Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 10 PM on TurnItIn
1 copy per group or teacher
What do I need to do?
• Plan your experiment and determine how you will analyze and present your data.
What do I need to submit to TurnItIn? – see the attached rubric for details
• Research question
• Hypothesis, variable, and control OR engineering goal
• Procedures
• Method for analyzing and presenting results
• Annotated bibliography (revised)
What do I need to submit on paper?
· Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1) – Needs a parent signature. 1/group
· Student Checklist (1A) – 1/group
· Approval Form (1B) – Needs a parent signature. 1/student
These forms may be downloaded from the “Handouts” tab of Dr. Z’s website. Complete on a computer, save, print, and obtain required signatures.
The “Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1)” lists situations when human subject, risk assessment, or qualified scientist forms are required. Download them from the ISEF website http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/document/. The rules and forms wizard is available at https://apps2.societyforscience.org/wizard/index.asp .
· Plan ahead so that you have time to ask for help if necessary and obtain signatures.
Research Plan Rubric
Due at 10:00 PM on Tues. Sept. 15 via TurnItIn. Submit signed Documentation in class.
Attributes / Above Standard / At Standard / Below Standard / Points Earned(10) / (0)
Documentation / Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1), Student Checklist (1A), Approval Form (1B) are completed. Form (1) and (1B) have required signatures. / Forms will be returned for completion. / /10
(10) / (8) / (6-0)
Question being Addressed / Identified an interesting and testable question; identified the broad scientific issue that the project addresses / Identified an interesting and testable question. / The question is incomplete, too easy to attain, or does not follow from literature research. Revise or choose another question. / /10
(4) / (3) / (2-0)
Variable / Variable which is to be changed (independent) and variables that are going to be measured (dependent) are clearly defined. / Independent and dependent variables are defined but more detail is needed. / Independent and dependent variables are undefined or using these variables will not investigate the stated purpose. / /4
(6) / (4) / (2-0)
Hypothesis / Utilized the literature to provide strong evidence supporting the hypothesis. / Utilized the literature to develop a reasonable hypothesis. / Hypothesis is incomplete or is not based on literature review. / /6
(20-18) / (17-14) / (13-0)
Procedures and Data Analysis / Methods for collecting and analyzing data are in logical order, clearly stated, and all steps are included. ANYONE could read and follow it. It holds high promise for collecting the information sought. Includes appropriate controls, measurements are repeated, and sample sizes are adequate. / Methods for collecting and analyzing data are in logical order, clearly stated, and all steps are included. ANYONE could read and follow it. It holds high promise for collecting the information sought. Additional controls, larger sample sizes, or more trials are recommended. / Methods for collecting and analyzing data are incomplete, not sequential, or unclear. Controls are missing, sample sizes are too small, or the experiment is to be conducted only once. / /20
(10) / (7) / (4)
Annotated Bibliography / Literature review contains 5 major references with complete citations. The most important information from each reference is summarized in one or more paragraphs. (1¶/resource) / Literature review contains 5 references but citations or annotations are incomplete. / Literature review is incomplete, references are from unreliable sources, or annotations are missing. / /10
Total / /60