Overview of the answers from Member States on the situation concerning regional nutrient balances autumn 2006

BE (Flandern) / CZ / DK / DE / ES / FR
General comments / Spain is calculating the N Balance since 1996, starting at provincial level going to regional and national results.
OECD methodology has been improved to adapt it to Spanish agriculture. A Working Group has been created with experts on different fields. The last methodology is being translated into English for Eurostat and the OECD.
Inputs to the farm
1. Fertilisers
a. Inorganic fertilisers
i. Have you started to collect mineral fertiliser data at regional level? / No / Yes / No. However, it must be possible to make a good indicator. All farms have to make a fertiliser plan before planting and a fertiliser account after. The plant directorate is collecting the account and is producing some sort of balances / No. There are currently no exact regional data for input of inorganic (or better say: mineral) fertilizer available. On the other hand, there are data of good quality for the amounts of mineral fertilizers sold at national level. The basic idea of regionalization then is to distribute these quantities to the regions in a consistent manner. To cite two prominent examples:
estimate the amount of mineral fertilisers for all regionalised attempts as follows
Mineral fertilisation =N-removal via harvest x coefficient for increased demand - organic fertilisation x deduction factor - fertilisation using secundary raw materials – N-fixation by legumes. Osterburg developed the following model to estimate the use of N-mineral fertilisers: N-removal (kg N/ha) fixation by legumes-N from cattle-N from pigs- N from other animals x ln(Nfrom cattle) x ln(N from pigs)+ regional soil climate figure- regional number of pigs/ ha cultivated land. Model can be adapted for other nutrients. / Yes / Data on mineral N input for the sampled plots in the surveys on Cultivation practices. The sample of plots is based on the Teruti survey on the land use, but concern only certain crops: principal cereals, oilseeds, peas, beets, potato, and the temporary meadows and the permanent "intensive" meadows.
The farming practice surveys are carried out approximately every 5 years (1994-2001-2006). In particular they make it possible to obtain for the covered crops data on amounts per hectare for NUTS 2. The data is of high statistical quality, in particular because the interview of the farmers covers only one well identified plot of their holding.
In addition, the union of fertilizer producers distributes annual sales data of N fertilizers at national and regional level. The regionalisation of these sales is based on the distribution points, there can be certain divergences with the place of use. Lastly, certain industrialists do not respect the breakdown of their sales by region, but provide only national data, which also reduces the quality of information on a regional scale.
ii. In case yes, do you feel they correctly reflect the actual use? / Yes, the mineral fertiliser data do reflect correctly the actual use. / Yes
iii. What is the source of the data? / A): Total national consumption data: the Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry calculate annually the N, P, K consumption on the base of production, export and import.
B): Statistical data (CZSO survey on farms, without small farms)
C): Information on application rates for different crops. Research Institute of Crop Production - survey on selected farms, calculation of redistribution the total fertiliser use for the country and regions / The application rates of fertilisers for different crops come from different surveys: made by an organisation of farmers, other made by national fertiliser manufacturers and studied by the experts who work in the N Balance.
iv. If not, when are you planning to do so? / Mineral fertiliser data are collected by FADN and Manure Bank
b. Organic fertilisers (excluding livestock manure)
i. Do you collect organic fertiliser data at national and/or regional level? / Yes, at regional level and at farm level by Manure Bank / No / Denmark collects data on national level. However it is of little importance in Denmark and can probably be left out. / Data for sewage sludge are available at NUTS 1-level. / At regional level / In our farming practice surveys we ask a question on the use of organic fertilizers on the sampled plots, by distinguishing the household refuse composts and urban sewage sludge or other sludge (industrial).
ii. Is the use of organic fertilisers so wide spread that they should be taken into account in the calculations? / Yes, and the use is rising / No / Organic fertilisers can be important input-factors for regional nutrient balances. / Yes. In Spain, they suppose to be more than the 11% of all the organic fertilisers (including animal manure), and their use is growing. / This data is not used for the N balances, because the overall importance of this use is low, and the collected data is incomplete and of low quality (low knowledge of the N contents).
2. Livestock manure
i. Do you apply the manure coefficient [kg N/head/year] or the [kg N/head]? / Yes, regional coefficients / We apply the manure coefficient (kg N/head/year). / The manure coefficient is [kg N/head/year].Only national coefficient,probably because Denmark is a small country and regional balances are difficult. Statistics can be produced on a regional level, with the assumption that production per animal is the same all over the country / We apply the manure coefficient concept. By the way, we don’t see the alternative suggested in the question. The accumulation of nutrients from animal keeping is a multiplication of animal number with average N-"production" per head and year (according to OECD handbook). / The applied coefficient is kg N/place/year. The definition of “place” is the number of heads at a given time. The heads at a given time are present the whole year, except in periods of cleaning / We apply the kg N/ head/ year, which apply to livestock present at a given date, but which take account of the durations of effective presence of animals over the year (for example of the number of cycles for poultry).
