Statutory Performance Indicators 2006-07 – Comparison with Other CouncilsAppendix C
Clackmannanshire’s data from Chart A1 (the average ranking for all indicators) broken down into the ten Audit Scotlandservice groupings and shown for the previous 5 reporting years. Lower average rankings indicate better performance by the service.
Chart C1Chart C2
Chart C3Chart C4
Clackmannanshire’s data from Chart A1 (the average ranking for all indicators) broken down into the ten Audit Scotland service groupings and shown for the previous 5 reporting years. Lower average rankings indicate better performance by the service.
Chart C5Chart C6
Chart C7Chart C8
Clackmannanshire’s data from Chart A1 (the average ranking for all indicators) broken down into the ten Audit Scotland service groupings and shown for the previous 5 reporting years. Lower average rankings indicate better performance by the service.
Chart C9Chart C10
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Statutory Performance Indicators 2006-07 – Comparison with Other CouncilsAppendix C
Chart C11
The number of indicators in which each of Clackmannanshire’s services achieved better or worse performance than the Scottish average, as published by Audit Scotland. As there are different numbers of indicators in each service, they cannot be compared with each other. The best result would be all indicators showing better performance than the Scottish average.
Table C12
Clackmannanshire’s indicators ranked in the top quartile in 2006-07 and the rank and value achieved. The Scottish average, the highest value possible and the highest value achieved by any council are also shown.
Dark green / Ranked first in Scotland / 8 indicatorsDark green and lime green / Ranked in top decile (top 3 councils) / 13 indicators
Dark green, lime green and light green / Ranked in top quartile (top 8 councils) / 24 indicators
Rank / Service / Indicator Number and Description / Value (Clacks) / Scottish Average / Ideal Value / Best Achieved
1 / Adult Social Work / 1.Staff qualification - the percentage of care staff who are qualified, working in care homes for older people / 94.4% / 49.0% / 100.0% / 94.4%
1 / Adult Social Work / 5.Privacy - percentage of residential places occupied by other adults that are in single rooms / 100.0% / 91.5% / 100.0% / 100.0%
1 / Adult Social Work / 6.Privacy - percentage of residential places occupied by other adults that have en-suite facilities / 100.0% / 51.6% / 100.0% / 100.0%
1 / Education & Children's Services / 25.Secondary schools - the percentage of schools in which the ratio of pupils to available places is between 61% and 100% / 100.0% / 73.9% / 100.0% / 100.0%
1 / Education & Children's Services / 31.Respite care - percentage of daytime respite hours provided not in a day centre / 100.0% / 65.9% / 100.0% / 100.0%
1 / Corporate Management / 35.Litigation claims - number of claims per 10,000 population / 0.6 / 30.9 / 0.0 / 0.6
1 / Development Services / 55.Processing time - the percentage of all applications dealt with within two months / 85.9% / 61.4% / 100.0% / 85.9%
1 / Waste Management / 80.Recycling - of the municipal waste collected by the authority, the percentage that was recycled / 43.6% / 28.4% / 100.0% / 43.6%
2 / Corporate Management / 33.Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost through sickness absence for craft employees / 3.9% / 6.3% / 0.0% / 3.1%
2 / Cultural & Community Services / 50.Use of libraries - the number of visits to libraries per 1,000 population / 8,621 / 5,641 / Highest / 9,569
2 / Development Services / 54.Processing time - the percentage of householder applications dealt with within two months / 94.3% / 79.8% / 100.0% / 97.8%
2 / Protective Services / 69.Domestic noise complaints - the average time (hours) between the time of complaint and attendance on site: Dealt with under Part V of the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004 / 0.3 / 10.5 / 0.0 / 0.3
3 / Adult Social Work / 3.Privacy - percentage of residential care places occupied by older people that are in single rooms / 99.2% / 90.4% / 100.0% / 100.0%
