“This I Believe” Essay Peer Edit


Directions to Editor: Answer the following questions with a minimum of two sentences. You will probably need to write more to give helpful feedback. Remember, the more details you give your partner, the better his/her essay will turn out. Attach another piece of paper if necessary. Your editing task is worth 25 points.

1. Is there original title beyond “This I Believe Essay”? Does the title capture the essence of the paper? Explain. If they are missing a title, suggest one for them. Explain your choice.

2. Does the essay clearly communicate a belief? YES NO Explain what the author believes in.

3. Does the author tell a story? Is he or she showing why he or she believes in the topic he or she chose? Does he or she support it well? Explain your thoughts on this element of their essay.

4. Think about the organization and flow of the essay. Critique it. What do they do well or what was confusing to you as a reader?

5. Is it personal? Do you get a sense of the person behind the words? Does the author possess a distinct voice? Does he or she assert his or her belief statement in a personal way without editorializing or preaching? Explain.

6. Does the author SHOW more than he or she TELLS? Does he or she render imagery and details that allow you to be placed into the narrative? Discuss where the author creates imagery for the reader or suggest places that the author could improve his or her description.

7. Are there a variety of strategies used to tell the story, such as dialogue, figurative language, quotes, rhetorical devices, etc.? Explain.

8. Is there strong fluency (no fragments, run-ons, comma splices), appropriate, varied and precise diction, polished grammar, punctuation, capitalization, apostrophes, usage, etc.? Is it clear, focused and concise? Make edits on their paper and explain your choices below.

9. Do you as the reader connect, understand or empathize with the person’s belief? Do you feel like you have shared an experience with him or her? Does the author make you see the belief through his or her lens? Explain.

10. What words, phrases, or sentences are the best parts of the essay? Write one line below, and explain why you think this is the best part of their essay.