The coefficients that we use are elaborated by a specific Committee, (Corpen), to start from detailed technical studies undertaken with the various institutes concerned. We think that it is not up to the statisticians to work out their own coefficients.
ii. If you have only national coefficients, what are the justifications for not calculating regional coefficients? / Only national coefficients. There are no differences in the intensity of animal husbandry in the regions. Manure coefficient for dairy cows is calculated on the base of the intensity (annually milk production) / Regionalization of nutrient supply from livestock manure is done for data on number and categories of farm animals and there estimated type of housing and productivity (e.g. milk production per cow). / We have regional coefficients / Currently, there are no regional coefficients diffused by the Corpen.
3. Biological nitrogen fixation (nitrogen fixed in the soil)
a. Through the action of bacteria which live symbiotically in root nodules of leguminous crops (field beans, soybeans, clover, lucerne, …).
i. How do you ensure the data on the areas under leguminous crops? / FSS data / The data on the areas under leguminous crops are ensured through statistical survey. / The FSS produce data on the area with leguminous crops. We also get data in from the SFP databank. This means we have data for some crops under 80%, e.g. clover under 50% in grass. The regional coefficients can perhaps be produced but that the national should be sufficient / N-fixation by legumes is calculated using cultivationn area for pulses, clover, alfalfa…. Multiplied with the coefficient for N-fixation (model administrative directive). Regionalisation to dostrict level is possible. / See report for the details. / Generally, the areas used for the N assessments come from the annual crop statistics. For the specific case of the mixed grasses, it is considered that these pastures contain on average 21% of legumes (results from a survey in 1998).
The quantification of the symbiotic Nfixation by legumes is difficult. Legumes consume mineral N if it is available in the soil. After opinions of experts, we consider symbiotic fixing to be on average half of their N exports.
ii. If you have only national coefficients, what are the justifications for not calculating regional coefficients? / Default values are used / Yes, we have only national coefficients. There are no differences in the regions / The N fixation coefficient [kg N/hectare of leguminous crops] does not vary very much between regions. / Since the data of extracted N are regional data, it isn’t necessary to change the above mentioned coefficients / This rule is observed in a uniform way for all areas with legumes and all the regions.
b. By free living soil organisms
i. Have you calculated nitrogen fixation coefficients at regional level? / Yes / No, we have only national coefficients / We have a national coefficient. Maybe the agricultural science centre can calculate them for a regional level, but the national expert finds it difficult / N-fixation is calculated using the area of permanent grasland multiplied with the N-fixation coefficient (model administrative directive).
Regional gathering of data for relevant areas for N-fixation is possible on district level (data access assumed). / We don’t take in to account those organisms. / For lack of data of coefficients to be applied, we make no quantification, national or regional, of this post. Moreover, the OECD handbook on the Nbalances specifies that this post can be neglected.
ii. If you have only national coefficients, what are the justifications for not calculating regional coefficients? / There are no differences in the regions / The N fixation coefficient [kg N/hectare of leguminous crops] does not vary very much between regions.
4. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds
i. Have you calculated N deposition rates at regional level? / Yes / No, but there are some possibilities for regional calculation in the future / Yes, regional data for N deposition is measured in Denmark / Atmosheric N-deposition is calculated using 10 kg/ha N from non-agricultural sources and in addition of N-deposition amount which is regionaly flexible and depends from the NH3 displacement from storage and output of animal excrements, the application of mineral fertilisers, cultivation of legumes, grazing, abondonement of cultivation area.
Regionalisation: district, Bundesland, national / Yes / In our balances, we make no quantification, national or regional, of this post.
ii. If you have only national rates, what are the justifications for not calculating regional rates? / The differences are small.
5. Other inputs (seeds and planting material, …)
Outputs from the farm
1. Marketed crops, including marketed fodder crops
a. Marketed crops, including marketed fodder crops sold off-farm, for which production and yield data are usually available / N-removal of products is calculated using the sum of all yields multiplied with the respective N-contents and cultivation area.
