1. Full name:Nguyen Thi Lan 2. Sex: Female
3. Date of birth:September 3rd, 1979 4. Place of birth: Hanoi
5. Admission decision number: 3611/QĐ-SĐH dated October 22nd, 2009, issued by the President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
6. Changes in academic process: Decision No. 475/QD-KL dated September 17th, 2013on the adjustment of doctoral thesis title.
7. Official thesis title:“The crimes of infringing upon the marriage and family regime under the Vietnam Criminal Code”
8. Major:Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law 9. Code: 6238 40 01
10. Supervisors:
Associate Professor, Doctor Nguyen Tat Vien
Doctor Truong Quang Vinh
11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:
From the perspective of criminal law theory,
+ The thesis has analyzed and clarified: the concept of marriage, the concept of the marriage and family regime, the concept of the crimes of violating the marriage and family regime, and the basis of the regulation of the crimesinfringing upon the regime of marriage and family in Vietnam criminal law;
+ The thesis has analyzed and evaluated: the legal provisions of the law of Vietnam about the crimes of the marriage and family regime during the course of history from feudal era to present in order to draw the values which are neededcontinuously inheriting; the legal signs of the crimes trespassing against the marriage and family regime under Vietnam criminal law.
+ The thesis has studied and compared the legal provisions of the criminal laws of some countries in the world, in the purpose of seeking legislative lessons on the crimes violating the regime of marriage and family of several countries in the world;
+ The thesis has analyzed the practice of trial for many years for the crimes of the regime of marriage and family in order to assess the effectiveness of the legal provisions of the criminal law in the fight to prevent and combat this crime;
+ The thesis has recommended to perfect the legal provisions of the Vietnam criminal law on the crimes violating the regime of marriage and family based on the basis of theory, practice and legislative experience, which has been studied.
12. Practical applicability, if any:
The results studied above can be practically applied through the use of the results of the analysis and synthesis as the theoretical and practical basis for legislative activities and application of the law. The thesis will be a useful reference for the legislature, executive and judiciary of Vietnam to amend, supplement, explain, guide and apply the legal provisions of the crimes infringing uponMarriage and Family regime, simultaneously is useful reference material for educators, students, or anyone who is interested in in-depth study of the crimes trespassing the Marriage and Family regime.
13. Further research directions, if any:
Continue studying and assessing practical implementation of the legal provisions on the crimes of the regime of marriage and family under the Criminal Code in 2015 which has been adopted by Parliament on November 27th, 2015 in the purpose ofevaluating the effectiveness of this Act in the struggle to prevent and combat the crimes of the regime of marriage and family in the new period.
14. Thesis-related publications:
1)Nguyen Thi Lan (2015),“Violations Committed Monogamous Regime under the Social – Legal Aspect and Issues to Consider”, the Journal of Science- Monograph of Law No. 1/2015, pp. 43-49.
2)Nguyen Thi Lan (2015),“Discuss Incestuous Crimes in Vietnam's Criminal Law”, the Journal of Science- Monograph of Law No. 4/2015, pp. 50-55.
3)Nguyen Thi Lan (2016), “The Provisions of the 2015 Penal Code for the Crimes of Violating Marriage and Family Regime and the Continuity to Improve the Law”,the Journal of Science-Monograph of Law (2), pp. 26-33.