DECEMBER 6th, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Clinch Fuentes.

In attendance were Clinch Fuentes, Brett Stevenson, Cassy Fuentes, Joe Fernando, Barbara Blundell, Jim Dwyer, Lizette Solis, David Loftus, Nicole Donegan, Diane Mahanty, Denise Iskander, Gina Vallee, and Mike Hardman.

Secretary’s Report

Barbara Blundell briefly went over the meeting minutes from November 1st. Diane Mahanty made a motion to approve the minutes, Cassy Fuentes seconded. The minutes were approved.

Gina Vallee made a motion to cancel the January 3rd meeting due to many being on vacation. Diane Mahanty Seconded. All voted in favor.

President’s Report – Clinch Fuentes

ByLaws – Bylaws are not mandatory for the boosters, but good to have. Clinch will be sending out the bylaws for everyone to look at and give some feedback on any changes.

There will be big renovations on all baseball fields throughout the district – they will not be going to turf.

Treasurer’s Report – Lizette Solis

Lizette Solis said we received a check from the Foundation for October and November. We received $11,315.00 in sponsorship, $11,495.00 for golf tournament and $2,150.00 in participation donations.

We are close on the approval for the swim scoreboard. The electricians union will let us know once they have reviewed and approved. Waiting on word from Gatorade for donation ofa gatorade cart.. Lizette needs to invoice to bring in $3,500 in revenue for the sale of the goals.

Athletic Director Report – Brett Stevenson

Lights – They are hoping to have all the lights completed by December 31, 2016.

Late start next year and the impact it may have on sports and families. It may impact teachers/coaches with later starts and getting home much later. Board meets Thursday at 7pm at the adult school. They are looking for the community’s feedback.

The new building is coming along. It will allow Hillsdale to add more classes and students. Hillsdale will be able to increase the incoming freshmen class from 324 to 432. There will be an additional house.

The coaches were excited over their new equipment. The extra coaches has been a great help.

Ideas were discussed to have the “Ray Alli Field” name put on a sign.

It looks like they have found a boys and girls swim coach. They are just finalizing paperwork, looks promising.

There will be a downsized band for Friday night quad basketball games. There will not be a charge. It would be a nice gesture to donate to the music boosters.

We would like to honor Eddie Kertel for all he has done for sports at Hillsdale. Diane Mahanty motioned to get a plaque for Eddie Kertel. Barbara Blundell seconded and offered to handle getting the plaque. All in favor. The plaque to be presented on February 3rd at the game.

January 28th “Knight’s Out” – Clinch Fuentes

There are 350 spaces, please buy your tickets quickly before sold out. Bill Quirke and Cliff Cassin will barbecue. There will be a DJ and auction. There will also be many games to participate in.

Wish list – Brett Stevenson

Cross Country has requested a 10 x 10 Columbia blue canopy with Hillsdale logo on it that will help shade all students in cross country and track for $798.00. They are also requesting a large led clock for $549.00. Barbara Blundell motioned to let cross country get a canopy and clock for $1,347.00. Gina Vallee seconded. All in favor.

Action item: Revisit in April the discussion of Yoga instruction by Sara Golec.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:00.