Hub Zwart - Publications[1]

1. International peer-reviewed journals & volumes

2. Books

3. Lectures: international

4. Academic articles in Dutch

5. Edited volumes

6. Lectures / Interviews / Societal publications

Hub Zwart - Publications

1. International peer-reviewed journals & volumes


54. H. Zwart (2012) On decoding and rewriting genomes: A psychoanalytical reading of a scientific revolution. Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, 15(3), 337-346.

53. H. Zwart (2012) Ethical expertise in policy. In: Chadwick R. et al (eds.) Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition). Oxford: Elsevier. 157-164


52. H. Zwart, B. Penders (2011) Genomics and the Ark. An ecocentric perspective on human history. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine54 (2):217–31.

51. H. Zwart (2011) Towards an eco-centric view of human existence: Implications of genomics for the environmental zone. Genomics, Society and Policy, 6 (2): 40-55.

50. H. Zwart (2011) Francis Collins: The language of life. Book Review. Genomics, Society and Policy, 6 (3) 67-76.

49. Editorial. Genomics, Society & Policy, 6:1.


48. H. Zwart (2010) The Nobel Prize as a reward mechanism in the genomics era: Anonymous researchers, visible managers and the ethics of excellence. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 7: 299-312.

47. H. Zwart (2010) The adoration of a map. Reflections on a genome metaphor. Genomics, Society & Policy 5:3. 29-43.

46. H. Zwart (2010) Pervasive Science: Challenges of contemporary technosciences for governance and self-management. In: M.E.A. Goodwin et al (eds.) Dimensions of Technology Regulation.Wolf Legal Publishers, 189-202.

45. H. Zwart (2010) Science education: from Plato to genomics. (Key note lecture). In: M. Hammann et al. (eds.) The nature of research in biological education. Old and new perspectives on theoretical and methodological issues. Selected Proceedings of the 7thConference of the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB). Utrecht: CD-β Press, 11-20.

44. H. Zwart (2910) Philosophy of Science: A Marginal or a Pervasive Field? A Reflection on the Past, Present and Future of the Department of Philosophy. In: C. Lüthy, W. Thijssen (eds.) The Growth of the Faculty Tree; the First 50 Years of Nijmegen's Faculty of Science. Nijmegen: RU


43. H. Zwart (2009) Biotechnology and naturalness in the genomics era: plotting a timetable for the biotechnology debate. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22, 505–529.

42. H. Zwart (2009) Genomics and identity: the bioinformatisation of human life. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy,12: 125-136.

41. H. Zwart (2009) From utopia to science: challenges of personalised genomics information for health management and health enhancement. Medicine Studies, 1 (2), 155-166.

40. H. Zwart (2009) Genomics metaphors and genetic determinism. In: J. Keulartz, M. Drenthen, J. Proctor (eds.) New visions of nature: complexity and authenticity. Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics. Vol. 15. Dordrecht / New York: Springer, 155-172.

39. M. Levitt, H. Zwart (2009) Bioethics as export product? Reflections on hands-on involvement in exploring the external validity of international bioethical declarations. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 6:367–377.

38. H. Zwart, A. Nelis (2009) What is ELSA genomics? Science and Society Series on convergence research. EMBO Reports 10 (6), 1-5.

37. H. Zwart (2009) Editorial. Genomics, Society & Policy 5:1.


36. H. Zwart (2008) Challenges of Macro-ethics: Bioethics and the Transformation of Knowledge Production. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 5 (4), 283-293.

35. H. Zwart (2008) Understanding the Human Genome Project: a biographical approach. New Genetics & Society, 27 (4), 353 – 376.

34. H. Zwart (2008) “Animal Governance: The Cormorant Case”. In: Jozef Keulartz,Gilbert Leistra (Eds.) Legitimacy in European Nature Conservation Policy. Case Studies in Multilevel Governance. Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics Vol.14. Springer, pp. 75-82.


33. H. Zwart (2007) Genomics and self-knowledge. Implications for societal research and debate. New Genetics and Society, 26 (2), 181-202.

32. H. Zwart (2007)A Life Decoded: My Genome: My Life [Book review]. Genomics, Society & Policy. 3 (3).

31. H. Zwart (2007)Statements, declarations and the problem of ethical expertise [Editorial]. Genomics, Society & Policy. 3 (1), pp. ii-iv.

30. H. Zwart (2007) Next [Book review]. Genomics, Society & Policy. 3 (1), pp.48-51.


29. H. Zwart (2006) Towards a societal agenda for genomics research (Comment). Communication & Medicine. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, Ethics & Society, 3 (1), 97-98.

