Mrs. Kall


Welcome to Physics!! I want to stress the fact that this is Your science class, and that this class is what you make it. I ask of you three things: work hard, try your best, and have fun.

Supplies Needed for this Course

1.  Three Ring Binder

2.  Loose Leaf Paper

3.  Pens and Pencils

4.  Dividers for Binder (4)

5.  Scientific Calculator (this is a must have!!! It does not need to be graphing)

Course Expectations

It is necessary for you to know and understand the information from your notes and labs for you to be successful in this course. For each chapter, you will be required to take notes, perform laboratory activities, complete homework assignments, maintain a Physics Binder and take Chapter Test/Quizzes. Special Projects will be periodically given throughout the year. I am available to help before school in order to give each of you the opportunity to be successful.

Graded Assignments and Procedures

1.  Homework: Homework must be completed neatly on loose leaf paper. Homework will not be accepted after the due date.

2.  Binders: Binders will be divided into four sections:

1.  Weekly Assignment Sheets

2.  Notes

3.  Classwork/Laboratory

4.  Homework Packets/ Graded assignments

At the beginning of each unit a packet will be handed out. Within the packet are classroom assignments (we will work on these together), which will be checked for completion. Also, within the packet, are homework assignments that will be graded for accuracy.

3.  Laboratory Reports: For each laboratory activity a laboratory write-up will be written and turned in to be graded.

4.  Special Projects: Periodically, throughout the year, projects (egg drop, toothpick bridge, mousetrap car) will be assigned to the students and a grading scale will be presented at that time.

5.  Tests and Quizzes: For each chapter a test and homework quizzes will be given. Students will be able to re-take any test if they did not receive a passing grade. Both scores will be averaged together for a final score.*** See make-up expectations***

6.  Final Exams: As per the student handbook, a Final Exam will be

given at the end of each semester. This will be worth 20% of

their final grade.

Grading Scale

A = 100% to 92%

B = 91% to 82%

C = 81% to 72%

D = 71% to 65%

F = 64% to 0%

Discipline Plan

The discipline plan for my classroom is as follows the standards outlined in the student handbook.

1.  First offense—the student will receive a verbal warning.

2.  Second offense—the student will be assigned a detention and parents will be notified.

3.  Third offense—the student will be referred to the Dean’s office for further disciplinary action.

Tardy policy

In order to dissuade tardies to class, teachers will be locking their doors once the bell rings to begin class. If a student is not in class, he/she will be required to go to the security desk to get a tardy class before admittance into class.

The policy outlined by the handbook is as follows:

·  1 Tardy—Warning and parent notification

·  After 3 Tardies—detention will be assigned.

·  After 6 Tardies—student will be dropped from the class.

Cell Phones, Ipod, and other electronic devices

Cell phones, I Pods, I Pads and/tablets, mp3 Players, portable gaming devices, and all other personal electronic devices are to be used only when given permission. If any of these devices are being used without permission, they will be confiscated and turned into the Dean’s office. These devices must be retrieved by a parent from the Dean’s.

Absent Student Expectations:

Missing Assignments: Students will receive one day for each day they are absent to make up work. Students are responsible for getting missed assignments from me.

Make Up Tests/ Quizzes: All tests and quizzes which a student may have missed will need to be made up after school in the testing center. If the hours of the testing center do not work with your schedule you may set up a time with me for a re-take. Missed tests, quizzes and retakes must be taken before the unit is completed.

Retake Policy: Students have the option to re-take any assignment in the Type 1 assessment category (65%). Students will be required to complete a review assignment in order to be eligible for the retake. All retakes must be completed prior to the next unit exam.

I have read and understood the rules and procedures for Mrs. Kall’s Physics class. I agree to abide by the rules stated above.

Student Name (please print) ______

Student Signature______

Student email address (please print) ______

Parent Signature______

Parent (s) email address (please print clearly) ______