Homelessness Australia — May 2011 Update

By Nicole Lawder, Chief Executive Officer

How You Can Help the RSPCA


Pets and Companion Animals: Why This is an Important Issue

Dr Rose Searby

Chapter 1: What Works?

Much More than Cats and Dogs

By Michael Linke, CEO, RSPCA ACT

People, Pets and Public Housing

By Jennie Churchill

The Unique Bond

By Jennifer Davis, Executive Manager Marketing, RSPCA Victoria

The Importance of Pets in Times of Hardship

By Debra Boland, Marketing and Communications, Animal Aid

Lort Smith Animal Hospital’s Emergency Welfare Assistance Program

By Melissa Hughes, Marketing and Fundraising Assistant, Lort Smith Animal Hospital

Pets Out West: Housing Rough Sleeping Pets in Western Sydney

By Stephanie Brennan, Manager, Community Services, Wentworth Community Housing

Ferreting Out a Solution: Jane’s Story

One Department of Human Services — Achieving Great Client Outcomes

By Kirsty Carter, Manager, Service Integration and Sarah Acreman and Rebekah Woods, Service Integration Officers, Service Integration, Client Outcomes, North and West Metropolitan Region, Department of Human Services, Victoria

Pets of the Homeless: USA

By Genevieve Frederick, Executive Director/Founder, Pets of the Homeless

Chapter 2: Pets, Women, Families and Domestic Violence

Pets in Peril: Making the Connection Between Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty

By Judy Johnson OAM, Former Manager, Eastern Domestic Violence Service

Safe Beds for Pets: The Forgotten Fallout from Domestic Violence

By Karen Thorne, RSPCA NSW and Jennie Churchill, Australian Common Ground Alliance (and veterinarian)

We Made it Home — The betrayed, traumatised look in their eyes is finally gone

By Aileen Solowiej, Communications Officer, Homelessness Australia

Family Violence: What About Pets?

By Lisa Sandy, Support Worker, Family Violence Outreach Program, Salvation Army Crisis Services

Sheltering Animals and Families Together (SAF-T) Program

By Allie Phillips, J.D.

Chapter 3: Older People, Homelessness and Pets

Tails of Friendship: Companion Animals and Wintringham

By Daniel Gray, Recreation Manager, Wintringham

Chapter 4: Interview(s)

Faithful Friends Are Family

Interviews by Allan Martin, Peer Education Support Program Graduate


Felicity Reynolds

CEO Mercy Foundation