28. H. Zwart (2006) The language of God. A scientist presents evidence for belief [Book review]. Genomics, Society & Policy, 2 (3), pp.136-141.


27. H. Zwart (2005)“Professional ethics and scholarly communication”. In: Michiel Korthals, Robert J. Bogers (eds.) Ethics for Life Scientists. Wageningen UR Frontis Series, Volume 5. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-80.

26. H. Zwart, A. Nelis (2005)“Dutch Perspectives”. In: C. Mitcham (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics.FarmingtonMI: Thomsen-Gale. pp. 552-556.

25. H. Zwart (2005)“Comparative epistemology: contours of a research program”. ActaBiotheoretica, 53, 77-92. - Springer link

24. H. Zwart (2005)“Animal epistemology: on the truthfulness of scientific and literary sources”. In: R. v.d. Bos, F. de Jonge (eds.) The Human-Animal Relationship. Series: Animals in Philosophy & Science 5. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 51-61.

23. H. Zwart (2005)“The responsibilities of the political animal during the anthropocene”. In: E. Vermeersch (ed.) Reading the Kyoto Protocol. Ethical aspects of the convention on climate change. Brussel: viWTA. Delft: Eburon, pp. 101-116.

22. H. Zwart (2005) Food consumption in the genomics era: a Foucauldian perspective. Tailoring biotechnologies, 1 (2), 31-44.


21. H. Zwart (2004) Environmental Pollution and professional responsibility. Ibsen’sA public enemy as a seminar on science communication and ethics. Environmental Values, 13 (3), 349-372


20. H. Zwart (2003) Aquaphobia, tulipmania, biophilia: A moral geography of the Dutch landscape. Environmental Values 12 (1), 107-128.


19. H. Zwart (2002)“Philosophical Tools and Technical Solutions”. In: J. Keulartz et al (eds.) Pragmatist Ethics for a Technological Culture. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 37-41


18. H. Zwart (2001) Consensus formation as a basic strategy in ethics. In: H. ten Have, B. Gordijn (eds.) Bioethics in a European Perspective. Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 281 - 288.


17. H. Zwart (2000) The birth of a research animal: Ibsen’s The Wild Duck and the origin of a new animal science. Environmental Values, 9 (1), 91-108.

16. H. Zwart (2000) A short history of food ethics. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 12, 113-126.

15. H. Zwart (2000)“What is a whale? Moby-Dick, marine science and the sublime”. In: D. Mieth, D. Pfaff (Hrsg.) Erzählen und Moral. Narrativität im Spannungsfeld von Ethik und Ästhetik. Tübingen: Attempo, pp. 185-214.


14. H. Zwart (1999) The truth of laughter: Rereading Luther as a contemporary of Rabelais. Dialogism. An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies, 1 (3), 52-77.

13. H. Zwart (1999)“All you need is health. The liberal and the communitarian view on the allocation of health care resources”. In: M. Parker (ed.) Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions. Series: Professional Ethics. London: Routledge.


12. H. Zwart (1998) Medicine, symbolization and the ‘Real Body’: Lacan’s understanding of medical science. Journal of Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy, 1 (2), 107-117.

11. H. Zwart (1998)“Can nature serve as a criterium for the use of reproductive technologies?” In: E. Hildt, D. Mieth (eds.) In vitro fertilisation in the 1990s: towards a medical, social and ethical evaluation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 349-360.

10. H. Zwart (1998)“Moral deliberation and moral warfare: Consensus formation in a pluralistic society”. In: H. ten Have & H.-M. Sass (eds.): Consensus formation in healthcare ethics [Series: Philosophy and Medicine, Vol. 58; European Studies in Philosophy of Medicine, Vol. 2]. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, pp. 73-92.

9. H. Zwart (1998)“The moral value of animals”. In: P. Wheale, R. von Schomberg, P. Glasner (eds.) The social management of genetic engineering. Aldershot etc.: Ashgate, pp. 175-182.

8. H. Zwart (1998) “Why should remunerated blood donation be unethical? Ethical reflections on current blood donation policies and their philosophical origins”. In: H. ten Have, J. Welie (eds.) Ownership of the human body [series: Philosophy and Medicine, Vol. 59; European Studies in Philosophy of Medicine, Vol. 3]. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 39-48.


7. H. Zwart (1997) What is an animal? A philosophical reflection on the possibility of a moral relationship with animals. Environmental Values, 6 (4), 377-392.

