7th Grade Assessment Test

Name: ______Score: ______

Teacher: ______

Please complete the following. You may use the back of the paper if you need to but remember to number your answers if you write on the back of the test.

Write the 10 Commandments











How many sacraments are there? ______

List all the Sacraments of the Church.______

There are 3 sacraments you may receive only once in a lifetime. What are they?




What are the sacraments of initiation? ______

When someone is Confirmed, what is it that they receive?______

What is the Holy Trinity? ______

Who is the usual minister of Confirmation? ______

Who came to proclaim the “Good News” to everyone, especially the poor, hungry, sick, homeless and lonely? ______

Name the Capital Sins?



What are the 4 marks of the Catholic Church?


The 4 Gospels give us a good look at Jesus and his life. Who wrote each of the 4 Gospels?


Which 3 Gospels are the most similar and considered the Synoptic Gospels? ______

What are the 2 GREAT Commandments that supersede all others?



Who is the Holy Spirit? ______

What makes St. Peter stand out from other saints and still has an effect on us today? ______

Vocabulary….please write the correct term for each definition

Covenant Evangelization Grace Immaculate Conception

Messiah Venial Sin Sabbath Spiritual Works of Mercy

Annunciation Pentecost Chrism Corporal Works of Mercy

Gospel Beatitudes Scripture

Gentile Vocation Incarnation

Means “Good News” ______

Actions that do not break our relationship to God, but weakens it. ______

When Jesus became man to live among us. ______

When Mary found out that she would be the mother of God’s Son ______

Means “Anointed One” ______

Sacred writings of the Bible ______

The time when the Holy Spirit came upon the 1st of Jesus’ disciples ______

The sharing of Jesus with all people we meet ______

An agreement between God and His people ______

Acts of love and compassion with focus on the needs of the heart, mind and soul of others ______

Teachings given to us by Jesus for true happiness ______

Oil blessed by the Bishop ______

The belief that Mary was free from original sin from the time she was conceived. ______

Sharing in God’s life and friendship ______

A day set aside to honor God ______

A non Jewish person ______

A call to a way of life ______

Acts of love and compassion which focus on the material needs of others ______

True or False: WRITE True or False in the space provided

1.  God expects us to be perfect ______

2.  The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are 3 separate beings ______

3.  John the Baptist was Jesus’ enemy ______

4.  You are required to go to Church on Holy Days of Obligation ______

5.  Priests are expected to report serious crimes that are told to them during confession ______

6.  The Apostles Creed is a prayer that is said to bless food ______

7.  “Blessed are the meek” is an example of a work of mercy ______

8.  A Jewish person is also considered a Christian ______

9.  Baptism is necessary for salvation ______

10. For a marriage to be considered valid in the eyes of the church, the marriage must take place in the Church and be performed by a priest of deacon ______

How does “mortal sin” differ from “venial sin”


Fill in the blanks

The Apostle’s Creed

I believe in ______, the Father almighty, creator of ______and ______. I believe in ______his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the ______and was born of the ______. He suffered under ______, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the ______day he rose again and ascended into ______, and is seated at the right hand of the ______. He will come again to judge the living and the ______.

I believe in the Holy ______, the holy Catholic ______, the communion of ______, the forgiveness of ______, the resurrection of the ______, and life everlasting. Amen

The Mass

Put the following in order (1-10) as they occur during the celebration of the Mass.

Example: #1 would be the first thing that occurs, 2 would be the next, etc….#10 would be the last thing that occurs.

______The assembly gathers together as a parish

______The Gospel is read by the priest or deacon

______The priest or deacon gives a homily (explanation of the readings)

______A reading from the Old Testament is read (referred to as the 1st reading)

______Members from the assembly present the gifts of bread and wine to the priest

______A reading from the New Testament is read (referred to as the 2nd reading)

______The Eucharistic prayer is performed. This is the heart of the celebration of Mass

______The Lord’s prayer and the sign of peace

______Holy Communion is offered

______The priest or deacon blesses the assembly and says, “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord”.

Pick the correct answer.

The living teaching office of the Catholic church consisting of the Pope and Bishops is the

a. Deposit of Faith b. Magisterium c. Synagogue

How many original apostles were chosen by Jesus?

a. 12 b. 6. c. 4

The Mass is a celebration of what?

a. The Eucharist b. The Bible c. The Church year

The week leading up to Easter is called what?

a. Pentecost b. Holy Week c. Advent

Jesus died on what day?

a. Holy Thursday b. Easter Sunday c. Good Friday

Who denied knowing Jesus in order to save himself?

a. Judas b. Thomas c. Peter

Who betrayed Jesus with a kiss, which ultimately led to Jesus’ arrest?

a. Mary Magdalen b. Judas c. Matthew

In the Sacrament of Baptism we are sealed, or marked forever, as belonging to

a. the Sanhedrin b. John the Baptist c. Jesus Christ

Faith, Hope and Charity are

a. personal virtues b. theological virtues c. biblical virtues

List the gifts of the Holy Spirit: (7)
