Tesis Anatomy

Seminiferous Tubule Architecture


Seminiferous Tubule Gross Histology Seminiferous Tubule Microanatomy

Seminiferous Tubule Closeup

Seminiferous Tubule Architecture

ABP = Androgen Binding Protein

· Acts to keep androgen levels high near sperm production site (seminiferous tubule lumen)

· Alternate transcription product in Sertoli cells from the same gene that produces SHBG in the liver

128) Spermatogenesis ~ http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/%7Euzwiak/HumanSexuality/HSSpringLect3.html


Epididymal sperm

· initially nonmotile

· get coated with proteins from the epididymis

These proteins are removed by incubation in media that lowers the pH of 8+ with high K+ and polyamines as in semen to < pH 7 after deposition into the vagina. The removal of these proteins and activation of the sperm is capacitation.

The acrosome reaction which removes the outer acrosomal membrane occurs in or on the "jelly coat" of the egg.


133) Menstrual Cycle ~ http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/%7Euzwiak/HumanSexuality/HSSpringLect5.html


138) Folliculogenesis ~ http://handlin.cvm.okstate.edu/histology/fr/HiFRp09.htm


Primordial Follicle Histology Primary Follicle Histology

Secondary Follicle Histology Graafian Follicle Histology


Follicle Dynamics Follicular Estrogen Synthesis: 2 Cell Model


Corpus Luteum Histology Proliferative Phase Uterine Histology

Secretory Phase Uterine Histology Vaginal Epithelial Histology



1. Post meiosis I egg + preacrosomally reacted sperm collide.

2. Sperm undergoes acrosome reaction on binding to zona pellucida or expanded cumulus glycoproteins.

3. Sperm penetrates zona via the lytic enzymes of the acrosome and gets to perivitelline space.

4. Binds to specific receptors on the egg.

5. Egg responds by producing a Ca++ wave.

6. Egg then resumes meiosis II and extrudes (loses) the 2nd polar body.

7. Coincidently, the egg engulfs the sperm.

8. Also coincidently, granules in the egg cytoplasm cortex (near the egg surface) exocytose and release enzymes that alter the zona pellucida and the egg surface so other sperm can't bind: cortical reaction = block to polyspermy.

152) Fertilization: An Illustrated Outline http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/%7Euzwiak/HumanSexuality/HSSpringLect6.html


Sperm-Egg Fusion Initial Stages of Zygote Division & Development


Luteal Lifespan & Luteolysis: Nonfertile Cycle

Counter-Current Delivery of Prostaglandins to the Ovary from the Endometrium

Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy; Luteal Lifespan: Fertile Cycle