6. H. Zwart (1997)“The experience of moral obligation: preparatory notes on behalf of a historical ontology of moral subjectivity”. In: P. Cobben, L. Heyde (eds.) How natural is the law?Tilburg: TilburgUniversity Press, 87-110.

1991 - 1994

5. H. Zwart (1994) The resurgence of nature-speak. Health Care Analysis, Vol. 2 (3), 221 - 226.

4. H. Zwart (1993) Rationing in the Netherlands: the liberal and the communitarian perspective. Health Care Analysis, Vol. 1 (1), 1993, 53 - 56.

3. H. Zwart (1992)«Pour une conception narrative de la personne. Implications pour la bioéthique». In: Q. Debray, B. Pachoud (dir.) Le récit. Aspects philosophiques, cognitifs et psychopathologiques. Paris: Masson.

2. H. Zwart (1992)“Ethical consensus in a pluralistic society: The Engelhardt/Callahan controversy”. In: A.W. Musschenga, A. Soeteman, B. Voorzanger (eds.) Morality, world view, and law. The idea of a universal morality and its critics. Assen/Maastricht: van Gorcum, 99-107.

1. H. Zwart (1991)“Psychology, self-determination, and the veil of ignorance”. In: A.O.A. Smook, B. de Vos-Schippers (eds.) Right to self-determination. Proceedings of the 8th world conference of the International Federation of Right to Die Societies. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 33-37.

2. Books

12. H. Zwart (2012) Filosofie van het luisteren:partituren van het Zijn. Nijmegen: Vantilt (364 pp.).

11. H. Zwart (2010) De waarheid op de wand: psychoanalyse van het weten. Nijmegen: Vantilt (374 pp.).

10. H. Zwart (2008) Understanding Nature. Case Studies in Comparative Epistemology. Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Vol.13. Dordrecht: Springer (284 pp.).

9. H. Zwart (2005)Denkstijlen [Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap]. Nijmegen: Valkhofpers (245 pp.)

8. H. Zwart (2002)Boude bewoordingen. De historische fenomenologie (“metabletica”) van J.H. van den Berg. Kampen: Klement / Kapellen: Pelckmans (336 pp.).

7. H. Zwart (2001)De wetenschapper als auteur. Geschiedenis en toekomst van het wetenschappelijk communiceren (oratie). Nijmegen: Sun, 2001 (37 pp.).

6. H. Zwart (2001)Tussen euforie en onbehagen. Geschiedenis en toekomst van de transplantatiegeneeskunde [Programma Medische Technologie]. Den Haag: Rathenau-Instituut (84 pp.)

5. H. Zwart (1999)De morele opdracht van de universiteit. Bij het afscheid van drs J. van der Maazen. Nijmegen: KUN (44 pp.).

4. H. Zwart (1998) Hub Zwart, Cor Hoffer. Orgaandonatie en lichamelijke integriteit [Cekun-reeks 2]. Best: Damon (176 pp.).

3. H. Zwart (1996)Ethical consensus and the truth of laughter: the structure of moral transformations. Series: Morality and the meaning of life. Kampen: Kok Pharos (216 pp.).

2. H. Zwart (1995)Technocratie en onbehagen: de plaats van de ethiek in het werk van Michel Foucault. Nijmegen: Sun, (223 pp.).

1. H. Zwart (1993)Ethische consensus in een pluralistische samenleving. De gezondheidsethiek als casus. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1993 (352 pp.).

3. Lectures: international


118. Genetics and Genomics of Global Health and Sustainability. HUGO Meeting, Singapore, April 2012.[invited]


117. Towards a sustainable bio-based society: Aligning scientific and societal agendas for Bio-Innovation. ESF Conference Series, inaugural address. Amsterdam, 6 December 2012.

116. The voice of bioethics in the arts. Key note lecture. Annual EACME (European Association of Centres for Medical Ethics) Conference. Bristol, September 21, 2012 [invited]

115. Virology and philosophy. EUVIRNA Summer course. Marseille 20 September 2012. [invited]

114. Plagiarizing nature: from reading genomes to harvesting biomaterials. The Second Cardiff International Genomics Conference: Genomics for healthcare and socio-economic progress. 13-14 September 2012, Cardiff. [invited]

113. ELSA Research in Europe: Lessons from CSG. Keynote lecture. International Symposium on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues for Personalized Genomic Medicine. Seoul, South Korea, August 7, 2012. [invited]

112. From Schrödinger to Venter / from quantum physics to genomics: philosophical and societal impact of a scientific revolution.Seoul, South Korea, August 8, 2012. [invited]

111. Learning from the past and thinking ahead: What psychoanalysis can contribute to bioethics. Thinking Ahead. 11th World Congress of Bioethics. Rotterdam. June 28, 2012.

