Model Question Paper
Paper: Water Resource Engineering IPaper Code: ETCE306
Q.1. Attempt all the following questions:(5X5=25)
a) Describe the importance of various hydrologic data in water resources engineering.
b) What are the various methods available to calculate average precipitation over a basin?
c) What do you understand by the term infiltration? How can we measure it in the field?
d) Define a S-hydrograph. Mention its uses.
e) Write down flood routing principles.
Q.2 a) In the month of July 1999, a reservoir with water spread area of 1640 hectare has dropped its water level by 1.10m. Rainfall during the month is 28cm and evaporation is 22cm. if the average inflow is 0.64m3/s, calculate the average rate of drawl of water from the reservoir assuming no other losses. (4.5)
b) Write down the methods to minimize the loss due to evaporation. (4)
c)Explain the various forms of precipitation. (4)
Q.3. a) An experimental rectangular plot of 10kmX12km has 5 rainguage stations.Fit a coordinate system to the plot such that the side 10km represents the abscissa. The storm rainfall and coordinates of the stations are as follows:
Station / Station coordinate / Normal annual Rainfall(cm) / Storm rainfall(cm)A / (1,3) / 128 / 12
B / (8,11) / 114 / 11.4
C / (3,10) / 136 / 13.2
D / (5,8) / 144 / 14.6
E / (7,5) / 109 / ?
Compute the missing rainfall of station E.Find the average rainfall of the plot by Thiesson Polygon and isohyetal method. (8)
b)Explain the Depth-Area-Duration curve. (4.5)
Q.4. a)Briefly explain the factors that affect the runoff from the basin. (5)
c)The following data are observed in a stream by a current meter.
Distance from bank(m) / 0 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 23 / 25 / 27Depth(m) / 0 / 0.6 / 1.2 / 2.05 / 2.35 / 2.1 / 1.9 / 1.6 / 1.4 / 1.0 / 0.4 / 0
No. of revolutions at 0.6d / 0 / 90 / 95 / 135 / 142 / 125 / 115 / 110 / 95 / 90 / 76 / 0
Time(sec) / 0 / 184 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 125 / 184 / 0
Current meter rating equation is given as V=0.33+0.03N m/sec, where N is the no. of revolutions/sec. Calculate river discharge. (7.5)
Q.5.a) Explain various base flow separation techniques. (4)
b) A 4-h hydrograph for a project site in Mahanadi basin is given below. Calculate(i) a 12 h-unit hydrograph and (ii) 2 h-unit hydrograph by S hydrograph approach . (8.5)
Time(h) / 0 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 / 22 / 24 / 2UH ordinates(m3/s) / 0 / 30 / 110 / 170 / 210 / 180 / 120 / 80 / 40 / 35 / 20 / 15 / 5 / 0
Q.6.a) What do you mean by design flood? Why its computation is so important for water resource projects? (4)
b) The following information is available at the gauging site
River / Data length(years) / Mean of the flood / Standard deviationA / 80 / 6200 / 2850
B / 50 / 5400 / 3210
i)Estimate 200 year and 500 year floods for two rivers using Gumbel’s method. (8.5)
Q.7 a) Explain the rational method of computing the peak discharge of a small catchment. (4)
b) An urban catchment has an area of 85 ha. The slope of the catchment is 0.006 and the maximum length of travel of water is 950m. The maximum depth of rainfall with a 25 year return period is as below:
Duration(min) / 5 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 60Depth of rainfall(mm) / 17 / 26 / 40 / 50 / 57 / 62
If a culvert for drainage at the outlet of this area is to be designed for a return period of 25 years, estimate the required peak flow rate, by assuming the runoff coefficient as 0.3. (4.5)
c) Explain briefly the following terms:
i) Standard project flood, ii) Probable maximum flood.(4)
Q.8 a) Explain the following:
i) aquifer, ii) auqitard, iii) aquiclude, iv) aquifuge, v) porosity, vi) specific yield(6)
b) Derive the basic differential equation governing unsteady ground water flow in a homogenous, isotropic and confined aquifer. (6.5)
Q.9 a) A 30cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of saturated depth of 40m. After a long period of pumping at a steady rate of 1500lpm, the drawdown in the two observation wells 25m and 75m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5m and 2.0m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the drawdown at the pumping well? (8)
b) what are the different objectives of water resource planning?(4.5)