Overselves and Symbiotes
Responding to queries, I will elaborate on my brief reference to Orpheus, the ‘chrism of the Red Dragon’ and the nature and role of the Administration ‘Overselves’. It is not meant to make Orpheus the subject of an article but to explain a few things about overselves.
Orpheus, the Author of the book‘Matrix’, confuses (may be deliberately) the ‘Overself’ with the ‘Self’. Ordinarily, the ‘overself’ is not the Higher Self. He is an angelic being or sentient software (thought form)used in controllinghumans according to individual agendas decided by the planetary administration. The Administration Authority, what is also known as the ‘Heavens’ of the Planet or ‘Heavens level 2’, consists of a GoverningCouncil of twelve officials, (the Ministers),at the head of an Administration pyramid, which has the planetary Prince, (in our case Calicastia-the-Dragon), at its uppermost vertex. (I must stress that by ‘Reptilian’or Dragonishwe refer to idiosyncrasy and not actual form, though any angelic being like Calicastia can present himself in the form corresponding to his idiosyncrasy, in a Virtual Reality projection from his personality software. Normally, Calicastia has the appearance of a wizard in white.Sanat Kumarais also of Reptilian idiosyncrasy. Hehas the looks of a Scandinavian blond with blue eyes.)
Sanat Kumaraand his33-member ‘White Lodge’inShambalaact as ‘Chancellor and Senate’, so to speak. (For millennia, Hermes’Christ was at the head of the Lodge).
In an isolated planetary system like Lucifer’s, most of the administrators are highly evolved humans, previously incarnated on this or other planets of the system. These evolved humans often undertake overself duties, like driving instructors or ‘godfathers’ of incarnate humans.They are in effect co-incarnates. This ‘godfathering’ is mostly sequential but there arealso many cases of parallel or simultaneous godfathering.In contrast with angelic overselfing, where the individuality of the human being is fully respected and its experiential memory individually preserved,thesegodfatheringco-incarnatesdeprive the ‘godchild’ of most of its individuality and rob it of its experiential knowledge and any revelation that may come through it.Theyreside in the person’s Aura, (seen as the person’s previous incarnation), and control him through the pineal gland.When an Astral traveler or mental-psychic viewer or somebody in the dream state encounters a man’sgodfather, once he identifies him, he seeshim as having the features of the incarnate man. This however is a Virtual Reality (VR) projection by the viewer. If the samegodfatherco-incarnates a woman, (sequentially or simultaneously), he will be seen with the features of hisfemale‘godchild’. The godfather shares the gender of the godchild; hence the ‘shim’pronoun for this bivalent gender.
Similarly, the Author of the ‘Matrix’ is a godfather/co-incarnate, a highly evolved human.(My owngodfatheringsymbiote, appointed by Hermes in order to place me under his control, wasa ‘high Hermic wizard’(?) then resident ofShambala. In these cases, we are talking about agodfatherco-incarnate or a controlling symbiote-overself.Mysymbiote’s, or Hermes’, plans were that I should become an Orthodox archbishop.He turned against me when I adopted the name ‘Jesus’ and, thus, disqualified myself for such a post.) Orpheus was the highest-ranking and most ambitious initiate in the ‘Memphis Initiations’ in Egypt, initiated by Hermes. Calicastia wanted to place this Egyptiandissident group under his direct control by initiating its highest initiate into his own dragon initiation and granting him his highest chrism, the ‘chrism of theRedDragon’. Hermes saw an opportunity in this, to furtherhis own schemes;(see ‘Reappraisal of Thoth-Hermes’). Heoutsmarted Orpheus and received the chrism of theRed Dragon himself, thus cheatingOrpheus of what the latter considered rightfully his. As Orpheus was of very ambitious and aggressive idiosyncrasy, he was really pissed off and tried to fight the arrangement with all the wizardry he could muster. So, Orpheus was placed in ‘white isolation’(in limbo) for a long time, at the end of which Calicastia worked subtly on Orpheus’ mind to bring him under his complete control, without Orpheus suspecting it. (I have seen the angels behind his mind).
The Game of the balance of Power has been played, until May 2004, between Hermes-353 and his initiates and allies in Shambala-353 on the one hand and Calicastia’s Administration pyramid on the other. Hermes was knocked out of the Game in May 2004 and theGame, as Orpheus knows it, has come to an end. However, though the field is left entirely to Calicastia, he cannot do very much, because his boss Lucifer, the head of the Planetary System, was persuaded to leave histhrone voluntarily back in August 2003, after his ‘Orion Queen’ project was foiled. Without plans from Lucifer, Calicastia relies entirely on backup emergency plans but he realizes that, like Lucifer’s, the end of his authority is also very near.
When Orpheus came out of isolation, he was determined to mess up the Gamebut, having discovered that he is powerless to change its rules, he wants to abandon it. With his reptilian idiosyncrasy still dominant, he became a ‘Rebel’. He assumed for himself the role of Overself and is trying to amass as much experiential knowledge as fast as possible and leave the Game and the system to create his own ‘World’, outside the System. In reality he has become a very aggressive co-incarnateparasite. He does not behave like a normal Overself. All he does is colonize many incarnate ‘Selves’ simultaneously, as a parasitic symbiote, robbing them of the greater part of their individuality and finally stealing all their experiential memory, some of which he re-invests into new co-incarnations, to continue the process of harvesting as much experiential knowledge for himself for his own future use in his ‘own World’, which he thinks he and his followers can build ‘outside the Game’. He is feeding like a parasite on new incarnates, who are someone else’s children and not his own. He does not know it but the Reptilian Authorities are controlling his mind. He is not going anywhere.
Such parasitic symbiosis is observed only on isolated Worlds like Earth. These parasitic symbiotes harvest the experiential and other knowledge of their hosts but do not share theirs with theirhosts; like wasps laying their eggs in the caterpillars of butterflies and, upon hatching, leave the caterpillars as empty shells; not the butterflies that should be. After the death of the body, the incarnate seizes to exist as an individual soul.
It is futile for anyone to try to build his own independent or rebel World within or without the coordinated Operating System that gives him meaningful existence. The Local System is only one of several billion such Systems in our Super-Galactic system. This SG system is millions of light-years across; yet, compared with the rest of Infinite Space, it is only a mathematical point. Even if one could ‘space-jump’ outside our SG system, which is possible for those that possess the necessary skills, he would find himself as a grain of sand in an infinite desert. Any World he would create would be Virtual Reality scenarios, (without incarnate or other freewill beings), with all the roles played by his own robot creations. In other words, he would simply live in his own fantasizing, playing with himself until he got utterly bored, exhausted and diminished.
Actually, except for those commissioned to Earth from higher up for its sanctification, and those traveling in spaceships and seraphic transporters, nobody of the old denizens of this planet can go astrally or otherwise past the quarantine boundary of our Solar System, which is situated just beyond the asteroid belt. (The quarantine is due to the disaster of the Fifth Planet, like a police cordon around the scene of a crime).