Biofield ColormusicHuman-Machine System for Psychophysiological Supports and Preventive Maintenance of Consequences of Stressful Influences
Larisa Kruglova1
1 “Special Designing Center – Vector”, Moscow, Russia
Abstract.Sportsmen in their sports and daily life meet numerous loads as physical, and psychoemotional. Means for preventive maintenance and rehabilitation of stressful states of sportsmen should be safe, effective, should not cause negative side effects. Color and music satisfy with this requirement to the full. Parameters of correcting factors should respond to a current state of an individual and to provide individuality of influence. Use of modern computer technologies allows to automate process of rehabilitation and to raise efficiency of influence. In Moscow Design Department "Electron" the human-machine system of correction of psychophysiological state (PPS) of the person by means of color and music, based on original use of dynamics of infra-red (IR) components of person’s biofield is developed. Sessions of correction of individuals’ PPS, done in various establishments have confirmed efficiency of described system. Such system has wide sphere of application and can be used as in sports medicine for monitoring, diagnostics and correction of person’s state, and in ordinary conditions for preventive maintenance of consequences of stressful influences.
Keywords:a biofield, colormusic therapy, computer technologies.
The sports and daily life of sportsmen is filled by physical, psychological, emotional loads.For overcoming and/or prevention of these loads there are various methods: medicamentous, physiotherapeutic, psychotherapeutic, etc. Each of these methods has the advantages and the weaknesses limiting sphere of application.Medicinal therapy can be enough effective, but can entail disturbance of a homeostasis and change of the internal environment of an organism, the physiotherapy demands the special equipment, that sometimes happens is inaccessible and inconvenient, the psychotherapy depends on strong-willed qualities and desire of an individual and in some cases is ineffective.The means used in a sports practice should be effective on the one hand, on the other hand - safe, should not cause negative side effects, should render compositive influence both on psychoemotional, and on physiological spheres of the person. Color and music meet these requirements to the full.
Color for a long time was used as a means of therapeutic influence. Avicenna ordered to take baths with the painted water, to use subjects of the certain color in clothes and an interior depending on a patient’s state. The French physicians of XIX century Poeg and Plezanton have found out, that blue and violet beams render analgesic effect and can be applied as treatment of neuralgic diseases. Color is defined by wavelength of EM radiation. Color can be perceived not only cells of a retina of an eye, but also a surface of a skin through which influence is transferred other bodies and systems of an organism. Light with a various wavelength differently influences on structures of a brain and organs of person’s body. There are various techniques of using the color for healing which are suitable for applicationboth in clinical, and outside of clinical conditions, both for people with various diseases, and for quite healthy ones[1].
Other universal means of influence is music. Use of music on the therapeutic purposes has ancient history, and in east medicine too. Now it is applied for treatment of mental, cardiovascular diseases, music use in obstetric practice, in posttraumatic states, for removal of painful sensations [2]. Efficiency of musical influence is explained that music is capable to cause the certain mental images, emotions, installations which are accompanied by respective alterations in physiological processes.
For maintenance of individuality of influence, the parameters of correcting factors should be formed depending on current state and its change during correction. The integrate parameter reflecting both functional and psychoemotional person’s states is the system of fields of the various nature, arising during vital processes - a biofield.
One of all components of a person’s biofield, registered by means of the modern technical devices, IR component of a biofield in a range 8-14 microns is the most accessible to monitoring.
2.Biofield ColormusicHuman-Machine System for Psychophysiological Supports and Preventive Maintenance of Consequences of Stressful Influences
2.1.Ideaof development
System BIOL for correction of psychophysiological state (PPS) by means of color and music, based on use IR components of person’s biofield has been developed in Moscow Design Department "Electron" by the collective of employees under direction of I.M. Kogan. This system is formed around of a personal computer to which the radiometer in range of wavelength from 8 to 14 microns is connected.
The equipment and methods for registration of IR radiation are distinguished with availability, simplicity of use, an opportunity of application both in clinical, and outside of clinical conditions.
2.2.Algorithm of correction procedure
The algorithm of the correction procedure consists of several stages.
The person sits down in front of the display, puts a hand on IR radiometer. The parameter of a biofield of a person’s palm - brightness temperature (BT) in a mode of a background without any influences is registered in the beginning of the session.
