Annanhill Primary School

Parent Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 28th April 2015


Chairperson: Jane Frost

Vice- Chairperson: Barry Lee

Treasurer: Susanne Johnstone

Secretary: Jillian McLaughlin

APOLOGIES – Zoe Roy, PC Dunlop, Kirsty Hart, Nicola Hutchinson, Abi Gemmell, Jason Johnstone

IN ATTENDANCE – Jennifer Richardson, Jill Campbell, Jill Hendry, Tom Cook, Emma Johnstone, Frances Orr, Graeme Crossley, Ruiridh Cree, Sam Johnston.

Jane opened the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance, and confirmed apologies.

Jane asked for last meeting minutes to be agreed – Jennifer Richardson proposed & Susanne Johnstone seconded.

JRSO Presentation

Ruiridh Cree and Sam Johnston very kindly attended our meeting and presented an excellent PowerPoint Presentation on their current Road Safety Campaign.

Mr Crossley has decided that because the campaign is such a big job and spanning all 3 gates & car parks that all of P5 are going to assist with the plans.

Mr Crossley pointed out that the 5mph sign at the back gates has gone missing. He will make MITIE aware, Mr Cook pointed out that as part of their contract MITIE could be subject to a council fine for not displaying the correct signage.

Mr Crossley wants to make a ‘Human Double Yellow Line’ and would like the p5’s and members of Parent Council to be involved. Mr Crossley will invite the Kilmarnock Standard, Mr Cook showed his support and said he would like to be involved too.

Jane asked if there was anything the Parent Council could do to assist the campaign? We discussed getting High Vis vests for the children, Jane agreed to look into this.

Places to contact were suggested round the table (Walker & Templeton, Road Safety Dept, Vibrant Communities, Local Building Firms)

Sam & Ruiridh were thanked for coming along to present to us & were presented with a card and gift card each to show our appreciation.


Jane opened the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance, and confirmed apologies.

Jane asked for last meeting minutes to be agreed – Jennifer Richardson proposed & Susanne Johnstone seconded.

Jane apologised for late cancellation of meeting that was scheduled for 21st April & for any inconvenience this caused.

Jane commented that although PC Dunlop was not able to make it along to meeting he did want to pass on his concerns; Main concern is at the back gate taxi spaces, staff are parking in those spaces. Mr Crossley has made staff aware within Annanhill not to park there & will speak to Mr Robert Johnston (Head Teacher, Grange Academy) and ask him to make his staff aware not to park there in future.

Mr Crossley noted that ‘Walk to School Week’ and ‘Health Week’ are both coming up soon in the school calendar.

Barry suggested the opportunity of recruiting voluntary lollipop people to assist with safety within the school car parks.

Mr Cook said that for insurance purposes these individuals would be treated the same as council staff & would be provided with uniform and full training. They would require a PVG.

Jane will speak with Mr Cook & Mrs Johnstone with regards placing an advert.

Councillors Report

Safety : From August East Ayrshire Council will no longer use ‘double-decker’ buses for any primary or secondary school contracts.

There will also be seat belts for every seat on the buses & all children will be encouraged to wear their seatbelts.

This move is ahead of legislation which is expected to be passed in the future.

Supply Teachers: Last year East Ayrshire recruited 10 full-time permanent supply teachers, all of the teachers were ‘absorbed’ almost immediately which in turn caused a real problem for schools actually being able to get supply teachers.

This year they have taken the decision to recruit 20 permenant supply teachers, there are conditions; teachers must go to any school that is within authority, at end of 2 years a permanent place contract will be given.

Local News;Council are replacing all play equipment at Annanhill Park over the next few months, similar to equipment that is in Howard Park zip-wire, adult gym equipment, basketball net etc, it will also have wheelchair accessible equipment.

Treasurer Report

Susanne confirmed that after our recent Easter Fundraising the current balance in the bank is £1552.00

Easter Extravaganza Gross Profit : £911.66 Net Profit : £831.02

We plan to spend approximately £250 on School Ties for the P7’s.

We need to provide a cheque to cover p7 baseball caps that were purchased for London.

We are hoping to assist with the cost of summer school trips and will discuss costings with Mrs Johnstone.

Head Teacher Report

Mrs Johnstone discussed new senior management structure; new depute head teacher M. Houston is being transferred to Annanhill from elsewhere within the authority. Mrs Johnstone has proposed a new structure ;

** Principal Teacher ; Mrs Gillian Todd will be on Maternity Leave for session 2015/16

Mrs Johnstone is awaiting approval for new structure before advertising 2nd DHT position.

Miss McConnell (P2M) will finish her contract on 25th May.

Miss Uppal (NCCT) will finish her contract on 25th May.

Mrs Johnstone discussed a possible class structure for next year & hopes to have a letter out to parents in due course.

£12,000 from budget will be carried forward to replace all Oxford Reading Tree Books for Primaries 1-3.

Computer update will take place over the summer.

P6 Parents have been invited in for a meeting on Thursday 30th April for the proposed P7 London Trip for next year. Cost of trip for next year will be £360.


Next Parent Council Meeting; Tuesday 19th May 2015at 7pm in Staff Room – All welcome.

Jane congratulated Mrs Johnstone on her recent appointment as Head Teacher on behalf of the Parent Council.

Jane closed meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance.