Marta Szebehely: Short CV (Feb 2012)

Current position

Professor in Social Work

Department of Social Work


SE-106 91 Stockholm


Academic background

BA in Psychology, 1975, StockholmUniversity.

PhD in Social Work, 1995, LundUniversity.

Associate Professor (Docent) in Social Work, 2001, StockholmUniversity.

Professor in Social Work, 2004, StockholmUniversity.

Previous positions (after the dissertation in 1995)

2008 -2011 Researcher at Institute for Futures Studies (20 percent)

2002 -2008 Personal fellowship in gender equality studies, financed by the SwedishResearch Council (6 years full time).

2005 Appointed by the Swedish Government as an expert for the Inquiry on GenderEquality Policy (2 months)

1999-2001 Appointed by the Swedish Government as a Commission member of theWelfare Commission, led by professor Joakim Palme (2 years full time)

1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University (4 years full time financed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research;on leave 1999-2001 due to work with the Welfare Commission).

Field of specialisation

Gender, social policy and care; shifting boundaries of care (family, state, market);comparative and historical perspectives on care work and care policies; everyday lifeperspectives on home based and residential care; working conditions of care workers; livingconditions and use of care among elderly and disabled people.

Selected appointments (2000 -

Board member of the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (2010-); Boardmember of AgingResearchCenter, Stockholm (2010-); Member of editorial board forInternational Journal of Social Welfare; member of advisory board for Social Policy andAdministration, Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift; Tidskrift for Velferdsforskning.

Visiting Professor at University of Sydney (5 weeks 2012); Osaka University, Japan (1 week2009); Tampere University, Finland (1 month 2009); Social Policy Research Centre atUniversity of New South Wales (4 months 2007-08); University of Western Sydney (1 month2006); Carleton University (3 months 2004); Member of EU-COST A15 on social protectionsystems (2000-2004).

Present research projects

- PI for Normacare: Nordic Research Network on Marketisation in Eldercare, 2011-2014,financed by Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (SEK 600,000) andNordForsk (NOK 900,000) (see

- PI for the research project The cost of care: Caring responsibilities and gainful employmentin middle age, financed by the Swedish Research Council (SEK 3.7 million, 2011-2013)

- Co-applicant and Swedish partner (PI: Pat Armstrong, YorkUniversity, Toronto) in MajorCollaborative Research Initiative Re-imagining Long-term Care Residential Care; International Study of Promising Practices, financed by Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council, Canada (2.5 million Canadian dollars, 2010 – 2017).

- PI for the research programme Transformations of Care: Living the consequences ofchanging public policies, financed by the Swedish Council for Working Life and SocialResearch (SEK 12 millions, 2007-2012; involving 14 Nordic and Anglo-Saxon scholars) (for information in Swedish, see

- Co-applicant and partner (PI: Bjørn Hvinden, NOVA, Olso) of Nordic Centre of ExcellenceREASSESS Reassessing the Nordic Welfare Model ( by NordForsk). Within thecentre leading the research strand ‘Care in ageing and diversifying societies’ (2007-2012).

Previous research projects (selection)

- Co-applicant and Swedish partner (PI: Tine Rostgaard, SFI, Copenhagen) in a comparative researchprojectLivindhome:Living independently at home(a nine-country comparison, funded by DREES/MiRe,France, 2010-2012). Publications include a report LIVINDHOME Living independently at home. Reforms in home care in 9 European countriespublished online in 2011, and a special issue of the journal Health Social Care in the Community to be published in 2012.

- Swedish partner in comparative research project (nine countries) Reforms in long-term carepolicies in EU countries. PI: Costanzo Ranci, Polytechnic of Milan. Funded by CGIL, an Italiantrade union (2009-2011). Publications include a special issue of the Italian journal La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, no 4, 2011 and an edited book, forthcoming in 2012 (Springer Press).

- Partner ofPASEC: Political and Social Economy of Care in a Globalising World, a research network supported by REASSESS and led by Professor Deborah Brennan, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales. Results from the project will be published as a special issue of Journal of European Social Policy in 2012.

- Swedish partner in comparative research project Workingcarers and caring workers: making paid employment and care responsibilities compatible? PI:Teppo Kröger, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Funded by Academy of Finland (2008-2011). Publications include the book Combining paid work and family care. Policies and experiences in international perspective, edited by Teppo Kröger and Sue Yeandle, comparing Finland, Sweden, the UK, Australia, Japan and Taiwan (forthcoming 2013, Policy Press).

- Heading a Nordic comparative research project NORDCARE: The everyday realities of carein the Nordic welfare states – similarities and differences mirrored by care workers, financedby FAS, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (SEK 1.8 million, 2004-2006; involving 8 Nordic scholars ). See list of selected publications.

- Together with Professor Pat Armstrong, YorkUniversity, Toronto, Canada, heading thecomparative research project Long-term Care Workers & Workplaces: Comparing Canadawith Nordic Europe (Extension of NORDCARE, funded by Canadian research fund CICR,2005-2008; PI Pat Armstrong).See list of selected publications.

- Heading the project Health and welfare: An overview of Nordic eldercare research,financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers (2003-2005; involving 14Nordic scholars). Publication Szebehely M, ed (2005) Äldreomsorgsforskning i Norden (in Scandinavian languages, with an English summary).

- Heading a qualitative comparative project The everyday realities and conditions of homehelp in four Nordic capitals, financed by FAS through the programme support for Care for theelderly: Conditions and everyday realities (1999-2002; involving 8 Nordic scholars). Publications include an edited book and an article, both in Swedish (Szebehely M, ed, 2003: Hemhjälp i Norden and Szebehely M, 2006: Omsorgsvardag under skiftande organisatoriska villkor , Tidskrift for Arbejdsliv) and a conference presentation in English.

Recent publications (selection)

Meagher G & Szebehely M (2012) Long-term care in Sweden: Trends, actors and consequences. In: Ranci C & Pavolini E, eds. Long-term care policies in Europe National systems and reform processes compared (working title). Forthcoming in 2012, Springer Press.

Szebehely M (2012) Universell eller skiktad äldreomsorg – vem vinner och vem förlorar? I: Andersson L & Öberg P, red. Jämlik ålderdom? I samtiden och framtiden. Liber förlag. Forthcoming in 2012.

Brennan D, Cass B, Himmelweit S & Szebehely M (2012) The marketisation of care: Rationales and consequences in Nordic and Liberal care regimes. Paper accepted for special issue of Journal of European Social Policy.

Vabø M & Szebehely M (2012) A caring state for all older people? In: Anttonen A, Häikiö L & Stefánsson K, eds. Welfare State, Universalism and Diversity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (forthcoming May 2012)

Harrington C, Choiniere J, Goldmann M, Fadnes Jacobsen F, Lloyd L, McGregor M, Stamatopoulos V & Szebehely M (2012) Nursing home staffing standards and staffing levels in six countries, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44:1, 88–98.

Rostgaard T & Szebehely M (2012) Changing Policies, Changing Patterns of Care – Danish andSwedish Home Care at the Crossroads, European Journal of Ageing. DOI 10.1007/s10433 011-0209-1

Meagher G & Szebehely M (2012) Equality in the social service state: Nordic childcare models in comparative perspective. In: Kvist J, Fritzell J, Hvinden B & Kangas O, eds. Changing SocialInequality: The Nordic Welfare Model in the 21st Century. Bristol: Policy Press.

Szebehely M & Trydegård G-B (2011) Home care in Sweden: a Universal Model in Transition,Health Social Care in the Community. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2011.01046.x

Banerjee A, Daly T, Armstrong P, Szebehely M, Armstrong H & Lafrance S (2012) Structural violence in long-term care: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia. Social Science & Medicine, 74(3): 390-98.

Daly T & Szebehely M (2011) Unheard voices, unmapped terrain: care work in long-termresidential care for older people in Canada and Sweden. International Journal of Social Welfare.(DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2011.00806.x)

Szebehely M & Trydegård G-B (2011) Home care in Sweden. In: Rostgaard T, Gledinning C, KrögerT, Östere A, Szebehely M, Theobald H, Timonen V, Vabø M: LIVINDHOME. Living independentlyat home – Reforms in home care in 9 European countries. Copenhagen: SFI

Daly T, Banerjee A, Armstrong P, Armstrong H & Szebehely M (2011) Lifting the violence veil:Examining working conditions in long-term care facilities using iterative mixed methods, CanadianJournal on Aging, 30 (2) 271-284.

Szebehely M (2011) Insatser för äldre och funktionshindrade i privat regi. I: Hartman L, red:Konkurrensens konsekvenser. Vad händer med svensk välfärd? Stockholm: SNS.

Meagher G & Szebehely M (2010) Private financing of elder care in Sweden: Arguments for andagainst. Institute for Futures Studies, Working Paper 2010:1.

Szebehely M (2010) Äldreomsorg i kris? I: Global kris – håller välfärdssystemen?Socialförsäkringsrapport 2010:6.

Gustafsson RÅ & Szebehely M (2009) Outsourcing of elder care services in Sweden: Effects on workenvironment and political legitimacy. In: King D & Meagher G (eds) Paid Care in Australia:Politics, Profits, Practices. SydneyUniversity Press.

Armstrong P, Banerjee A, Szebehely M, Armstrong H, Daly T, Lafrance S (2009) They DeserveBetter: The long-term care experience in Canada and Scandinavia. Ottawa: Canadian Centre forPolicy Alternatives.

Szebehely M (2009) Are there lessons to learn from Sweden? In: Armstrong P et al eds.: DesigningGender-Sensitive Long-Term Care in Canada. Toronto: Fernwood Books.

Gunnarsson E & Szebehely M, red (2009) Genus i omsorgens vardag. Stockholm: Gothia.

Szebehely M & Trydegård G-B (2007) Omsorgstjänster för äldre och funktionshindrade: skildavillkor, skilda trender? Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 14 (2-3) 197-219.