tah-lyah-noh

I don’t understand Non capisco nohnkah-pee-skoh

Do you understand? Capisce? kah-pee-she

What time is it? Che ore sono? Keh-oh-rehsoh-noh

Help!Aiuto! Ah-yoo-toh

OneUno oo-noh

TwoDue doo-eh

ThreeTre treh

Four Quattro kwaht-troh

Five Cinque cheen-kweh

Top Italian Foods

Italy is known for its cuisine! The tomatoes you eat there will taste better than any tomatoes you’ve ever eaten. Italy is also famous for their olive oil, and it is the home of pasta and pizza. The ingredients are fresh and delicious!

Many restaurants will have several courses laid out on their menus. Most people only pick one course to eat – especially at lunch time.

Caprese kah-preh-she Sliced tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil dressed with Olive Oil – often as a salad or appetizer

Prosciutto proh-shyoot-toh Cured ham, usually served with fresh cheese

La bisteccaallafiorentina lah bee-stehk-kahahl-lahfyoh-rehn-tee-nah Grilled T-bone steak, a specialty of Florence

Il Formaggio eelfohr-mah-djoh Cheese – there are more than 400 types of cheeses made in Italy!

-Pecorinopeh-koh-ree-noh made with sheep’s milk – very good in Tuscany

Pasta An Italian staple, with dozens of different kinds of pasta prepared hundreds of different ways
Pizza – usually made to feed one person. Many different flavors – here are a few:

Margherita – tomato, cheese, & basil or oregano, named after Italy’s 1st queen and has the National colors
Bianca – white
Marinara – tomato sauce, garlic, capers, oregano, sometimes anchovies


Biscotti bees-koht-tee Crunchy cookie for dipping into coffee

Cannoli kahn-noh-lee Crispy pastry tubes filled with sweetened ricotta and candied fruit
Gelato jeh-lah-toh The Italian version of ice cream – made from milk and sugar, not cream. Very dense and creamy – popular flavors include caffè (coffee), fragola (strawberry), frutti di bosco (mixed berries), gianduia (chocolate hazelnut), limone (lemon), nocciola (hazelnut), pistacchio, & vaniglia (vanilla). The best gelato is homemade from the shops that have fewer flavors.

Tiramisù Coffee- and rum-flavored layered dessert, a classic Italian treat

Student Exchange with the LiceoCarducci HighSchool in Pisa

HelloSalve sahl-veh or Ciao chah-oh

GoodbyeArrivederchi ahr-ree-veh-dehr-chee

My name is…Michiamo… meekyah-moh…

I am American (male)Sonoamericano soh-noh ah-meh-ree-kah-noh

I am American (female)Sonoamericana soh-noh ah-meh-ree-kah-nah

What is your name? Come sichiama? koh-meh see kyah-mah

How are you? Come sta? koh-mehstah

Nice to meet youPiacere pyah-cheh-reh

Fine, thanks Bene, grazie beh-nehgrah-tsyeh

FriendAmico ah-mee-koh

Very good/well Molto bene mohl-tohbeh-neh

OK, alright Dacordo

I’m a student Studio stoo-dyoh

Do you like...? Le piace...? leh pyah-cheh....

Music Musica moo-zee-kah

BandBanda bahn-da

Concert Concerto kohn-cher-to

Marching Band(They usually use the English “Marching Band”) Banda marciante bahn-da mar-chyan-teh

FluteFlauto fla-ow-toh

PiccoloOttavino oht-tah-vee-noh

OboeOboe oh-boh-weh

ClarinetClarinetto khlah-ree-net-toh

BassoonFagotto fah-goht-toh

MellophoneMellophone mee-loh-foh-neh

BaritoneCornibaritoni cor-nee bah-ree-toh-nee

TrumpetTromba trohm-bah

TubaTuba too-bah

Saxophone Sassofono sah-so-foh-noh

DrumsBatteria bah-teh-ree-yah

CymbalsPiatti pee-yah-tee

PercussionPercussione pehr-coo-syoh-neh

Timpani Timpani teem-pah-nee

XylophoneXilofono tsee-loh-foh-noh

Director Direttore dee-ree-tohr-reh

ConductorConduttore kun-doh-tohr-reh

ParadeParata pah-rah-tah

Color Guard(They usually use the English “Color Guard”) Guardia del colore gwahr-dyuh del koh-loh-reh

FlagBandiera bahn-dyeh-rah (when referring to marching band/drum corps they use the English “flag”)

RifleFucile foo-chee-leh

SabreSciabola chyah-bohl-ah

DanceDanza dahn-zah

Dance Rhythm Color (a way to describe color guard) Danzaritmocolore dahn-zahreet-mohkoh-loh-reh