Then the person’s psychological state by means of reduced Luscher test is estimated.This test include a sequential choice of the most pleasant color from 8 offered. The result of the test is expressed in the form of reaction coefficient (RC) which is calculated under the attitude of numbers of two colors rank in the chosen sequence, corresponding to the person’s passive state and active state. The received reaction coefficient is compared to rating value. By result of comparison the conclusion about a state of the person is done: calmed or excited. Then music with the necessary character: exciting or calming automatically switch on.
Several compact discs, on each of them one part of tracks have calming character and other part of tracks have exciting character, were grouped for system BIOL.
Reaction to the same music, reflected in parameter of a biofield, varies at different people, therefore some time interval of test musical influence is appointed and the estimation of change of parameter of a biofield for this interval is done.
Parameters of color influence are defined by results of Luscher test and the musical test, and the binding of a range of expected changes of biofield parameter to a scale of colors is carried out. Then the system works in the automatic mode of colormusic biological feedback (CMBF), when color and music lead to change of subject’s psychophysiological state and the biofield parameter connected with his state, and this change of biofield parameter lead to correspondent change of color on the display.
Thus dynamics of color on the display visualizes dynamics of a human biofield.
The parameter of a biofield in a background mode is registered upon termination of CMBF.
In the end of a session the psychological state of the person by means of reduced Luscher test is estimated again, the conclusion about productivity of correction procedure is done on change of reaction coefficient.
Values of brightness temperature are written in a file during all session, then the graph of dynamics of brightness temperature – thermogramm is drawn on these values.
2.3.Results ofresearches
Sessions of correction of person’s state have been hold by means of system BIOL in various establishments.
Representative confirmation of efficiency of rehabilitation by means of system BIOL during treatment of patients of faculty of maxillofacial surgery has been received during the researches hold in the Moscow medical academy named after Setchenov.
Definition of psychological characteristics of state of health, activity, mood before and after correction procedure has been added in these experiments.
The examples of dynamics of biofield parameter before and after surgical operation are shown on fig. 1, 2. The analysis of results of these researches has shown, that qualitative changes of dynamics of biofield parameter of patients correspond with changes of quantity indicators of activity and mood (fig. 3).
Fig. 1: Graph of Dynamics of Brightness Temperature before Surgical Operation.
System BIOL is multipurpose, it can be applied not only for correction PPS at presence or preventive maintenance of stressful conditions, but also to carry out monitoring of an individual’s state at various influences.
Fig. 2: Graph of Dynamics of Brightness Temperature after Surgical Operation.
Group / RC / HAM%non-negative / In total measurements / % non-negative / In total measurements
Healthy persons / 67% / 9 / 52% / 27
PatientsI / 100% / 5 / 67% / 12
PatientsII / 86% / 7 / 80% / 15
Total on all groups / 80% / 21 / 63% / 54
Fig. 3: Change of Reaction Coefficient and Parameters of HAM before and after Correction Procedure.
So, for example, researches of stability of flying staff to static muscular loads were spent in the State research probativeinstitute of aviation and space medicine (Moscow). During experiment the examinee should press out legs effort 120 kgf on a special simulator. During the test it was registered IR component of biofield of person’s hand. In one of experiments upon termination of a relaxation the test for multiplication of two two-place numbers in mind has been offered to the examinee, thus reduction of brightness temperatures, commensurable with reduction of brightness temperatures has been fixed at muscular load (fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Graph of Dynamics of Brightness Temperature during Static Muscular Load and Test forMultiplication.
Described system BIOL has a number of advantages, such as: contactless, noninvasive, operation in a real time, an individualization of factors of influence. The important feature of system is functioning by a principle « diagnostics during the moment of treatment », that rather important and actually for sports medicine.
Professor Ippolit Kogan (11.02.1921-30.09.2007) was the ideological inspirer and the organizer of work on creation of system BIOL.
A lot of theoretical and experimental work on research of a biofield has been hold by collective of employees of the various organizations under its sensitive management as a result of which system BIOL has been created. I. Kogan headed works on operation of this system, was the scientific leader of the several dissertational works, devoted to problems of a biofield.
[1]Ted Andrews (1992). How to Heal with Color. ISBN:9780875420059.
[2]Campbell, Don (1997). The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit. ISBN 0-380-97418-5.
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