Materials to Bring to Your Speech
Definitely Bring
- At least two clipboards with enough copies of the petition for AB 700 from the Materials section of for the group you'll be speaking to.
- Pens for the clipboards.
- A copy of the "We Support AB 700" example endorsement form for the group to sign (or example Resolution if they are a political party club).
- Any necessary notes for your speech.
- Wear your California DISCLOSE Act button.
- The knowledge you've let CCMC's office know in advance about your speech!
If You Have More Than a Few Minutes, Also Bring
Handout Packets for All Attendees
Enough pre-made handout packets for everybody who's likely to attend the speech. These should be paper-clipped together and either placed on people's seats in advance or handed out at the beginning of questions. Each paper-clipped packet should include:
- At least the front page of the Two-Page overview (use the ones for Democrats or the ones for Republicans if you’re in a partisan club)
- A petition for AB 700
- An“I Support”form
- A CCMC reply envelope (if you have them).
- A copy of the one-page “Take Action to Pass the CA DISCLOSE Act!” sheet, updated with the name of the local Assemblymember (email for any updates). If you include this, ideally include a blank page and envelope for them to write the letter with.
Save a couple of minutes at the end of Q&A to walk through the packets. Tell them briefly:
(1) How important it is that write a hand-written letter (described on the Take Action sheet)
(2) Ask them to get a few of their friends and family to sign the petition and mail/fax it in.
(3) Tell them we’re a grassroots-driven campaign, so ask them to fill out the I Support sheet with their volunteer interests checked, and say how helpful it would be if they’d make a donation or become a member of the California Clean Money Campaign
The latest versions of these items can be found on the Materials section of
Extra Copies
Bring extra copies of the petition in case some people want to take home more than one.
Information on Upcoming Events
Check the Events section of so you can tell people about the next working group meeting or other event in their area. Call CCMC's office at (310) 390-6025 to get an update on what's happening with legislation or anything else.