Regionalisation: district, Bundesland, national / We use only national Ncrop coefficients. These coefficients, such as the animal ejection coefficients, are established by the Corpen. Currently, there are no regional coefficients diffused by the Corpen.
i. Have you calculated N crop coefficients per crop at regional level? / Yes / No / No, it is not calculated at regional level. We have crop and fodder statistics at regional level, but not a regional coefficient. / It is assumed that the N-coefficients per category (kg N/t) will not vary much between regions / Yes
ii. If you have only national coefficients, what are the justifications for not calculating regional coefficients? / The differences are small. / See below
b. Non-marketed fodder crops and grass (harvested and grazed) that are consumed on the farm, for which production and yield data are not usually available. / Question not relevant for us
i. Do you have you regional data on bought feedstuffs? / No / No / There is no regional data on bought feedstuff. However Food Economic Institute has produced a model of how much food various animals eat and how much food there is produced on the farms and how much is bought. Data is produced at a regional basis every year. The yield is depending on the race and not the geography in Denmark. Also the centre for agricultural science can try to produce data of good quality if I can produce the needed input. / No.
To calculate the feed balance, we compare the availability of pastures and with the total animal feed requirements. Regional data come from the INIA research “dry matter production of pastures”, it takes into account weather conditions. The production of dry matter in temporary pastures is calculated from the extracted N with a coefficient for calculating the N in stubble
ii. If not, have you analysed the potential regional bias this might imply? / No
Eurostat Nitrogen Balance Application / The third option. The calculation tool should be simple excel sheet as developed by the OECD. / The best solution would be the third option. We ask nevertheless that very close coordination be maintained between Eurostat and the OECD, so that there will be a single system of gathering and of validation of the data for these two organisations.
i. Which solution would you prefer to calculate the nutrient balances? / We would prefer solution 2 or 3 / We prefer the third option / We think model number 3 is the best method to make data of high quality, but also the most difficult one. It is the model Eurostat should plan to implement over time. However model number 2 is the most realistic method to produce comparable data for all EU countries. Therefore Eurostat should start using this model as we find comparability very important. / The scientific literature offers concepts for regionalization of nitrogen balances. Examples: Von Bach und Frede liegen regionale Bilanzen für ausgewählte bzw. relevante Standorte vor. Gleiches gilt für Untersuchungen von Osterburg für Regionen in Niedersachsen.
Additional regional balances have been proposed by FAL from 2007 / The first one.
The reason is that it’s difficult to develop the same methodology for all the Member States. There are great differences between agricultures, crops, livestock, weather, soil… and it’s very important to take into account the specific characteristics of each country and each region inside each country. Our second option would be the third solution, but we think that this one can’t fit all European agricultures.
ii. Which is your timetable for calculating regional balances? / June 30 for previous calendar year / As Denmark is a small country the Danish state show little interest in improving environmental data at regional level. We do not have a timetable for this issue. / yes / We already calculate regional balances / Various types of problems arise for regionalised assessment production.
iii. Are you satisfied with the present methodology as presented in the joint Eurostat/OECD methodology? / Yes / The methodology looks fine, but we might have some commentsafter working with it. / No
iv. If not, what are the changes you suggest to be introduced?
IT / HU / MT / LV / NL / PT
General comments / In Malta wedo not calculate Nutrient Balances yet. We intend to carry out a survey onNutrient Balances to calculate the necessary national and regional coefficientsand the resulting national and regional N balances for the referenceyear 2006. Malta have applied for a TAPAS action plan for Nutrient Balancesfor the 2007 projects.
Inputs to the farm
1. Fertilisers
a. Inorganic fertilisers
i. Have you started to collect mineral fertiliser data at regional level? / Fertilizer use was collected in FSS in 1998. Information collected was on in tonnes of fertilizer (N, P, K, other) distributed on agricultural land. Anomalous (high) values for N were checked and corrected applying a maximum value of N rates per hectare and crop type (application rates available from literature). / Yes, we have. The problem is that we have such data only from agricultural enterprises (50% of the agricultural area), but not from private holdings. / Yes / No, mineral fertiliser data are not collected from farmers at all
Eurostat comment:
In fact these data are collected in the Dutch FADN so the statement is not correct. / No
ii. In case yes, do you feel they correctly reflect the actual use? / At national level, Nuse was lower than sales. Distribution among regions was diverse comparing sold and used products, differing especially for small regions where a ”border” effect for sale could actually take place (products used in small regions were higher than products sold in the same regions). The total used amount represented the 95% of fertilizer sold in the same year / No, it is just estimation, because it represents only 50% of the area. We try to start collection fertiliser NP consumption data from a number of private holdings soon. / We can't be sure that data correctly reflect the actual use of mineral fertiliser / Not applicable
iii. What is the source of the data? / FSS / The HCSO. The source of new data collecting from a number of private holdings will be the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (RISSAC) of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences / The source of data is the farms, which are representing the situation in regional level / Not applicable