110. Ethics, science and art. Thinking Ahead. 11th World Congress of Bioethics. Rotterdam. June 28, 2012.

109. Stardust: a philosophical perspective. Summerschool "Chemistry and Infrared Spectroscopy of Interstellar Dust" (Theoretical Chemistry, IMM). 7 June 2012. [invited]

108. Imagined futures. HUGO, 16th Human Genome Meeting. Genetics and Genomics in Personalised Medicine. Sydney, 11-14 March 2012. [invited]


107. Has the genomics revolution arrived? Egenis. Exeter. 12 December 2011. [invited]

106. Dinner Speech. International Network Conference. Ethical and Social Aspects of IPRs for the Life Sciences – Agrifood and Health. Brussels. 29 September 2011 [invited]

105. Biomaterials: From utopia to science. A psychoanalytical assessment. ESPMH annual conference. Zurich, August 18 2011.

104. The Centre for Society and Genomics from labour to business? The coming of
age of Dutch ELSA - Hub Zwart, Gijs van der Starre & Maud Radstake [invited]

103. Opening address and comment. Old World and New World Perspectives on Environmental Philosophy. Nijmegen, June 14,2012. 8th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Environmental Ethics.

102.Viral Biomaterials as biosynthetic hybrids: psychoanalytical assessment of synthetic biology. SYBHEL workshop. June 27. Bristol [invited]

101. From the human to the personal genome. Philosophical perspectives. Genetics, Ethics and the Law. European Genetic Foundation in Bologna, Italy, 9-11 March 2011 [invited]

100. Pre/employment genetic screening. Ethical issues. Genetics, Ethics and the Law. European Genetic Foundation in Bologna, Italy, 9-11 March 2011 [invited]

99. Psychoanalysis of Knowledge. STS goes mental. WTMC. Ravenstein. 18 February 2011. [invited]

98. Know thyself. The impact of genomics research on how we see ourselves as human beings. Ph.D. Principles of Ecological Genomics (Ecogenomics Consortium / Research School SENSE). Wageningen 15 February 2011[invited]

97. Biomimesis and biomaterials: scientists as apprentices in the laboratories of life. Investigating Technology: Politics, power and the social shaping of technology. WUR. Wageningen, 9 February 2011.[invited]

96. The (hi)story of bioethics. Manchester, 25 January 2011 [invited]


95. Visiting fellow / Lecture series. Innovation in Society Unit UCLAN, Preston UK [invited]

94. Protecting the Environment. Genomics Momentum. 23 11 2010. Utrecht[invited]

93. Ten Years After: Has the Human Genome Project fulfilled its promises? Huygens Colloquium. RU Faculty of Science, October 4 2010. [invited]

92. Biomaterials, biomimesis and human enhancement. SYBHEL. Synthetic Biology. 8-0 July 2010. Zurich[invited]

91. Predicative medicine and metanoia: implications of human genomics for self-management. Knowing one’s medical fate in advance. June 10 2010. Basel. [invited]

90. Opening address. Ten years after. Mapping the societal genomics landscape. Amsterdam 27 May 2010.

89. Societal valorisation. NGI Valorisation Advisory Board. Amsterdam 8 April 2010.

88. Neurogenomics, identity and self-management. 28-29 January, Trieste, Italy. [invited]

87. Archetypes of Science. Science and Culture. NetherlandsGraduateSchool for Literary Studies. Ravenstein, 5-7 January 2010. [invited]


86. Assessing the present: the emergence of a new style of thought as an intellectual epidemic.Tectonics of the system. New readings of Oswald Spengler. Louvain. 16 12 2009. [invited]

85. “Nature is wont to hide herself” – Are we about to unveil the complexities of life? Netherlands Consortium for Systems Biology kick-off symposium. Noordwijkerhout October 15 2009. [invited]

84. Mapping or transforming nature? The human genome and the genome of nature, or: the Lewis and Clark map in reverse. EGN Conference. Cardiff.

