Parents CSE Awareness Day Wednesday 13th May 2015

Manchester **** Central Event****

Arndale Centre Wintergardens 10am – 4pm

Manchester’s Arndale Centre is hosting the central Greater Manchester event, offering parents the chance to interact with smartphones and tablet computers to learn how to protect children on the web through modern technology and apps. They will receive help from experts from Greater Manchester Police, The Children’s Society and Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation (PACE).

  • An information outlet staffed by trained GMP CSE staff/PACE workers with pull ups, leaflets, wristbands and other materials
  • Spontaneous flash distribution of materials by young people wearing t shirts with thought provoking statements on the front such as

‘Why do I have gifts and new clothes?’

‘Why I am coming home late or not at all’

‘Why do I have alcohol or drugs?’

‘why am I not in school?’

‘Who are these new, older friends?’

‘Why do I spend so much time online’

with ‘KNOW THE SIGNS OF CSE’ or the itsnotokay branding on the reverse.

  • 15 Albion Academy children have agreed to do this as part of their ambassador role.
    They will distribute leaflets within an established perimeter every 30 minutes.
  • Media Facility @ 2pm at the Arndale

PCC Tony Lloyd

GMP – Det Supt Rawlinson

PACE / Children’s Society

Parent’s webchat -Wednesday 13th May 5.30 – 7.30pm @ FHQ

  • Parents will be able to speak anonymously with a mother whose daughter was groomed by an older ‘friend.’ Through an online question and answer session at the mother will discuss what happened to her child, the signs that something was wrong and the support she received to help them both recover.
  • The parent will be joined by PACE and Det Supt Rawlinson for the Webchat.
  • Parents can view key moments on Twitter by following @NotOkayGM, searching for the hashtag #itsnotokay or visiting

Media Facility –pre-recorded Monday 11th Mayembargoed for release on the 13th.

A Parenthas agreed to be interviewed anonymously about the grooming and exploitation of her child.

A written version of the case will be made available on the itsnotokay website.


  • 9.30 -11 New Charter Bus Ashton Town Centre
  • 12- 13.30 New Charter Bus Denton Crown Point Shopping Centre

The bus will be staffed by police and partners, branching out, Barnardos, YOS, offering support, and signposting concerned parents to the most appropriate agency to get support

  • 5pm – 7pm Awareness event Tameside College including presentation & Q&A sessions
  • 8pm – 9.30 Awareness event Hyde including presentation & Q&A sessions

Social Media messages


  • Parents Awareness evening 5pm – 7pm, First House, Brinnington
  • INPT Officer providing advice to schools on sexting. Its not Okay Literature will be provided to take home to parents.
  • Input to Foster Carers Stockport Town Hall 10am -12
  • Partners from Stockport College, Health, probation, Drugs and education are producing letters for parents, which highlight the itsnotokay website and CSE.


  • Morning. Stall in Wigan Galleries. Staffed by CSE team, PCSOs and partners. Parent's Voice worker from Brook in attendance. Publicity material from Phoenix and LSCB
  • Afternoon - Stall within Spinning Jenny Shopping Centre Leigh. Staffed by team, PCSOs and partners. Parent's Voice worker from Brook in attendance. Publicity material from Phoenix and LSCB
  • Social Media messages


  • Local Media release
  • Social Media Messages
  • Launch of Phoenix Bury Parents information pack
  • Awareness survey to gauge parents understanding of CSE
  • TV Screens in local community venues to show contact details of Bury Phoenix Team


  • Assisting with event in Arndale & Live Web chat 5.20 – 7.30 @ FHQ
  • Guidance to parents of Police Cadets on CSE
  • Social Media Messages


  • 9am-12 display in the Spindles Centre, staffed by Phoenix staff (Police and Social Workers), INPT and Barnardos. Distibution of literature from Barnardos< PACE,(Parents Against Child Abuse)and the Barnardos "Real Love Rocks" videos will be shown.
  • 2pm – 5pm display at Chadderton Wellbeing Centre. This is the busiest time for swimming lessons therefore there should be significant footfall off both parents and children. Literature about CSE will be distributed.
  • Social Media Messages
  • Oldham Chronicle to feature the activity in Oldham