Frances Lacy Elementary School March 8, 2017

“Elevating and Accelerating Every Child”
If you need free translation services to understand school processes, call (919) 852-3303.

Message from the Principal: Playground

As the weather warms up, more students are arriving early to school to play on the playground as well as remaining on campus after school to spend time on the playground. We do not have staff members available to supervise students on the playground before or after school. I want to remind families that students are only permitted to be on the playground before or after school if they havetheirparent with them. We do not want to limit students' access to the equipment, but we want to make sure there is a parent or guardian present for each child on the playground to ensure the safety of all students while they are on campus.

Parent Information Meeting

There will be a Parent Information Meeting about the K-2 Enrichment Program on Tuesday, March 14th in theMedia Center at 3:30. ~Kim Manganelli~

Congratulations on a Job Well Done!!!

Congratulations to Leah Bason, Davis Bull, Jenika Cool, Avery Corderman, Charlotte Ford, Zamanethzie Granados, Maggie Hansen,Helen Kelley, Sophia Kripapuri, Lily Lanier, Angus Millican, Alexa Rabin, Kate Ragsdale, and Addison Sherlin. These fourteen fifth graders accepted the invitation from the North Carolina Council on the Holocaust to create a project related to the Holocaust.Thestudents attended theCommemorationand their projects were displayedat Meredith College this past Sunday, March 5th. These students have voluntarily given up their lunch and recess to work on these projects. We commend them for their effort and dedication! These students are a great example of Lacy Awesomeness!

Lacy Chess Players Help Humble & Inspire NC Lawmakers

Lacy chess players Thomas Dragone,Lauren Lloyd, Morgan Lloyd, Darian SchoonmakerandIsaac Thomas participated in the NC Youth Chess Expo at the Legislative Building on Wed., March 1st. The lawmakers were impressed, including Lacy area legislators Senator JayChaudhuriand Representative Grier Martin. Check out the N&O's story "NC lawmakers humbled and inspired by young chess players" at Education NC's "Children to lawmakers: Checkmate" at

Yearbook Orders

Please order your YEARBOOK online. You received a form in your child’s Wednesday folder 2 weeks ago, if you didn't please pick one up in the office. The last day to order online is March 24. Order now -I promise your child will want one at the end of the year!!

You may also find WEDNESDAY WORDS available online at:

Tuesday / March 14 / Boosterthon Pep rally
Tuesday / March 14 / K-2 Enrichment Program
Media Center/3:30
Thursday / March 16 / First in Fitness: 10:00-2:00
Tuesday / March 21 / 3rd grade Wax Museum
Wednesday / March 22 / Martin Open House for Rising 6th graders/3:00 & 5:30
Thursday / March 23 / Boosterthon Fun Run
Friday / March 24 / Globalympics Celebration
2:00 cafeteria
Monday-Thursday / March 27-30 / Spring Clothing Drive
Monday-Friday / April 10-14 / SPRING BREAK J