4 / Adult Social Work / 4.Privacy - percentage of residential care places occupied by older people that have en-suite facilities / 88.6% / 71.5% / 100.0% / 100.0%
4 / Adult Social Work / 9.Home care - number of home care clients aged 65+ receiving care in evenings/overnight as a percentage of clients / 36.0% / 30.7% / 100.0% / 23.1%
4 / Adult Social Work / 11.Respite care - total overnight respite nights provided for older people aged 65+ per 1,000 population / 608.0 / 310.1 / Highest / 1,891.9
4 / Adult Social Work / 16.Respite care - percentage of respite nights not in a care home aged 18 - 64 / 45.1% / 12.9% / 100.0% / 91.8%
4 / Benefits Administration / 22.Administration costs - the overall gross administration cost (£) per council tax or housing benefit application / £33.84 / £43.28 / £0.00 / £13.86
4 / Education & Children's Services / 24.Primary schools - the percentage of schools in which the ratio of pupils to available places is between 61% and 100% / 78.9% / 61.1% / 100.0% / 94.3%
5 / Adult Social Work / 21.Community service - the average hours per week taken to complete community service orders / 4.9 / 3.5 / Highest / 6.1
5 / Cultural & Community Services / 45.Indoor facilities - the number of attendances per 1,000 population / 7,874 / 4,085 / Highest / 9,543
8 / Adult Social Work / 10.Home care - number of home care clients aged 65+ receiving care at weekends as a percentage of clients / 66.3% / 58.7% / 100.0% / 82.4%
8 / Corporate Management / 43.Asset management - percentage of operational buildings that are suitable for their current use / 76.5% / 69.8% / 100.0% / 90.6%
8 / Housing / 65.Homelessness - average time (weeks) between presentation and completion of duty by the council for those cases assessed as homeless or potentially homeless / 15.5 / 18.6 / 0.0 / 9.8
Table C13
Clackmannanshire’s indicators ranked in the bottom quartile in 2006-07 and the rank and value achieved. The Scottish average, the highest value possible and the highest value achieved by any council are also shown.
Brown / Ranked last in Scotland / 0 indicatorsBrown and red / Ranked in the bottom decile (bottom 3 councils) / 2 indicators
Brown, red and tan / Ranked in the bottom quartile (bottom 8 councils) / 10 indicators
Rank / Service / Indicator Number and Description / Value (Clacks) / Scottish Average / Ideal Value / Best Achieved
31 / Benefits Administration / 23.New claims - the average time (days) taken to process new claims / 44.0 / 30.4 / 0.0 / 17.2
30 / Protective Services / 67.Food hygiene - the percentage of premises with a minimum inspection frequency of 12 months or less, that were inspected on time / 72.9% / 98.0% / 100.0% / 100.0%
29 / Waste Management / 79.Refuse collection - the number of complaints per 1,000 households / 84.5 / 40.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
28 / Education & Children's Services / 26.Supervision - percentage of children made subject to a supervision order that were seen by a supervising officer within 15 days / 66.7% / 76.8% / 100.0% / 100.0%
27 / Corporate Management / 32.Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost through sickness absence for chief officers and local government employees / 6.1% / 5.6% / 0.0% / 3.9%
27 / Corporate Management / 40.Council tax - the percentage of council tax income for the year that was collected in the year / 92.6% / 93.8% / 100.0% / 97.8%
25 / Corporate Management / 37.Equal opportunities policy - percentage of highest paid 5% of earners among council employees that are women / 35.5% / 40.4% / 50.0% / 50.5%
25 / Cultural & Community Services / 44.Sport and Leisure Management - the number of attendances per 1,000 population for all pools / 2,852 / 3,476 / Highest / 5,899
25 / Housing / 61.Rent management - the proportion of tenants giving up their tenancy during the year that were in rent arrears / 57.9% / 37.9% / 0.0% / 14.7%
25 / Protective Services / 71.Business advice requests - the percentage of requests dealt with within 14 days of receipt / 92.4% / 95.4% / 100.0% / 100.0%
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