83. Ten years after: the impact of the Human Genome Project on how we see ourselves. Medical Genetic Centre (MGC), Brugge, June 11. [invited key note]

82. Animals in science and literature. Dutch-Flemish Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology. Ravenstein, 10 April 2009. [invited]

81. Our Genetic identity. Brussels, March 31 [invited]


80. Pervasive science. Tilting perspectives on regulating technologies. Tilburg. December 11. [invited]

79. Lingua Democratica. Towards for the Public Debate on Genomics. International Expert Seminar of the University for Humanistics. October 10 2008 [invited]

78. Key note lecture. European Researchers in Didactics of Biology. 16 september [invited]

77. Techno-ethical scenarios: exploring the mutual interaction of technology and morality. Twente August 26, 2008 [invited]

76. Science ethics in the genomics era. Common Knowledge: Expert Seminar. Nijmegen 29.5.2008 [invited]

75. Genomics and Self-understanding. Navigating the Changing Landscape. Calgary 28 April 2008. [invited]

74. Globalising bioethics: a case study. Genomics & Society: setting the agenda. April 18 2008.

73. Genomics, bioinformation & identity. Genomics & Society: setting the agenda. April 18 2008.


72. Human Genome Project: impact on our self-image. Medical technologies and the life world: cultural and ethical perspectives. Södertörn (Sweden). 16 november 2007 [invited].

71. Obesity and civilisation. EUROBESE workshop Eating cultures. Lissabon. June 10 2007 [invited].

70. Genomics and complexity: experimental laboratory novels as test-beds. New Visions of Nature. ISIS Expert Seminar. Wageningen June 1 2007.

69. The human genome project: a biographical approach. 28 March. London.

68. The case of Mendel: Some enigma's surrounding the genesis of genetics. The politics of scientific misconduct and fraud. March 20, Vienna [invited].

67. Institutionalisation of societal research and interaction on genomics. COGEM. 15 March, Utrecht [invited].

66. Science Ethics: Reflections on the case of Woo-Suk Hwang case. Huygens Lecture. Nijmegen, March 5. Faculty of Science [invited].

65. Public Health Genomics and Society. Public Health Genomics European Network. Dutch National Task Force Meeting. 24 January. Rotterdam Erasmus MC [invited].


64. Comparing ELSA - Dutch perpectives. Basel, 17-18 november 2006. [invited]

63. Science Ethics & Science Governance. Gent, 13 september 2006. [invited]

62. Science: who is pulling the strings. C.T de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation. Wageningen. 12 oktober [invited]

61. Genomics and the Language of God: A Critical Review of Francis Collins’ View on Science and Religion. Leiden, 27 october 2006. [invited]

60. The ethos of science. RU Summer University August 30. [invited]

59. Ethical aspects of biobanking. 8th world conference on Bioethics. Beijing, China. August 6 2006.

58. The Institutionalisation of Ethics in Science Policy. 9th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), Santorini, Greece. June 19, 2006. [invited]

57. Implications of the human genome project for societal research and debate. Tartu (Estonia) May 27 2006. [invited]

56. The impact of genomics on our self-image. Edinburgh, March 14-16 2006 [invited]

55. A Korean Tale: on fraud and cloning. ESF Exploratory Workshop. Stem Cell Cultures: Exploring the social and cultural background of European debates about human embryonic stem cells. Nottingham, March 12 2006 [invited]

54. The impact of the human genome project on our self-image. Ecogenomics Consortium /

SENSE. Wageningen, February 13 2006 [invited]

53. The impact of the human genome project on our self-image. Toulouse, February 3 2006 [invited]


52. Species management: The cormorant case - A comment. Multilevel policy making in a democratic context. European nature conservancy policy: implementation & legitimacy. November 17, Wageningen [invited].

51. Lecture series bioethics. Japan, Nagasaki, 27 november - 5 december [invited].

50. Society & genomics: overview of research projects. CSG / Genomics Forum - meeting. Edinburgh. 19 May.

49. Genomics, the Human Diversity Project and the need for a global bioethics. Workshop "Problems of the Gene Pool Preservation of Indigenous People of the North". Yakutsk (Siberia), 11 May 2005 [invited].

48. Genomics & Complexity. 1st Annual Meeting Ecogenomics Consortium (plenary speaker). Amsterdam April 22 [invited].

47. What is genomics? International conference 'Genomics and Society' (plenary speaker). London, 12-14 April [invited]

46. Ethics & medical genetics. INES plenary. London, 10 February 2005.


45. Hysteria chemicorum. Een beroepsziekte van scheikundigen. Museum Guislain, 24 oktober. Gent. [invited]

44. Een ethische lezing van het Kyoto-protocol. Vlaams Parlement, 12 oktober. Brussel. [invited]